In the previous Elkhorn Creek posts I discussed the overall system architecture, the design of the Creek Board, and the design of CYPI.  In this post I will focus on the software that is running on the Raspberry PI.  The software is divided into two main pieces.

  1. The Backend Server
  2. The Java Server Pages GUI

For this application, most of the software on the Raspberry Pi is written in Java.  In someways this was a strange choice, but I work with a group of guys who are Java programmers and build lots of web based Java applications, so Java it is.

Backend Server

Backend Server

The Backend Server performs the following jobs

  1. Collects data from the PSoC4 via an I2C Master that resides in the Raspberry Pi and stores it into a MySQL Database
  2. Once every 5 minutes creates a chart of the last 8 hours and stores it into a PNG which can be served by the Tomcat GUI
  3. Bootload new firmware into the PSoC4

The first two jobs are run by “Cron” which is a unix utility to trigger jobs automatically.  The cron table on the RPi looks like this:

# m h  dom mon dow   command

* * * * * /home/pi/getCreek/runi2c

0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /home/pi/getCreek/makePNG

The BootloaderHost is triggered via the command line only after new firmware is sent to the RPi.

In future posts I will discuss

  1. The BootloaderHost and the BCM2835 library
  2. runI2C, the JDBC driver and the PI4J library
  3. makePNG including JFreeChart

Java Server Pages (JSP) GUI

Java Server Pages GUI

The user GUI for this system is a webpage that is served by the RPi.  I use the Tomcat Java Server Pages Server.  The JSP page “basic.jsp” creates the table of numbers and loads the graph.  The JSP page “excel.jsp” create a CSV dump of all of the data in the database.  The JSP programs are connected to MySQL a JDBC driver provided by Oracle.  In future posts I will discuss:

  1. The Tomcat installation and configuration
  2. The MySQL installation and configuration
  3. basic.jsp and excel.jsp

Index Description
The Creek: IOT for the Elkhorn Creek Introduction
The Creek: Solution Architecture 1.0 Overall architecture
The Creek: Creek Board 1.1 Eagle layout of the board
The Creek: Creek Board 1.0 – RCCA A discussion of the errors in the 1.0 board
The Creek: CYPI, a Raspberry Pi to Arduino Bridge PSoC4 <--> Raspberry Pi Bridge Board
The Creek: PSoC4 Creator Schematic and Firmware Firmware to interface with the temperature and pressure sensors
The Creek: Testing the Firmware Using tools to verify that the PSoC 4 Firmware is working correctly
The Creek: Testing the Bootloader Make sure that you can load new firmware into the PSoC
The Creek: Software Architecture All of the Raspberry Pi software connections
The Creek: Install MySql Instruction to configure MySql
The Creek: Install Tomcat Instruction to configure Tomcat JSP Server
The Creek: Data Collection Java (Part 1) The Java program that reads the I2C and saves it in the database
The Creek: Data Collection Java (Part 2) The Java program that reads the I2C and saves it in the database
The Creek: Create the Chart with JFreeChart Using open source Java charting software to create plots of the Creek Depth
The Creek: Flood Event Data Processor A batch program to create analyze the database and create a table of flood events
The Creek: Flood Event Web Page A batch program to create the flood event web page
The Creek: Creek Server 1.1 Updates to all of the back off server programs to integrate charts
The Creek: JSP Web Page for The JSP program to make the table and display the website
The Creek: Raspberry Pi Clock Stretching Sorting out a bug in the system having to do with the Broadcomm Raspberry Pi Master not functioning well with clock stretching
The Creek: Creek Server 1.2 Caching the web pages to make them faster

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