Mouser PSoC6-WiFi-BT L5 : GoBLE – BLE Remote Control for the Game

Designing low-power, cloud-connected IoT devices with PSoC® 6 MCU’s and WICED® Wi-Fi/Bluetooth


Although I a like the video game, it is for sure missing something.  That something is IoT.  The first IoT thing that we will do to the game is to add a BLE remote control.  I wanted a pre-done remote control that could be downloaded from the App store.  After looking around a little bit I found GoBle.  I published a detailed article about GoBle here, but I’ll explain enough to make it work with the game.

Here is a screen shot of what the remote control looks like.  You can see that on the left there is a joystick, and on the right there are some buttons.  My son tells me that this is a classic layout for a remote control.

This remote control works as a “Central” meaning it knows how to connect to Peripherals.  For this lesson we will turn on the CYW4343W and make it be a Bluetooth Peripheral.

To implement this lesson I will follow these steps:

  1. Create a folder called “L5GoBle”
  2. Create a makefile called
  3. Setup a GATT database by creating GoBle_db.h and GoBle_db.c
  4. Setup wiced_bt_cfg.c
  5. Create GoBleThread.c
  6. Create GoBle.c to startup the GoBleThread
  7. Build, Program and Test

Create a directory called “L5GoBle”

Create a makefile called

NAME := App_WStudio_L5GoBle

$(NAME)_SOURCES    := GoBle.c \
			          GoBleThread.c \
                      GoBle_db.c \


$(NAME)_COMPONENTS += libraries/drivers/bluetooth/low_energy 

Setup a GATT database by creating GoBle_db.h and GoBle_db.c

Create a file called “GoBle_db.h”

// GoBle_db.h

#ifndef __GATT_DATABASE_H__
#define __GATT_DATABASE_H__

#include "wiced.h"

#define __UUID_GOBLE                                 0xfb, 0x34, 0x9b, 0x5f, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb0, 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00
#define __UUID_GOBLE_SERIALPORTID                    0xfb, 0x34, 0x9b, 0x5f, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb1, 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00

// ***** Primary Service 'Generic Attribute'
#define HDLS_GENERIC_ATTRIBUTE                       0x0001

// ***** Primary Service 'Generic Access'
#define HDLS_GENERIC_ACCESS                          0x0014
// ----- Characteristic 'Device Name'
#define HDLC_GENERIC_ACCESS_DEVICE_NAME              0x0015
// ----- Characteristic 'Appearance'
#define HDLC_GENERIC_ACCESS_APPEARANCE               0x0017

// ***** Primary Service 'GoBle'
#define HDLS_GOBLE                                   0x0028
// ----- Characteristic 'SerialPortId'
#define HDLC_GOBLE_SERIALPORTID                      0x0029
#define HDLC_GOBLE_SERIALPORTID_VALUE                0x002A
// ===== Descriptor 'Client Configuration'

// External definitions
extern const uint8_t  gatt_database[];
extern const uint16_t gatt_database_len;
extern uint8_t BT_LOCAL_NAME[];
extern const uint16_t BT_LOCAL_NAME_CAPACITY;

#endif /* __GATT_DATABASE_H__ */

Create a file called “GoBle.c”

 * This file has been automatically generated by the WICED 20719-B1 Designer.
 * BLE device's GATT database and device configuration.

// GoBle_db.c

#include "GoBle_db.h"

#include "wiced.h"
#include "wiced_bt_uuid.h"
#include "wiced_bt_gatt.h"

** GATT server definitions

const uint8_t gatt_database[] = // Define GATT database
    /* Primary Service 'Generic Attribute' */

    /* Primary Service 'Generic Access' */

    /* Primary Service 'GoBle' */

        /* Characteristic 'SerialPortId' */

            /* Descriptor 'Client Characteristic Configuration' */


// Length of the GATT database
const uint16_t gatt_database_len = sizeof(gatt_database);

Setup wiced_bt_cfg.c

The WICED Bluetooth Configuration file is called “wiced_bt_config.c”.  The only change I made from the default is the timeout value of the advertising.  You can copy this directly into your file.

* This file has been automatically generated by the WICED 20719-B1 Designer.
* Device Configuration.
/** wiced_bt_cfg.c
* Runtime Bluetooth stack configuration parameters
#include "wiced_bt_dev.h"
#include "wiced_bt_ble.h"
#include "wiced_bt_uuid.h"
#include "wiced_bt_gatt.h"
#include "wiced_bt_avrc.h"
#include "wiced_bt_cfg.h"
/* Null-Terminated Local Device Name */
uint8_t BT_LOCAL_NAME[] = { 'G','o','B','l','e','T','e','s','t','\0' };
const uint16_t BT_LOCAL_NAME_CAPACITY = sizeof(BT_LOCAL_NAME);
* wiced_bt core stack configuration
const wiced_bt_cfg_settings_t wiced_bt_cfg_settings =
.device_name =                          (uint8_t*)BT_LOCAL_NAME,                                    /**< Local device name (NULL terminated) */
.device_class =                         {0x00, 0x00, 0x00},                                         /**< Local device class */
.security_requirement_mask =            BTM_SEC_NONE,                                               /**< Security requirements mask (BTM_SEC_NONE, or combination of BTM_SEC_IN_AUTHENTICATE, BTM_SEC_OUT_AUTHENTICATE, BTM_SEC_ENCRYPT */
.max_simultaneous_links =               1,                                                          /**< Maximum number of simultaneous links to different devices */
/* BR/EDR Scan Configuration */
.br_edr_scan_cfg = {
.inquiry_scan_type =                BTM_SCAN_TYPE_STANDARD,                                     /**< Inquiry Scan Type (BTM_SCAN_TYPE_STANDARD or BTM_SCAN_TYPE_INTERLACED) */
.inquiry_scan_interval =            0x0000,                                                     /**< Inquiry Scan Interval (0 to use default) */
.inquiry_scan_window =              0x0000,                                                     /**< Inquiry Scan Window (0 to use default) */
.page_scan_type =                   BTM_SCAN_TYPE_STANDARD,                                     /**< Page Scan Type (BTM_SCAN_TYPE_STANDARD or BTM_SCAN_TYPE_INTERLACED) */
.page_scan_interval =               0x0000,                                                     /**< Page Scan Interval (0 to use default) */
.page_scan_window =                 0x0000,                                                     /**< Page Scan Window (0 to use default) */
/* BLE Scan Settings */
.ble_scan_cfg = {
.scan_mode =                        BTM_BLE_SCAN_MODE_PASSIVE,                                  /**< BLE Scan Mode (BTM_BLE_SCAN_MODE_PASSIVE or BTM_BLE_SCAN_MODE_ACTIVE) */
/* Advertisement Scan Configuration */
.high_duty_scan_interval =          WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_SCAN_INTERVAL,               /**< High Duty Scan Interval */
.high_duty_scan_window =            WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_SCAN_WINDOW,                 /**< High Duty Scan Window */
.high_duty_scan_duration =          5,                                                          /**< High Duty Scan Duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
.low_duty_scan_interval =           WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_SCAN_INTERVAL,                /**< Low Duty Scan Interval */
.low_duty_scan_window =             WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_SCAN_WINDOW,                  /**< Low Duty Scan Window */
.low_duty_scan_duration =           5,                                                          /**< Low Duty Scan Duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
/* Connection Scan Configuration */
.high_duty_conn_scan_interval =     WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_CONN_SCAN_INTERVAL,          /**< High Duty Connection Cycle Connection Scan Interval */
.high_duty_conn_scan_window =       WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_CONN_SCAN_WINDOW,            /**< High Duty Connection Cycle Connection Scan Window */
.high_duty_conn_duration =          30,                                                         /**< High Duty Connection Cycle Connection Duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
.low_duty_conn_scan_interval =      WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_CONN_SCAN_INTERVAL,           /**< Low Duty Connection Cycle Connection Scan Interval */
.low_duty_conn_scan_window =        WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_CONN_SCAN_WINDOW,             /**< Low Duty Connection Cycle Connection Scan Window */
.low_duty_conn_duration =           30,                                                         /**< Low Duty Connection Cycle Connection Duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
/* Connection Configuration */
.conn_min_interval =                WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_CONN_MIN_INTERVAL,                     /**< Minimum Connection Interval */
.conn_max_interval =                WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_CONN_MAX_INTERVAL,                     /**< Maximum Connection Interval */
.conn_latency =                     WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_CONN_LATENCY,                          /**< Connection Latency */
.conn_supervision_timeout =         WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_CONN_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT,              /**< Connection Link Supervision Timeout */
/* BLE Advertisement Settings */
.ble_advert_cfg = {
.channel_map =                      BTM_BLE_ADVERT_CHNL_37 |                                    /**< Advertising Channel Map (mask of BTM_BLE_ADVERT_CHNL_37, BTM_BLE_ADVERT_CHNL_38, BTM_BLE_ADVERT_CHNL_39) */
.high_duty_min_interval =           WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_ADV_MIN_INTERVAL,            /**< High Duty Undirected Connectable Minimum Advertising Interval */
.high_duty_max_interval =           WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_ADV_MAX_INTERVAL,            /**< High Duty Undirected Connectable Maximum Advertising Interval */
.high_duty_duration =               0,                                                         /**< High Duty Undirected Connectable Advertising Duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
.low_duty_min_interval =            WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_ADV_MIN_INTERVAL,             /**< Low Duty Undirected Connectable Minimum Advertising Interval */
.low_duty_max_interval =            WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_ADV_MAX_INTERVAL,             /**< Low Duty Undirected Connectable Maximum Advertising Interval */
.low_duty_duration =                60,                                                         /**< Low Duty Undirected Connectable Advertising Duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
.high_duty_directed_min_interval =  WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_DIRECTED_ADV_MIN_INTERVAL,   /**< High Duty Directed Minimum Advertising Interval */
.high_duty_directed_max_interval =  WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_DIRECTED_ADV_MAX_INTERVAL,   /**< High Duty Directed Maximum Advertising Interval */
.low_duty_directed_min_interval =   WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_DIRECTED_ADV_MIN_INTERVAL,    /**< Low Duty Directed Minimum Advertising Interval */
.low_duty_directed_max_interval =   WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_DIRECTED_ADV_MAX_INTERVAL,    /**< Low Duty Directed Maximum Advertising Interval */
.low_duty_directed_duration =       30,                                                         /**< Low Duty Directed Advertising Duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
.high_duty_nonconn_min_interval =   WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_NONCONN_ADV_MIN_INTERVAL,    /**< High Duty Non-Connectable Minimum Advertising Interval */
.high_duty_nonconn_max_interval =   WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_NONCONN_ADV_MAX_INTERVAL,    /**< High Duty Non-Connectable Maximum Advertising Interval */
.high_duty_nonconn_duration =       30,                                                         /**< High Duty Non-Connectable Advertising Duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
.low_duty_nonconn_min_interval =    WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_NONCONN_ADV_MIN_INTERVAL,     /**< Low Duty Non-Connectable Minimum Advertising Interval */
.low_duty_nonconn_max_interval =    WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_NONCONN_ADV_MAX_INTERVAL,     /**< Low Duty Non-Connectable Maximum Advertising Interval */
.low_duty_nonconn_duration =        0,                                                          /**< Low Duty Non-Connectable Advertising Duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
/* GATT Configuration */
.gatt_cfg = {
.appearance =                       0x0000,                                                     /**< GATT Appearance */
.client_max_links =                 1,                                                          /**< Client Config: Maximum number of servers that local client can connect to */
.server_max_links =                 1,                                                          /**< Server Config: Maximum number of remote client connections allowed by local server */
.max_attr_len =                     512,                                                        /**< Maximum attribute length; wiced_bt_cfg must have a corresponding buffer pool that can hold this length */
.max_mtu_size =                     515,                                                        /**< Maximum MTU size for GATT connections, should be between 23 and (max_attr_len + 5) */
/* RFCOMM Configuration */
.rfcomm_cfg = {
.max_links =                        0,                                                          /**< Maximum number of simultaneous connected remote devices */
.max_ports =                        0,                                                          /**< Maximum Number of simultaneous RFCOMM ports */
/* Application-Managed L2CAP Protocol Configuration */
.l2cap_application = {
.max_links =                        0,                                                          /**< Maximum Number of Application-Managed L2CAP Links (BR/EDR and BLE) */
.max_psm =                          0,                                                          /**< Maximum Number of Application-Managed BR/EDR PSMs */
.max_channels =                     0,                                                          /**< Maximum Number of Application-Managed BR/EDR Channels */
.max_le_psm =                       0,                                                          /**< Maximum Number of Application-Managed LE PSMs */
.max_le_channels =                  0,                                                          /**< Maximum Number of Application-Managed LE Channels */
.max_le_l2cap_fixed_channels =      0,                                                          /**< Maximum Number of Application-Managed LE L2CAP Fixed Channnels supported (in addition to mandatory channels 4, 5, and 6 */
/* Audio/Video Distribution Configuration */
.avdt_cfg = {
.max_links =                        0,                                                          /**< Maximum Number of simultaneous Audio/Video links */
.max_seps =                         0,                                                          /**< Maximum Number of stream end points */
/* AVRC Configuration */
.avrc_cfg = {
.roles =                            0,                                                          /**< Local Roles supported (AVRC_CONN_INITIATOR or AVRC_CONN_ACCEPTOR) */
.max_links =                        0,                                                          /**< Maximum simultaneous Remote Control links */
/* LE Address Resolution Database Settings */
.addr_resolution_db_size =              10,                                                         /**< LE Address Resolution Database Size - Effective only for pre-4.2 controller */
.max_number_of_buffer_pools =           4,                                                          /**< Maximum number of buffer pools in p_btm_cfg_buf_pools and by wiced_create_pool */
.rpa_refresh_timeout =                  0,         /**< Interval of random address refreshing - secs */
* wiced_bt_stack buffer pool configuration
* Configure buffer pools used by the stack
* Pools must be ordered in increasing buf_size.
* If a pools runs out of buffers, the next pool will be used.
const wiced_bt_cfg_buf_pool_t wiced_bt_cfg_buf_pools[WICED_BT_CFG_NUM_BUF_POOLS] =
/*  { buf_size, buf_count, }, */
{ 64,       12,        }, /* Small Buffer Pool */
{ 360,      4,         }, /* Medium Buffer Pool (used for HCI & RFCOMM control messages, min recommended size is 360) */
{ 512,      4,         }, /* Large Buffer Pool  (used for HCI ACL messages) */
{ 1024,     2,         }, /* Extra Large Buffer Pool (used for AVDT media packets and miscellaneous; if not needed, set buf_count to 0) */

Create GoBleThread.c

In  order for the GoBleThread to work you need:

  1. The includes for the GATT Database and the WICED bluetooth stack.
  2. External References to the GATT Database.
  3. A few function prototypes.
  4. A function called “GoBleThread_start” to startup the Bluetooth stack and get things going. This includes providing Bluetooth management and GATT event handler functions.
#include "GoBle_db.h"
#include "wiced.h"
#include "wiced_bt_ble.h"
#include "wiced_bt_gatt.h"
#include "wiced_bt_stack.h"
* Variable Definitions
extern const wiced_bt_cfg_settings_t wiced_bt_cfg_settings;
extern const wiced_bt_cfg_buf_pool_t wiced_bt_cfg_buf_pools[WICED_BT_CFG_NUM_BUF_POOLS];
* Function Prototypes
static wiced_bt_dev_status_t  goble_management_callback    ( wiced_bt_management_evt_t event, wiced_bt_management_evt_data_t *p_event_data );
static void                   goble_set_advertisement_data ( void );
static wiced_bt_gatt_status_t goble_event_handler          ( wiced_bt_gatt_evt_t  event, wiced_bt_gatt_event_data_t *p_event_data );
* Function Definitions
void GoBleThread_start(void)
wiced_bt_stack_init(goble_management_callback, &wiced_bt_cfg_settings, wiced_bt_cfg_buf_pools);

Create a function to setup the advertising data.  The GoBle iOS App looks for Peripherals that are advertising the UUID of the GoBLE Service.

/* Set Advertisement Data */
void goble_set_advertisement_data( void )
wiced_bt_ble_advert_elem_t adv_elem[3] = { 0 };
uint8_t num_elem = 0; 
/* Advertisement Element for Flags */
adv_elem[num_elem].advert_type = BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_FLAG;
adv_elem[num_elem].len = sizeof(uint8_t);
adv_elem[num_elem].p_data = &adv_flag;
uint8_t gobleuuid[] = {__UUID_GOBLE};
/* Advertisement Element for Name */
adv_elem[num_elem].advert_type = BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_128SRV_COMPLETE;
adv_elem[num_elem].len = 16;
adv_elem[num_elem].p_data = gobleuuid;
/* Set Raw Advertisement Data */
wiced_bt_ble_set_raw_advertisement_data(num_elem, adv_elem);

The Bluetooth Management Event Handler needs to take actions when the stack turns on, or one of the pairing events occur.

/* Bluetooth Management Event Handler */
wiced_bt_dev_status_t goble_management_callback( wiced_bt_management_evt_t event, wiced_bt_management_evt_data_t *p_event_data )
wiced_bt_dev_status_t status = WICED_BT_SUCCESS;
switch (event)
wiced_bt_gatt_register( goble_event_handler );
wiced_bt_gatt_db_init( gatt_database, gatt_database_len );
wiced_bt_start_advertisements(BTM_BLE_ADVERT_UNDIRECTED_HIGH, 0, NULL);
wiced_bt_ble_security_grant(p_event_data->security_request.bd_addr, WICED_BT_SUCCESS);
p_event_data->pairing_io_capabilities_ble_request.local_io_cap = BTM_IO_CAPABILITIES_NONE;
p_event_data->pairing_io_capabilities_ble_request.oob_data = BTM_OOB_NONE;
p_event_data->pairing_io_capabilities_ble_request.auth_req = BTM_LE_AUTH_REQ_NO_BOND;
wiced_bt_dev_confirm_req_reply( WICED_BT_SUCCESS , p_event_data->user_confirmation_request.bd_addr);
WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Paired linke keys\n"));
status = WICED_BT_ERROR;
WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Unhandled Bluetooth Management Event: 0x%x (%d)\n", event, event));
return status;

The GATT Event Handler is called

  1. When a connection is made or terminated
  2. When the GoBle app writes to your GATT database.  When that happens we will just printout the value that was written
/* GATT Event Handler */
wiced_bt_gatt_status_t goble_event_handler( wiced_bt_gatt_evt_t event, wiced_bt_gatt_event_data_t *p_event_data )
wiced_bt_gatt_status_t status = WICED_BT_GATT_ERROR;
wiced_bt_gatt_attribute_request_t *p_attr_req = NULL;
switch ( event )
wiced_bt_start_advertisements(BTM_BLE_ADVERT_UNDIRECTED_HIGH, 0, NULL);
p_attr_req = &p_event_data->attribute_request;
if( p_attr_req->request_type == GATTS_REQ_TYPE_WRITE  && p_attr_req->data.handle == HDLC_GOBLE_SERIALPORTID_VALUE)
uint32_t numButtons = p_attr_req->data.write_req.p_val[3];
uint32_t sliderY = p_attr_req->data.write_req.p_val[5+numButtons];
uint32_t sliderX = p_attr_req->data.write_req.p_val[6+numButtons];
uint32_t buttonMask = 0x00;
for(int i=0;i<numButtons;i++)
buttonMask |= (1<<p_attr_req->data.write_req.p_val[5+i]);
WPRINT_APP_INFO(("# Buttons = %d ButtonMask=%02X Slider x=%02X Slider Y=%02X Raw=",(int)numButtons,(unsigned int)buttonMask,(unsigned int)sliderX,(unsigned int)sliderY));
for(int i=0;i<p_attr_req->data.write_req.val_len;i++)
WPRINT_APP_INFO(("%02X ",p_attr_req->data.write_req.p_val[i]));
return status;

Create GoBleThread.h

#pragma once
extern void GoBleThread_start(void);

Create GoBle.c to startup the GoBleThread

#include "GoBleThread.h"
#include "wiced.h"
* Function Definitions
void application_start(void)

Build, Program and Test

Mouser PSoC6-WiFi-BT L4 : The Video Game

Designing low-power, cloud-connected IoT devices with PSoC® 6 MCU’s and WICED® Wi-Fi/Bluetooth


In this lesson I’ll finish the video game thread by adding the graphics etc. to play the game.  In addition I’ll fix up the CapSense thread so that it is connected to the game via an RTOS queue.

There are three main things going on in this game.

  1. A state machine for the game screen (Splash, Start, Running, Over)
  2. A 20ms timer that updates the screen while the game is running (moves the Paddle and the Ball)
  3. A GUI queue where the rest of the system – CapSense,  Bluetooth and WiFi – can send Button and Paddle messages.

To implement this project I will:

  1. Setup the project and makefile by copying L3CapSenseTft
  2. Update gamethread.h to define the GUI queue messages
  3. Fix main.c to create the queue
  4. Create SystemGlobal.h to give the rest of the files access to the gui queue
  5. Updating the CapSenseThread to send GUI messages
  6. Update the includes in GameThread.c
  7. Add some #define macros to define game parameters
  8. Add a State Machine for the game & define some paddle movement methods
  9. Make forward declarations for the thread functions
  10. Create some variables to maintain game state
  11. Add display functions for the score and the speed
  12. Add functions to start and end the game
  13. Add helper functions to calculate the top and bottom of the paddle
  14. Add a function to update and draw the paddle
  15. Add a function to update and draw the ball
  16. Add a function for the game timer to call
  17. Update the main game thread

Setup the project and makefile by copying L3CapSenseTft

Use copy/paste to copy the L3CapSenseTft project to a new folder name L4Game.   Change the name of the makefile to be

Edit the makefile and change the name of the application.

NAME := App_WStudio_L4Game
$(NAME)_SOURCES := main.c \
CapSenseThread.c \
GameThread.c \
$(NAME)_COMPONENTS := graphics/ugui

Create a make target for this project

Update GameThread.h to Define the GUI Messages

All of the threads in the system (CapSense, Bluetooth, and WiFi) will control the paddle and the button by sending messages to an RTOS queue.  In gameThread.h we will add a definition of that message.  The message is just a structure with two values – which GUI element and what value to send.

#pragma once
#include "wiced.h"
typedef enum {
} game_evt_t;
typedef struct {
game_evt_t evt;
uint32_t val;
} game_msg_t;
void gameThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg);

Fix main.c to Create the Queue

I typically believe that the RTOS primitives should be owned by the main.c.  To do this edit main.c and fix the includes.

#include "GameThread.h"
#include "wiced.h"
#include "CapSenseThread.h"
#include "SystemGlobal.h"

Then define the queue variable “paddleQueue” which I should have names “guiQueue” but it is way to late to fix it now — oh well.

*               Variable Definitions
wiced_thread_t blinkThreadHandle;
wiced_thread_t capSenseThreadHandle;
wiced_thread_t gameThreadHandle;
wiced_queue_t paddleQueue;

Create the queue

void application_start( )
wiced_init( );
wiced_rtos_create_thread(&blinkThreadHandle,7,"Blink Thread",pdlBlinkThread,500,0);
wiced_rtos_create_thread(&capSenseThreadHandle,7,"CapSense Thread",capSenseThread,1024,0);
wiced_rtos_create_thread(&gameThreadHandle,7,"game Thread",gameThread,4096,0);

Create SystemGlobal.h

Each of the threads in the system need to have access to the paddleQueue.  In order to do that create a file called SystemGlobal.h and extern the variable to give them that access.

#pragma once
extern wiced_queue_t paddleQueue;

Updating the CapSenseThread to send GUI messages

Remember that when we setup the CapSenseThread originally, it just printed out the values.  Let’s fix it so send messages.  So, edit CapSenseThread.c.

  1. Add a message variable (line 8)
  2. Fix the button0 and button 1 to make and send RTOS messages (lines 20/21 and 26/27)
  3. Fix the slider to send the position (lines 33-35)
#include "wiced.h"
#include "GameThread.h"
#include "SystemGlobal.h"
void capSenseThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg)
game_msg_t msg;
msg.evt = MSG_BUTTON0;
msg.evt = MSG_BUTTON1;
uint32_t val = CapSense_GetCentroidPos(CapSense_LINEARSLIDER0_WDGT_ID);
if(val < 0xFFFF)
msg.evt = MSG_POSITION;
msg.val = val;
wiced_rtos_delay_milliseconds(25); // Poll every 25ms (actual scan time ~8ms)

Update the includes in GameThread.c

Now let’s fix GameThread.c.  Start by editing the includes to add a new file called “SystemGlobal.h” which contains the global variable for the GUI queue.

#include "GameThread.h"
#include "cy_tft_display.h"
#include "SystemGlobal.h"
#include "ugui.h"

Add some #define macros in GameThread.c

There are a number of constants which I use in the game.  In this section I use #define macros to define them.

#define UPDATE_SCREEN_TIME (20) // Update the screen every 20ms
#define SPEED (2)
#define SCREEN_X (320)
#define SCREEN_Y (240)
#define TOP_FIELD (21)
#define PD_WIDTH (10)
#define PD_LEN (70)
#define DOTS (3)
#define BALL_SIZE (10)

Add a State Machine for the Game & Define Paddle Movement

Open up GameThread.c – all of the game control functions will go there.

There will be four screens in the game.  A splash screen to display Cypress and Mouser, a Ready Player 1 Screen, the actual game screen and a game over screen.

In addition the paddle can move a little bit at a time (increment) or jump directly to the position (absolute)

// States of the game
typedef enum {
} game_state_t;
// Methods to move the paddle
typedef enum {
} paddle_update_t;

Fix the gameState statemachine

In the splash screen I need to set the state machine to GS_SPLASH

static void displaySplashScreen()
gameState = GS_SPLASH;
UG_FontSelect( &FONT_22X36 );
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/5*3,22,36,"PSoC 6");
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/5*4,22,36,"WICED 4343");

In the start screen I need to set the state machine to GS_START

// Display the Start Screen
static void  displayStartScreen()
gameState = GS_START;
UG_FillScreen( C_BLACK );
UG_FontSelect( &FONT_22X36 );
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/2 -2 - 18 ,22,36,"Ready");
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/2 + 2 + 18 ,22,36,"Player 1");

Make Forward Declarations for Functions

You should define the functions in advance of using them

*               Static Function Declarations
static void UG_PutStringCenter(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t fontx, uint32_t fonty,char *string);
static void displaySplashScreen();
static void displayStartButton();
static void  displayStartScreen();
static void displayScore();
static void displaySpeed();
static void endGame();
static inline uint32_t calcPaddleTop();
static inline uint32_t calcPaddleBottom();
static void updatePaddle(paddle_update_t type);
static void updateBall();
static void updateScreen(void *arg);

Create some variables to maintain game state

The updateScreenTimer is used while the game is running to call the updateScreen every 20ms.  The rest of the variables are self explanatory.

*               Variable Definitions
static UG_GUI   gui;
static wiced_timer_t updateScreenTimer;
static uint32_t gameScore;
static game_state_t gameState;
// position of the paddle
static uint32_t paddle0_desire_pos=0;
static uint32_t paddle0_cur_pos=0;
// Position, direction and speed of the ball
static uint32_t ballx,bally;
static int32_t ballXdir, ballYdir;
static uint32_t ballSpeed;

Add Display Functions for the Score & Speed

These two functions print the speed and score at the top of the screen.

// This function displays the score
static void displayScore()
char buff[10];
sprintf(buff,"%2X",(unsigned int)gameScore);
UG_PutString( 75, 0, buff);
// This function displays the speed
static void displaySpeed()
char buff[10];
sprintf(buff,"%2X",(unsigned int)ballSpeed-1);
UG_PutString( 275, 0, buff);

Add Function to Start the Game

When the game needs to start you:

  1. Reset the score
  2. Set the paddle position
  3. Move the ball to the middle of the paddle
  4. Set the ball to move to the right and down
  5. Clear the screen, display score and speed
  6. Start the game running
// This function initializes everything and starts a new game
static void startGame()
gameScore = 0;
paddle0_desire_pos = 50; // start the game with the paddle moving
paddle0_cur_pos = 0;
ballx = PD_WIDTH ;                   // start the ball on the paddle on the right of the screen
bally  = calcPaddleTop() + PD_LEN/2; // start the ball in the middle of the paddle
ballSpeed = SPEED;
ballXdir = ballSpeed;
ballYdir = ballSpeed;
UG_FillScreen( C_BLACK );  // clear screen
UG_PutString( 0, 0,  "Score:");
UG_DrawLine(0,20,SCREEN_X,20,C_RED); // red line under text to represent top of play screen
gameState = GS_RUNNING;
wiced_rtos_start_timer(&updateScreenTimer); // Timer to update screen

Add Function to End the Game

When the game is over you should:

  1. Move the game state to over
  2. Stop the timer
  3. Display game over
  4. Display press button 0 to start
// Stop the game
static void endGame()
gameState = GS_OVER;
UG_FontSelect( &FONT_22X36 );
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/2,22,36,"Game Over");

Add Helper Functions to Calculate Paddle Top & Bottom

There are two places where you need to know the position of the Paddle.  Specifically:

  1. To draw the paddle
  2. To figure out if the ball hit the paddle or not.

These two functions calculate the pixel position of the top and bottom of the paddle based on it current position

// Figure out the y position of the top of the paddle
static inline uint32_t calcPaddleTop()
return (paddle0_cur_pos)*DOTS+TOP_FIELD;
// Figure out the y position of the bottom of the paddle
static inline uint32_t calcPaddleBottom()
return (paddle0_cur_pos)*DOTS+PD_LEN+TOP_FIELD;

Add a Function to Update & Draw the Paddle

While the game is running you need the paddle to move.  There are two methods:

  1. Absolute just moves the current position immediately to the desired position.
  2. Incremental, which moves the paddle a little bit towards the desired position.
// Move the paddle either to : PADDLE_INCREMENT the next location or PADDLE_ABSOLUTE - final location
static void updatePaddle(paddle_update_t type)
// If the paddle is where it is supposed to be then just return
if(paddle0_cur_pos == paddle0_desire_pos)
// erase the current paddle
switch (type)
if(paddle0_cur_pos < paddle0_desire_pos)
paddle0_cur_pos += SPEED;
paddle0_cur_pos -= SPEED;
// If the paddle is within one move of the final spot, put it there
if(abs((int)paddle0_cur_pos-(int)paddle0_desire_pos) < SPEED)
paddle0_cur_pos = paddle0_desire_pos;
paddle0_cur_pos = paddle0_desire_pos;
// draw the paddle

Add a function to update and draw the ball

You need a function to:

  1. Move the ball
  2. Figure out if it hit the right/left/top/bottom of the screen and do the right thing.

When the ball hits one of those surfaces it needs to change direction to either plus or minus.

Every time it hits the paddle the score should increase and possibly speed up.

If it misses the paddle the game is over.

// Move the ball to the next location
static void updateBall()
static const uint32_t BallFudgeFactor=3;
ballx += ballXdir;
bally += ballYdir;
// Check to see if the ball hit the far right side
if(ballx > SCREEN_X - BALL_SIZE)
ballXdir = -ballSpeed;
// check to see if the ball hit the far left side... or the paddle
if(ballx < (BALL_SIZE + PD_WIDTH + BallFudgeFactor))
// See if the ball missed the paddle
if(bally + BALL_SIZE < calcPaddleTop() || bally - BALL_SIZE > calcPaddleBottom())
//WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Missed Paddle\r\n"));
gameScore = gameScore + 1;
if(gameScore % 3 == 0) // Speed up every three hits
ballSpeed +=1;
ballx = BALL_SIZE + PD_WIDTH + BallFudgeFactor;
ballXdir = +ballSpeed;
// Check to see if the ball hit the top or bottom
if(bally > SCREEN_Y - BALL_SIZE) // bottom
ballYdir = -ballSpeed;
if(bally < TOP_FIELD+BALL_SIZE) // top
ballYdir = +ballSpeed;

Create a Function for the Game Timer

An RTOS timer runs every 20ms.  That timer needs a function to move the paddle and move the ball.

// This function is called every UPADTE_SCREEN_TIME milliseconds by the updateScreenTimer
static void updateScreen(void *arg)

Update the Main Game Thread

The main game thread needs to get messages out of the queue and then do the right thing based on the game state.

// Main game thread
void gameThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg)
game_msg_t msg;
Cy_TFT_Init();                                             // Init the TFT
UG_Init( &gui, Cy_TFT_displayDriver, SCREEN_X, SCREEN_Y ); // Connect the driver
UG_FillScreen( C_BLACK );   // Clear the screen
UG_SetBackcolor( C_BLACK );
UG_SetForecolor( C_WHITE );
if(gameState == GS_RUNNING)
paddle0_desire_pos = msg.val/2;
if(gameState == GS_OVER)
paddle0_desire_pos = msg.val/2;
if(gameState == GS_OVER || gameState == GS_START)

Program and Test

Now that it is all done… program and test it.


Here is the whole thread is here so you can copy/paste it into your file.

#include "GameThread.h"
#include "cy_tft_display.h"
#include "SystemGlobal.h"
#include "ugui.h"
*                      Macros
#define UPDATE_SCREEN_TIME (20) // Update the screen every 20ms
#define SPEED (2)
#define SCREEN_X (320)
#define SCREEN_Y (240)
#define TOP_FIELD (21)
#define PD_WIDTH (10)
#define PD_LEN (70)
#define DOTS (3)
#define BALL_SIZE (10)
*                    Constants
*                   Enumerations
*                 Type Definitions
// States of the game
typedef enum {
} game_state_t;
// Methods to move the paddle
typedef enum {
} paddle_update_t;
*                    Structures
*               Static Function Declarations
static void UG_PutStringCenter(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t fontx, uint32_t fonty,char *string);
static void displaySplashScreen();
static void displayStartButton();
static void  displayStartScreen();
static void displayScore();
static void displaySpeed();
static void endGame();
static inline uint32_t calcPaddleTop();
static inline uint32_t calcPaddleBottom();
static void updatePaddle(paddle_update_t type);
static void updateBall();
static void updateScreen(void *arg);
*               Variable Definitions
static UG_GUI   gui;
static wiced_timer_t updateScreenTimer;
static uint32_t gameScore;
static game_state_t gameState;
// position of the paddle
static uint32_t paddle0_desire_pos=0;
static uint32_t paddle0_cur_pos=0;
// Position, direction and speed of the ball
static uint32_t ballx,bally;
static int32_t ballXdir, ballYdir;
static uint32_t ballSpeed;
*               Functions
// ARH Function to put text in the center of a point (UG_PutString does upper left)
static void UG_PutStringCenter(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t fontx, uint32_t fonty,char *string)
y = y - fonty/2;
x = x - (strlen(string)/2)*fontx;
x = x - fontx/2;
// Display the splash screen
static void displaySplashScreen()
gameState = GS_SPLASH;
UG_FontSelect( &FONT_22X36 );
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/5*3,22,36,"PSoC 6");
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/5*4,22,36,"WICED 4343");
// This function displays the start button message
static void displayStartButton()
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2 , SCREEN_Y - 30 ,12,22,  "Press B0 To Start");
// Display the Start Screen
static void  displayStartScreen()
gameState = GS_START;
UG_FillScreen( C_BLACK );
UG_FontSelect( &FONT_22X36 );
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/2 -2 - 18 ,22,36,"Ready");
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/2 + 2 + 18 ,22,36,"Player 1");
// This function displays the score
static void displayScore()
char buff[10];
sprintf(buff,"%2X",(unsigned int)gameScore);
UG_PutString( 75, 0, buff);
// This function displays the speed
static void displaySpeed()
char buff[10];
sprintf(buff,"%2X",(unsigned int)ballSpeed-1);
UG_PutString( 275, 0, buff);
// This function initializes everything and starts a new game
static void startGame()
gameScore = 0;
paddle0_desire_pos = 50; // start the game with the paddle moving
paddle0_cur_pos = 0;
ballx = PD_WIDTH ;                   // start the ball on the paddle on the right of the screen
bally  = calcPaddleTop() + PD_LEN/2; // start the ball in the middle of the paddle
ballSpeed = SPEED;
ballXdir = ballSpeed;
ballYdir = ballSpeed;
UG_FillScreen( C_BLACK );  // clear screen
UG_PutString( 0, 0,  "Score:");
UG_DrawLine(0,20,SCREEN_X,20,C_RED); // red line under text to represent top of play screen
gameState = GS_RUNNING;
wiced_rtos_start_timer(&updateScreenTimer); // Timer to update screen
// Stop the game
static void endGame()
gameState = GS_OVER;
UG_FontSelect( &FONT_22X36 );
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/2,22,36,"Game Over");
// Figure out the y position of the top of the paddle
static inline uint32_t calcPaddleTop()
return (paddle0_cur_pos)*DOTS+TOP_FIELD;
// Figure out the y position of the bottom of the paddle
static inline uint32_t calcPaddleBottom()
return (paddle0_cur_pos)*DOTS+PD_LEN+TOP_FIELD;
// Move the paddle either to : PADDLE_INCREMENT the next location or PADDLE_ABSOLUTE - final location
static void updatePaddle(paddle_update_t type)
// If the paddle is where it is supposed to be then just return
if(paddle0_cur_pos == paddle0_desire_pos)
// erase the current paddle
switch (type)
if(paddle0_cur_pos < paddle0_desire_pos)
paddle0_cur_pos += SPEED;
paddle0_cur_pos -= SPEED;
// If the paddle is within one move of the final spot, put it there
if(abs((int)paddle0_cur_pos-(int)paddle0_desire_pos) < SPEED)
paddle0_cur_pos = paddle0_desire_pos;
paddle0_cur_pos = paddle0_desire_pos;
// draw the paddle
// Move the ball to the next location
static void updateBall()
static const uint32_t BallFudgeFactor=3;
ballx += ballXdir;
bally += ballYdir;
// Check to see if the ball hit the far right side
if(ballx > SCREEN_X - BALL_SIZE)
ballXdir = -ballSpeed;
// check to see if the ball hit the far left side... or the paddle
if(ballx < (BALL_SIZE + PD_WIDTH + BallFudgeFactor))
// See if the ball missed the paddle
if(bally + BALL_SIZE < calcPaddleTop() || bally - BALL_SIZE > calcPaddleBottom())
//WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Missed Paddle\r\n"));
gameScore = gameScore + 1;
if(gameScore % 3 == 0) // Speed up every three hits
ballSpeed +=1;
ballx = BALL_SIZE + PD_WIDTH + BallFudgeFactor;
ballXdir = +ballSpeed;
// Check to see if the ball hit the top or bottom
if(bally > SCREEN_Y - BALL_SIZE) // bottom
ballYdir = -ballSpeed;
if(bally < TOP_FIELD+BALL_SIZE) // top
ballYdir = +ballSpeed;
// This function is called every UPADTE_SCREEN_TIME milliseconds by the updateScreenTimer
static void updateScreen(void *arg)
// Main game thread
void gameThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg)
game_msg_t msg;
Cy_TFT_Init();                                             // Init the TFT
UG_Init( &gui, Cy_TFT_displayDriver, SCREEN_X, SCREEN_Y ); // Connect the driver
UG_FillScreen( C_BLACK );   // Clear the screen
UG_SetBackcolor( C_BLACK );
UG_SetForecolor( C_WHITE );
if(gameState == GS_RUNNING)
paddle0_desire_pos = msg.val/2;
if(gameState == GS_OVER)
paddle0_desire_pos = msg.val/2;
if(gameState == GS_OVER || gameState == GS_START)


Mouser PSoC 6-WiFi-BT L3: Using the CY8CKIT-028-TFT Shield

Designing low-power, cloud-connected IoT devices with PSoC® 6 MCU’s and WICED® Wi-Fi/Bluetooth


In this lesson we will start making the game.  The first thing that it will need is a display and we will use the CY8CKIT-028-TFT.  In order to talk to the display we will use a library built into WICED called ugui.  That library needs a driver configuration which we will copy of out the code example we provide.  Finally we will start building a thread called the “GameThread” which will actually make up the game.

  1. Download CE222494_PSoC6_WICED_WiFi
  2. Copy the L2CapSense into L3CapSenseTft
  3. Copy cy_tft_display.c/h into the project
  4. Make a file GameThread.h
  5. Make a file GameThread.c
  6. Rename to be & Fix
  7. Update main.c
  8. Test

Download CE222494_PSoC6_WICED_WiFi

If you click on the CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT webpage you will find that there are a bunch of files which are associated with the development kit, including CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit Code

Download that folder, then copy the directory into your WICED Studio Apps/WStudio folder.

Once you do that it should look like this:

Copy L3CapSense into L3CapSenseTft

Now copy/paste the L2CapSense project into a new project called L3CapSenseTft

Copy cy_tft_display.c/h into the project

Open up the CE222494 code example directory and copy the two files cy_tft_display.c andcy_tft_display.c which are drivers for the ugui library and then paste them into your new project L3CapSenseTft.

Make a file GameThread.h

Create a new file called GamThread.h and a definition of the GameThread which will be used by the main.c to get the game thread going.

#pragma once
#include "wiced.h"
void gameThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg);

Make a file GameThread.c

Now create a file called GameThread.c it will have 5 functions.  Here is the whole file to make it simpler to copy and paste, but Ill explain each function one by one

#include "GameThread.h"
#include "cy_tft_display.h"
#define SCREEN_X (320)
#define SCREEN_Y (240)
static UG_GUI   gui;
// ARH Function to put text in the center of a point (UG_PutString does upper left)
static void UG_PutStringCenter(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t fontx, uint32_t fonty,char *string)
y = y - fonty/2;
x = x - (strlen(string)/2)*fontx;
x = x - fontx/2;
// Display the splash screen
static void displaySplashScreen()
UG_FontSelect( &FONT_22X36 );
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/5*3,22,36,"PSoC 6");
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/5*4,22,36,"WICED 4343");
// This function displays the start button message
static void displayStartButton()
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2 , SCREEN_Y - 30 ,12,22,  "Press B0 To Start");
// Display the Start Screen
static void  displayStartScreen()
UG_FillScreen( C_BLACK );
UG_FontSelect( &FONT_22X36 );
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/2 -2 - 18 ,22,36,"Ready");
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/2 + 2 + 18 ,22,36,"Player 1");
// Main game thread
void gameThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg)
Cy_TFT_Init();                                             // Init the TFT
UG_Init( &gui, Cy_TFT_displayDriver, SCREEN_X, SCREEN_Y ); // Connect the driver
UG_FillScreen( C_BLACK );   // Clear the screen
UG_SetBackcolor( C_BLACK );
UG_SetForecolor( C_WHITE );

The main game thread function is: void gameThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg).  This function

  1. Initializes the TFT
  2. Initializes the UGUI library
  3. Clears the screen (by setting it all black)
  4. Sets the colors to draw white on black
  5. Displays the splash screen (which takes 2 seconds)
  6. Displays the start screen
  7. Waits until the end of time
// Main game thread
void gameThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg)
Cy_TFT_Init();                                             // Init the TFT
UG_Init( &gui, Cy_TFT_displayDriver, SCREEN_X, SCREEN_Y ); // Connect the driver
UG_FillScreen( C_BLACK );   // Clear the screen
UG_SetBackcolor( C_BLACK );
UG_SetForecolor( C_WHITE );

The function displaySplashScreen simply sets the font, then draws 4 text strings, then waits for a few seconds… then moves on

// Display the splash screen
static void displaySplashScreen()
UG_FontSelect( &FONT_22X36 );
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/5*3,22,36,"PSoC 6");
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/5*4,22,36,"WICED 4343");

The displayStartScreen put the “Ready Player 1 on the screen” and then tells the user to press the B0 to start the game.

// This function displays the start button message
static void displayStartButton()
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2 , SCREEN_Y - 30 ,12,22,  "Press B0 To Start");
// Display the Start Screen
static void  displayStartScreen()
UG_FillScreen( C_BLACK );
UG_FontSelect( &FONT_22X36 );
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/2 -2 - 18 ,22,36,"Ready");
UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/2 + 2 + 18 ,22,36,"Player 1");

The U8G_PutString function uses coordinates x and y to set the upper left of the text.  For formatting purposes it is easier for me to think about the middle of the string.  This function just calculates the upper left (x,y) given the middle center (x,y).  To do this you need to also know the (x,y) size of the font.

static void UG_PutStringCenter(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t fontx, uint32_t fonty,char *string)

// ARH Function to put text in the center of a point (UG_PutString does upper left)
static void UG_PutStringCenter(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t fontx, uint32_t fonty,char *string)
y = y - fonty/2;
x = x - (strlen(string)/2)*fontx;
x = x - fontx/2;

Rename to be & Fix

To make this build we need to modify the makefile to know about the new thread as well as the tft driver.  In addition we need to tell the linker to link with the graphics library.

NAME := App_WStudio_L3CapSenseTft
$(NAME)_SOURCES := 	main.c \
CapSenseThread.c \
GameThread.c \
$(NAME)_COMPONENTS := graphics/ugui

Update main.c

In main.c I will:

  1. Include the GameThread.h
  2. Add a variable to hold the gameThreadHandle
  3. Then start the gameThread
#include "wiced.h"
#include "CapSenseThread.h"
#include "GameThread.h"
*                      Macros
*                    Constants
*                   Enumerations
*                 Type Definitions
*                    Structures
*               Static Function Declarations
*               Variable Definitions
wiced_thread_t blinkThreadHandle;
wiced_thread_t capSenseThreadHandle;
wiced_thread_t gameThreadHandle;
*               Function Definitions
void pdlBlinkThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg)
void application_start( )
WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Started Application\n"));
wiced_rtos_create_thread(&blinkThreadHandle,7,"Blink Thread",pdlBlinkThread,500,0);
wiced_rtos_create_thread(&capSenseThreadHandle,7,"CapSense Thread",capSenseThread,1024,0);
wiced_rtos_create_thread(&gameThreadHandle,7,"game Thread",gameThread,4096,0);


Now it is ready to test.  So create a Make Target, then Build and Program.  Hopefully you are now Ready Player 1.


Mouser PSoC 6-WiFi-BT L2 : WICED Studio & CapSense

Designing low-power, cloud-connected IoT devices with PSoC® 6 MCU’s and WICED® Wi-Fi/Bluetooth


In this lesson we will build your first WICED Studio project (the blinking LED)  and make sure that you can program the development kit.  Then we will update the project to include a thread for managing the CapSense block.  This thread will be carried into the other projects.

To implement this lesson I will follow these steps:

  1. Start WICED Studio 6.2
  2. Select 43xxx
  3. Create a folder called L2CapSense
  4. Create main.c and build a blinking LED thread
  5. Create
  6. Create a make target
  7. Build Program and test it
  8. Create CapSenseThread.c
  9. Create CapSenseThread.h
  10. Update main.c
  11. Update the makefile
  12. Build Program and Test

Create the L2CapSense Folder

Create main.c

Right click on the folder and create a new file.  Name it L2CapSense

Insert the blinking LED code into main.c

#include "wiced.h"
*                      Macros
*                    Constants
*                   Enumerations
*                 Type Definitions
*                    Structures
*               Static Function Declarations
*               Variable Definitions
wiced_thread_t blinkThreadHandle;
*               Function Definitions
void pdlBlinkThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg)
void application_start( )
WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Started Application\n"));
wiced_rtos_create_thread(&blinkThreadHandle,7,"Blink Thread",pdlBlinkThread,500,0);


Create a makefile called

Put the build information into the

NAME := App_WStudio_L2CapSense
$(NAME)_SOURCES := 	main.c

Create a Make Target to run the project

Build and Test the Blinking LED

Create/Edit a File called CapSenseThread.c

#include "wiced.h"
void capSenseThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg)
WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Button 0 Active\n"));
WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Button 1 Active\n"));
uint32_t val = CapSense_GetCentroidPos(CapSense_LINEARSLIDER0_WDGT_ID);
if(val < 0xFFFF)
WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Slider = %d\n",(int)val));
wiced_rtos_delay_milliseconds(25); // Poll every 25ms (actual scan time ~8ms)

Create/Edit a File Called CapSenseThread.h

#pragma once
#include "wiced.h"
void capSenseThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg);

Update main.c

#include "wiced.h"
#include "CapSenseThread.h"

Add a variable to hold the handle for the capSenseThread at the top of main.c

wiced_thread_t capSenseThreadHandle;

Update the main function to start the CapSenseThread

void application_start( )
WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Started Application\n"));
wiced_rtos_create_thread(&blinkThreadHandle,7,"Blink Thread",pdlBlinkThread,500,0);
wiced_rtos_create_thread(&capSenseThreadHandle,7,"CapSense Thread",capSenseThread,1024,0);

Update the

NAME := App_WStudio_L2CapSense
$(NAME)_SOURCES := 	main.c \

Build, Program and Test the CapSenseThread



Mouser PSoC 6-WiFi-BT L1 : Developer Resources

Designing low-power, cloud-connected IoT devices with PSoC® 6 MCU’s and WICED® Wi-Fi/Bluetooth


This is an index of links to all of the PSoC 6 & CYW4343W learning resources.  You can click the links to go the website or see screen captures of the resources.

  1. PSoC 6 Product Page
  2. WiFi + Bluetooth Combo Product Page
  3. PSoC 6 Documentation
  4. PSoC 6 Community
  5. Wireless Combo Community
  6. CY8CKIT-062-BT-WiFi Development Kit Product Page
  7. CY8CKIT-062-BT-WiFi Development Kit Guide
  8. PSoC 6 Datasheet
  9. CYW4343W Datasheet
  10. PSoC 6 Technical Reference Manuals
  11. PSoC 6 Application Notes
  12. WiFi + Bluetooth Combo Application Notes
  13. PSoC 6 Code Examples
  14. Video Tutorials
  15. PSoC 6 Knowledge Base
  16. Peripheral Driver Library Documentation (Doxygen)
  17. WICED Documentation

PSoC 6 Product Page

You can find the PSoC 6 Product landing page for PSoC 6 here

WiFi + Bluetooth Combo Page

PSoC 6 Documentation

On the PSoC 6 Product Landing page there is a documentation tab that has links to all of the current documentation.

PSoC 6 Community

Cypress has an active development community and forum.  It can be found here.

Wireless WiFi + Bluetooth Combo Community

CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT Development Kit Web Page

Every Cypress development kit has a web page that contains all of the information about it, including links to the documentation and store.  The CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT kit page is here.

CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT Development Kit Guide

You can find the development kit guide here.


PSoC 6 Datasheet

The PSoC 6 Datasheet is available on here.


CYW4343W Datasheet

The CYW4343W datasheet can be found here.

PSoC 6 Technical Reference Manual

Each of the PSoC 6 devices has a lengthy discussion of the Technical Resources.  These documents can be found here

PSoC 6 Application Notes

You can get them all on our website… here is a link to the filtered list of PSoC 6 Application Notes.

The best application note is always the “Getting Started”.  In this case it is AN210781 “Getting Started with PSoC 6 MCU with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Connectivity”

WiFi + Bluetooth Combo Application Notes

Here is a link to all of the WiFI Bluetooth Combo Application Notes.

PSoC 6 Code Examples

You can find all of the PSoC 6 code examples on the web.  In addition they are built into PSoC Creator.

Or in PSoC Creator:


Cypress has made a bunch of videos that take you step by step through an introduction to PSoC 6.  You can find them on the Cypress training website.

PSoC 6 Knowledge Base

The Cypress technical support team writes “Knowledge Base” articles when there are repeated issues reported by customers.  You can find them here.

Peripheral Driver Library Documentation (Doxygen)

All of the APIs in the PDL are documented in a Doxygen generated HTML document.  You can get there from

  • Help -> Peripheral Driver Library (this link is live only when you have a PSoC 6 project open)
  • Right click on a component -> Open PDL Documentation

Mouser PSoC 6-WiFi-BT L0 : Designing low-power, cloud-connected IoT devices with PSoC® 6 MCU’s and WICED® Wi-Fi/Bluetooth


Hello everyone.  This is lesson 0 of a series of 9 lessons about creating applications for the Cypress CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BLE development kit.  The marketing guys call the class “Designing low-power, cloud-connected IoT devices with PSoC® 6 MCU’s and WICED® Wi-Fi/Bluetooth” … which although a really long name, is a good description of what we are going to do.

What I will do today is take you lesson by lesson through the class and talk about how it all works and what you need to do.  When I built the class it was absolutely my goal to have every button click and line of code described.  That being said,  it is likely that I made some errors.  So, during the class you will be able to send messages to my team who will answer the questions, or ask me and Ill answer live.  If you missed the class, that’s OK, you will be able to watch it on replay.  In addition if you have a question after the live stream is over, leave a comment here and Ill answer.

I will attempt to go slowly enough for you to follow along, but if I go to fast, don’t worry you should be able to follow along with the instructions on this website.

Todays virtual workshop is going to go like this.  Every lesson will have this table in it and you will be able to click to the right place.

Designing low-power, cloud-connected IoT devices with PSoC® 6 MCU’s and WICED® Wi-Fi/Bluetooth

You will need a few things for this class:

  • CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT
  • WICED Studio 6.2
  • CySmart or LightBlue a BLE
  • GoBle an iOS Remote Control App
  • An Amazon AWS IoT Account
  • A WiFi Access Point connected to the Internet


All of the projects in this series of lesson will be built to be programmed onto a CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT.  You can get the development kit from Mouser.  This development kit has a bunch of cool stuff including

  • PSoC 6 – The lowest power, most secure MCU for the IoT
  • CYW4343W – A WICED WiFi Bluetooth Combo Radio
  • S25FL512SAGMFI011 – A Cypress 512Mb Quad SPI Flash
  • CCG2 – A Cypress Type C Controller to manage Power

The CY8CKIT-028-TFT a full color 320×240 TFT display with an ST7789S display controller.

Here is the whole thing together

WICED Studio 6.2

This class is build around WICED Studio 6.2, the Cypress IDE built on top of Eclipse.  WICED Studio has all of the tools, examples and SDKs to build projects for the Cypress WICED Bluetooth and WiFi products.  We support Windows, Mac and Linux and you can download it from our community website: (which I hope you have done by now)

CySmart or LightBlue a BLE

CySmart is a BLE GATT Browser which you can get from the iOS App store or the Google Play store



GoBle an iOS Remote Control App

GoBle is a Robot Remote Control App which can be downloaded from the iOS App Store.

An Amazon AWS IoT Account

In order to connect Amazon AWS IoT you will need to create an Amazon AWS Account.  It is essentially free to test you simple applications (obviously there are fees if you deploy many devices)


GoBLE Remote Control – WICED Bluetooth Implementation


I will be teaching a video training workshop for Mouser on October 24. In the class I am going to show a bunch of Bluetooth things running on PSoC6 with WICED.  Given that Bluetooth has two sides of a connection I wanted something that people could download from the iOS App Store to interact with my PSoC6/4343W design that looked like a remote control.  And, I found a program called GoBLE which was developed by a company called DF Robot to control their robots.  Here is a screenshot from my iPhone where you can see that it has four buttons on the right, a joystick on the left and two buttons in the middle.

I watched their youtube video, and it seems great… but how does it work?  And how do I make a WICED Bluetooth project to work with it?

GoBLE Documentation

So, how does the App work to send button/joystick commands?  Well, if you press the little “i” in the App, it will take you to this screen.  You can see that it sends a variable length packet of data that tells you which buttons are being pressed and where the joystick location is in x & y.  OK… but that doesn’t really tell you what to do on the Bluetooth Peripheral side.

If you look around on the internet you will find on GitHub a place where they tell you what the BLE Services/Characteristics need to look like: (sort of).

What they appear to have meant is that the SerialPortId and Command Id Characteristic need to have the GATT properties Read, WriteWithoutResponse, Write and Notify properties and that you need the Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor for both Characteristics.  In the WICED application (that I will show you in the next section) that I build to test the remote control, they do not appear to use the CCCD or Read properties.  In addition they only use the Serial Port Id characteristic.  In fact if you do not include that Characteristic, it will still work.  The bottom line is that you database should look like this (in WICED).

    /* Primary Service 'RobotService' */
/* Characteristic 'SerialPortId' */
/* Descriptor 'Client Characteristic Configuration' */

The good news is they do service discovery and didn’t depend on a hardcoded handle.

WICED 20719 Implementation

Start by using the Bluetooth Designer to make a new project for the 20719-B1, which I will run on a CYW920719Q40EVB_01.

Click on the add Service button.

Add a Service Name as GoBLE, and then type in the UUID for the service, 0000dfb0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb.  Notice that you need to do UUIDs as little endian.

The next step is to add a characteristic.

Name the Characteristic SerialPortId and setup the UUID  0000dfb1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (once again little endian)

Now you need to configure the Characteristic properties to match the specification.

After all that is done, press the generate code button to build the project.  Now you will need to edit a little bit of code.  Start by enabling the PUART.

/* Set the Debug UART as WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_NONE to get rid of prints */
//  wiced_set_debug_uart( WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_NONE );
/* Set Debug UART as WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_PUART to see debug traces on Peripheral UART (PUART) */
wiced_set_debug_uart( WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_PUART );
/* Set the Debug UART as WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_WICED_UART to send debug strings over the WICED debug interface */
//wiced_set_debug_uart( WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_WICED_UART );

The iPhone App recognizes you as a peripheral by seeing the Service UUID advertised.  Unfortunately whoever wrote the advertising packet parser assumed that the Service UUID was first (which it doesn’t have to be).  If you notice I added the name of the device to the advertising packet… but while I was trying to figure that out I put a #if 1 / #endif around that part of the packet.  (notice that on line 178 I modified it the number of packet elements to be 3.

/* Set Advertisement Data */
void gobletest_set_advertisement_data( void )
wiced_bt_ble_advert_elem_t adv_elem[3] = { 0 };
uint8_t num_elem = 0; 
/* Advertisement Element for Flags */
adv_elem[num_elem].advert_type = BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_FLAG;
adv_elem[num_elem].len = sizeof(uint8_t);
adv_elem[num_elem].p_data = &adv_flag;
uint8_t gobleuuid[] = {__UUID_GOBLE};
/* Advertisement Element for Name */
adv_elem[num_elem].advert_type = BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_128SRV_COMPLETE;
adv_elem[num_elem].len = 16;
adv_elem[num_elem].p_data = gobleuuid;
#if 1
/* Advertisement Element for Name */
adv_elem[num_elem].advert_type = BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_NAME_COMPLETE;
adv_elem[num_elem].len = strlen((const char*)BT_LOCAL_NAME);
adv_elem[num_elem].p_data = BT_LOCAL_NAME;
/* Set Raw Advertisement Data */
wiced_bt_ble_set_raw_advertisement_data(num_elem, adv_elem);

When the App writes to the 20719 you will get a callback in the function “goble_server_callback”.  To figure it out I print out the raw data, as well as the parsed version.

/* GATT Server Event Callback */
wiced_bt_gatt_status_t gobletest_server_callback( uint16_t conn_id, wiced_bt_gatt_request_type_t type, wiced_bt_gatt_request_data_t *p_data )
wiced_bt_gatt_status_t status = WICED_BT_GATT_ERROR;
switch ( type )
status = gobletest_read_handler( &p_data->read_req, conn_id );
if(p_data->write_req.handle == HDLC_GOBLE_SERIALPORTID_VALUE)
WICED_BT_TRACE("Activate = ");
for(int i=0;i<p_data->write_req.val_len;i++)
WICED_BT_TRACE("%02X ",p_data->write_req.p_val[i]);
uint32_t numButtons = p_data->write_req.p_val[3];
uint32_t sliderX = p_data->write_req.p_val[5+numButtons];
uint32_t sliderY = p_data->write_req.p_val[6+numButtons];
uint32_t buttonMask = 0x00;
for(int i=0;i<numButtons;i++)
buttonMask |= (1<<p_data->write_req.p_val[5+i]);
WICED_BT_TRACE("# Buttons = %d ButtonMask=%X Slider x=%X Slider Y=%X\n",numButtons,buttonMask,sliderX,sliderY);
status = gobletest_write_handler( &p_data->write_req, conn_id );
return status;

In the file wiced_bt_cfg.c modify the advertising duration to “0” which means never timeout.

   /* BLE Advertisement Settings */
.ble_advert_cfg = {
.channel_map =                      BTM_BLE_ADVERT_CHNL_37 |                                    /**< Advertising Channel Map (mask of BTM_BLE_ADVERT_CHNL_37, BTM_BLE_ADVERT_CHNL_38, BTM_BLE_ADVERT_CHNL_39) */
.high_duty_min_interval =           WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_ADV_MIN_INTERVAL,            /**< High Duty Undirected Connectable Minimum Advertising Interval */
.high_duty_max_interval =           WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_ADV_MAX_INTERVAL,            /**< High Duty Undirected Connectable Maximum Advertising Interval */
.high_duty_duration =               0,                                                         /**< High Duty Undirected Connectable Advertising Duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */

Now that is all done I can program the development kit.  The phone immediately recognizes the kit.  And, when I press the buttons you can see that they are printed out.  You can see that I pressed two buttons at a time to start, then I moved the slider around.

OK.  All good.


Mouser Video Training Workshop – October 24

On October 24, I will be teaching a Mouser video training workshop … live streaming on the internet.  The workshop will be about PSoC, WICED, WiFi and Bluetooth.  I am going to show PSoC Creator, WICED Studio and Cypress’s new development tool Modus Toolbox.

You can register for the workshop at this link.

I am going to build the whole class around the CY8CKIT-062-BLE-WiFi Development Kit.  You can get the devlopment kit from Mouser.

Here is the introduction:



WICED 20719 BLE Central Custom Profile w/LED & CapSense – Part 2


In the previous article I showed you how to create a BLE Central that could attach to a BLE peripheral that is advertising a custom service.  Then, I showed you how to write values to the LED Characteristic in the Peripheral GATT Server.  In this article Ill show you how to set the CCCD and what happens when the Peripheral notifies.

The steps to build this project will be as follows

  1. Create a new project with copy/paste
  2. Write the CCCD
  3. Handle the new GATT Events

Create a new project by copy/paste

I wanted to have three different projects for each of the steps in this series of articles.  To create the 2nd example (the subject of this article) Ill just do a copy/paste and then fix a few things.  Start with the copy.

When you paste it will ask you to give a new name to the directory.

Give the main file a new name, in this case ex02CCCD.c

And create a new make target.

Fix the makefile with the new name of the source file.

Build and test to make sure that everything still works…. and it seems to.

Write the CCCD

The Peripheral that we are talking to in this example has a CapSense Characteristic that has a Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptors, also known as the CCCD.   When you set the CCCD to 1, the Peripheral will then send you notifications anytime the underlying Characteristic changes.  WICED has some utility functions to help you interact with the remote GATT server.  To add them to your project, first include the header file.

#include "wiced_bt_gatt_util.h"

Then modify your makefile to include the library.

$(NAME)_COMPONENTS += gatt_utils_lib.a

To actually turn on/off the CCCD you simply call the library function wiced_bt_util_set_gatt_client_config_descriptor.  Ill add a case ‘n’ to turn on notifications and a case ‘N’ to turn them off.  Notice the 0x12 is hardcoded in two places, something which is really bad and Ill fix in the next article.  Don’t forget to add the two cases to the help message.

     case 'n':
if(conn_id )
wiced_bt_util_set_gatt_client_config_descriptor(conn_id,0x12,1); // Very bad hardcode 0x12
case 'N':
if(conn_id )
wiced_bt_util_set_gatt_client_config_descriptor(conn_id,0x12,0); // Very bad hardcode 0x12
case '?':
/* Print help */
WICED_BT_TRACE( "+------- Available Commands -------+\n" );
WICED_BT_TRACE( "|  n    CCCD On                    |\n" );
WICED_BT_TRACE( "|  N    CCCD Off                   |\n" );

Now when I test… I can press the ‘n’ to set the CCCD.  When I touch the CapSense slider I seem to get a whole bunch of “Unknown GATT Event 1″s (we will figure that out in just a bit).  So it seems to be working.  When I press ‘N’ I don’t get the messages.

Is there something special about the function wiced_bt_util_set_gatt_client_config_descriptor?  Nope.  If you right click on it, you can look at the source code.  This code looks exactly like the “writeLed” function that we wrote in the previous example.  The only difference is that instead of allocating a buffer using wiced_bt_get_buffer the author of this function allocated the buffer on the stack.

* Format and send GATT Write Request to set value of a G
wiced_bt_gatt_status_t wiced_bt_util_set_gatt_client_config_descriptor(uint16_t conn_id, uint16_t handle, uint16_t value)
wiced_bt_gatt_status_t status;
uint8_t                buf[sizeof(wiced_bt_gatt_value_t) + 1];
wiced_bt_gatt_value_t *p_write = ( wiced_bt_gatt_value_t* )buf;
uint16_t               u16 = value;
// Allocating a buffer to send the write request
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
p_write->handle   = handle;
p_write->offset   = 0;
p_write->len      = 2;
p_write->auth_req = GATT_AUTH_REQ_NONE;
p_write->value[0] = u16 & 0xff;
p_write->value[1] = (u16 >> 8) & 0xff;
// Register with the server to receive notification
status = wiced_bt_gatt_send_write (conn_id, GATT_WRITE, p_write);
return status;

Handle the new GATT Events

In the screenshot of the serial terminal above you can see a bunch of “Unknown GATT Event 1”.  What is that?  To figure that out, right click on the GATT_CONNECTION_EVT and go to declaration.

This will take you to this enumeration, which shows all of the possible GATT events.  And, in this table you can see that 0x01 is GATT_OPERATION_CPLT_EVT.

/** GATT events */
typedef enum
GATT_CONNECTION_STATUS_EVT,                         /**< GATT connection status change. Event data: #wiced_bt_gatt_connection_status_t */
GATT_OPERATION_CPLT_EVT,                            /**< GATT operation complete. Event data: #wiced_bt_gatt_event_data_t */
GATT_DISCOVERY_RESULT_EVT,                          /**< GATT attribute discovery result. Event data: #wiced_bt_gatt_discovery_result_t */
GATT_DISCOVERY_CPLT_EVT,                            /**< GATT attribute discovery complete. Event data: #wiced_bt_gatt_event_data_t */
GATT_ATTRIBUTE_REQUEST_EVT,                         /**< GATT attribute request (from remote client). Event data: #wiced_bt_gatt_attribute_request_t */
GATT_CONGESTION_EVT                                 /**< GATT congestion (running low in tx buffers). Event data: #wiced_bt_gatt_congestion_event_t */
} wiced_bt_gatt_evt_t;

So, lets update the GATT Event handler for that case.  What Ill do is just printout the information that is sent (which is of type wiced_bt_gatt_event_data_t).

// When you get something back from the peripheral... print it out.. and all of its data
WICED_BT_TRACE("Gatt Event Complete Conn=%d Op=%d status=0x%X Handle=0x%X len=%d Data=",
for(int i=0;i<p_data->operation_complete.response_data.att_value.len;i++)
WICED_BT_TRACE("%02X ",p_data->operation_complete.response_data.att_value.p_data[i]);

After I program the CYW920719Q40EVB_01 you can see that things seem to be working.  Specifically, I found the peripheral, connected to it, set the CCCD for CapSense, then pressed the CapSense slider on the Peripheral.  Notice that after I set the CCCD, I get an event complete with op=3 and handle=0x12.  This is the write response message for the CCCD handle. (remember the hardcoded 0x12 from above).

The other thing to see is that each time there is CapSense update, the Peripheral sends out a notification of handle 0x11 with the current CapSense slider value.  Notice that the slider value is little endian.  You can see the last value is 0xFFFF which is a no touch in CapSense.

The “op” is just one of the enumerated values from the list below.  You can see the 0x06 is Notification.  And 0x03 is Write.

/** GATT client operation type, used in client callback function
enum wiced_bt_gatt_optype_e
GATTC_OPTYPE_NONE             = 0,    /**< None      */
GATTC_OPTYPE_DISCOVERY        = 1,    /**< Discovery */
GATTC_OPTYPE_READ             = 2,    /**< Read      */
GATTC_OPTYPE_WRITE            = 3,    /**< Write     */
GATTC_OPTYPE_EXE_WRITE        = 4,    /**< Execute Write */
GATTC_OPTYPE_CONFIG           = 5,    /**< Configure */
GATTC_OPTYPE_NOTIFICATION     = 6,    /**< Notification */
GATTC_OPTYPE_INDICATION       = 7     /**< Indication */

You can find all of the source code for these projects at 

WICED 20719 BLE Central Custom Profile w/LED & CapSense – Part 1


Last year I posted an article about making a BLE Central using PSoC 4 BLE.  Recently, I got a comment from a reader who was interested in the source code to the PSoC 4 BLE project which made me think of BLE Centrals again, especially because in the last several months I have spent a significant amount of time writing a book about WICED BLE.  Given all that, it only made sense to create a WICED BLE Central that mimics the PSoC Central from the original article.

In the original article I made a connection to a PSoC4 BLE that was acting as a Peripheral with a Vendor Specific Service which I called “ledcapsense”.  Then Central could then turn on/off an LED, and get notifications when the CapSense changed.  In this series of articles I will make a connection to that same PSoC 4 BLE device, except that I will use a WICED CYW920719Q40EVB_01.

CYW920719Q40EVB_01 20719

I will breakup this article into three parts

  1. Find the Peripheral, make a connection, write the GATT database to set the LED to 0 & 1
  2. Add the ability set the the CCCD for the CapSense Characteristic
  3. Perform Service Discovery

This first article will be broken up into the following steps

  1. Make a New Project Using Bluetooth Designer
  2. Remove all of the unused Advertising Code
  3. Add a PUART Command Line Handler
  4. Make the Central Scan for Peripheral Devices
  5. Make the Connection & Disconnect
  6. Write the LED Characteristic

Make a New Project Using Bluetooth Designer

It is easiest to let the Bluetooth Designer create a template project for me.  To do this, pick WICED Bluetooth Designer from the File->New menu.

PSoC Creator BLE Customizer

Give a project name of ex01ScanConnect and choose the 20719-B1

WICED Studio

Turn off the GATT database and then press Generate Code

WICED Studio Bluetooth Designer

This will make a project in the top level Apps folder, but I want i to be in the WICED_Central directory, so cut and paste it.

WICED Studio Bluetooth Designer

Now it looks like this:

WICED Studio Bluetooth Designer

I want to make sure the project will build, so Ill set the debug traces to go to the the PUART

/* Set the Debug UART as WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_NONE to get rid of prints */
//  wiced_set_debug_uart( WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_NONE );
/* Set Debug UART as WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_PUART to see debug traces on Peripheral UART (PUART) */
wiced_set_debug_uart( WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_PUART );
/* Set the Debug UART as WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_WICED_UART to send debug strings over the WICED debug interface */
//wiced_set_debug_uart( WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_WICED_UART );

Then I create a make target for the project

WICED Studio Make Target

Next, lets make sure that it works.

WICED Studio

Everything seems OK… although it is advertising, which I don’t want to do.  But that is easy enough to fix.

WICED 20719 Test

Remove all of the Advertising code

Lets get rid of all of the advertising code.  First Ill remove the function prototypes for “…_set_advertisement_data” and “…_advertisement_stopped”

* Function Prototypes
static void                  ex01scanconnect_app_init               ( void );
static wiced_bt_dev_status_t ex01scanconnect_management_callback    ( wiced_bt_management_evt_t event, wiced_bt_management_evt_data_t *p_event_data );
static void                  ex01scanconnect_set_advertisement_data ( void );
static void                  ex01scanconnect_advertisement_stopped  ( void );
static void                  ex01scanconnect_reset_device           ( void );
static uint32_t              hci_control_process_rx_cmd             ( uint8_t* p_data, uint32_t len );
static void                  ex01scanconnect_trace_callback         ( wiced_bt_hci_trace_type_t type, uint16_t length, uint8_t* p_data );

Then Ill delete everything from “…set_pairable_mode” on line 128 down through the two functions ending on line 169

    /* Allow peer to pair */
wiced_bt_set_pairable_mode(WICED_TRUE, 0);
/* Set Advertisement Data */
/* Start Undirected LE Advertisements on device startup.
* The corresponding parameters are contained in 'wiced_bt_cfg.c' */
/* TODO: Make sure that this is the desired behavior. */
wiced_bt_start_advertisements(BTM_BLE_ADVERT_UNDIRECTED_HIGH, 0, NULL);
/* Set Advertisement Data */
void ex01scanconnect_set_advertisement_data( void )
wiced_bt_ble_advert_elem_t adv_elem[2] = { 0 };
uint8_t num_elem = 0; 
/* Advertisement Element for Flags */
adv_elem[num_elem].advert_type = BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_FLAG;
adv_elem[num_elem].len = sizeof(uint8_t);
adv_elem[num_elem].p_data = &adv_flag;
/* Advertisement Element for Name */
adv_elem[num_elem].advert_type = BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_NAME_COMPLETE;
adv_elem[num_elem].len = strlen((const char*)BT_LOCAL_NAME);
adv_elem[num_elem].p_data = BT_LOCAL_NAME;
/* Set Raw Advertisement Data */
wiced_bt_ble_set_raw_advertisement_data(num_elem, adv_elem);
/* This function is invoked when advertisements stop */
void ex01scanconnect_advertisement_stopped( void )
WICED_BT_TRACE("Advertisement stopped\n");
/* TODO: Handle when advertisements stop */

In the Bluetooth Management Callback function you dont need the local variable p_adv_mode (line 145) so delete it.

/* Bluetooth Management Event Handler */
wiced_bt_dev_status_t ex01scanconnect_management_callback( wiced_bt_management_evt_t event, wiced_bt_management_evt_data_t *p_event_data )
wiced_bt_dev_status_t status = WICED_BT_SUCCESS;
wiced_bt_device_address_t bda = { 0 };
wiced_bt_dev_ble_pairing_info_t *p_ble_info = NULL;
wiced_bt_ble_advert_mode_t *p_adv_mode = NULL;

And, because you are not advertising, you don’t need to handle that callback so delete this block of code.

/* Advertisement State Changed */
p_adv_mode = &p_event_data->ble_advert_state_changed;
WICED_BT_TRACE("Advertisement State Change: %d\n", *p_adv_mode);
if ( BTM_BLE_ADVERT_OFF == *p_adv_mode )

Now run the make target again to make sure you didn’t break anything.

After programming, things still seem to work.

WICED 20719 Test

Add PUART Command Line Handler

In this project I am going to make keyboard commands to do the different things.  In order to make all of that work, Ill include the HAL for the PUART.

#include "wiced_hal_puart.h"

Then Ill add a function prototype for the callback for the receive data handler (line 59)

* Function Prototypes
static void                  ex01scanconnect_app_init               ( void );
static wiced_bt_dev_status_t ex01scanconnect_management_callback    ( wiced_bt_management_evt_t event, wiced_bt_management_evt_data_t *p_event_data );
static uint32_t              hci_control_process_rx_cmd             ( uint8_t* p_data, uint32_t len );
static void                  ex01scanconnect_trace_callback         ( wiced_bt_hci_trace_type_t type, uint16_t length, uint8_t* p_data );
static void rx_cback( void *data )

In the application init function Ill initialize the PUART and setup a callback for keys from the serial port.

void ex01scanconnect_app_init(void)
/* Initialize Application */
/* Initialize the UART for input */
wiced_hal_puart_init( );
wiced_hal_puart_flow_off( );
wiced_hal_puart_set_baudrate( 115200 );
/* Enable receive and the interrupt */
wiced_hal_puart_register_interrupt( rx_cback );
/* Set watermark level to 1 to receive interrupt up on receiving each byte */
wiced_hal_puart_set_watermark_level( 1 );

And create a new function called “rx_cback” which will be called when a key is pressed.  In this case the only key to process is ‘?’ which will print out the help.

void rx_cback( void *data )
uint8_t  readbyte;
uint32_t focus;
/* Read one byte from the buffer and (unlike GPIO) reset the interrupt */
wiced_hal_puart_read( &readbyte );
switch (readbyte)
case '?':
/* Print help */
WICED_BT_TRACE( "+------- Available Commands -------+\n" );
WICED_BT_TRACE( "|  ?    Print Commands             |\n" );
WICED_BT_TRACE( "+----------------------------------+\n" );

Program it again and make sure that the ‘?’ works

WICED 20719 Test

Make the Central Scan for Peripheral Devices

You might recall that the PSoC 4 CapSense BLE Peripheral is advertising a “Service UUID” that is my custom service.  Here is a picture of the advertising packet customizer from PSoC Creator.

PSoC Creator Component Customizer

If you look in the PSoC Creator project in the Generated Source file ble_gatt.c you will find C-Declarations of the UUIDs for the ledcapsense service, the led characteristic and the capsense characteristic.

const uint8 cyBle_attUuid128[][16u] = {
/* ledcapsense */
{ 0xF0u, 0x34u, 0x9Bu, 0x5Fu, 0x80u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x80u, 0x00u, 0x10u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u },
/* led */
{ 0xF1u, 0x34u, 0x9Bu, 0x5Fu, 0x80u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x80u, 0x00u, 0x10u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u },
/* capsense */
{ 0xF2u, 0x34u, 0x9Bu, 0x5Fu, 0x80u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x80u, 0x00u, 0x10u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u },

I copy that byte array for ledcapsense into my project so that I can match against it.

static const uint8_t matchServiceUUID[] = {0xF0 ,0x34 ,0x9B ,0x5F ,0x80 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x80 ,0x00 ,0x10 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 };

The way that the WICED scanner works is that it will give you a callback every time it hears a Peripheral advertisement packet.  It passes you the pointer to some information about what device it heard (p_scan_result), as well as the raw bytes of the advertising packet (p_adv_data).  WICED has a function called “wiced_bt_ble_check_advertising_data” which will search through the raw advertising data looking for a field of the type you specify.  If found, the function will return a pointer to the raw data.  In this case I’m looking for a field of type “BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_128SRV_COMPLETE”, in other words, a device that is advertising that it has a 128-uuid service as available on that device.

All this function does is, if I find that field in the advertising packet and the service UUID matches the capsenseled UUID, then I print out that I found it.

// This function is called when an advertising packet is received.
void newAdvCallback(wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t *p_scan_result, uint8_t *p_adv_data)
uint8_t length;
uint8_t *serviceUUID = wiced_bt_ble_check_advertising_data(p_adv_data,BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_128SRV_COMPLETE,&length);
if(serviceUUID && memcmp(serviceUUID,matchServiceUUID,16) == 0)
WICED_BT_TRACE("Host = %B Found Service UUID\r\n ",p_scan_result->remote_bd_addr);

At the bottom of the project, Ill add ‘s’ to start scanning and ‘S’ to stop scanning.

    switch (readbyte)
case 's':
WICED_BT_TRACE( "Scan On\r\n" );
case 'S':
WICED_BT_TRACE( "Scan Off\r\n" );

And don’t forget to update the help.

        WICED_BT_TRACE( "|  s    Turn on Scanning           |\n" );
WICED_BT_TRACE( "|  S    Turn off Scanning          |\n" );

When I run the make target everything appears to be working.  First I press ‘?’ and the help is correct.  Then I press ‘s’ to start scanning.  It immediately (and repeatedly) finds my device.

WICED 20719 Test

What is the unhandled Bluetooth Management Event: 0x16 (22)?  You can find the answer to that question by right clicking on the wiced_bt_management_event_t and “Open Declaration”

WICED Studio

That will take you to the “wiced_bt_dev.h” file in this enumeration.  On line 683 you will see the “BTM_BLE_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED_EVT” which you are getting a callback every time the scan state changes.

enum wiced_bt_management_evt_e {
/* Bluetooth status events */
BTM_ENABLED_EVT,                                /**< Bluetooth controller and host stack enabled. Event data: wiced_bt_dev_enabled_t */
BTM_DISABLED_EVT,                               /**< Bluetooth controller and host stack disabled. Event data: NULL */
BTM_POWER_MANAGEMENT_STATUS_EVT,                /**< Power management status change. Event data: wiced_bt_power_mgmt_notification_t */
#ifdef WICED_X
BTM_RE_START_EVT,                             /**< Bluetooth controller and host stack re-enabled. Event data: tBTM_ENABLED_EVT */
/* Security events */
BTM_PIN_REQUEST_EVT,                            /**< PIN request (used only with legacy devices). Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_name_and_class_t */
BTM_USER_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST_EVT,              /**< received USER_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST event (respond using #wiced_bt_dev_confirm_req_reply). Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_user_cfm_req_t */
BTM_PASSKEY_NOTIFICATION_EVT,                   /**< received USER_PASSKEY_NOTIFY event. Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_user_key_notif_t */
BTM_PASSKEY_REQUEST_EVT,                        /**< received USER_PASSKEY_REQUEST event (respond using #wiced_bt_dev_pass_key_req_reply). Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_user_key_req_t */
BTM_KEYPRESS_NOTIFICATION_EVT,                  /**< received KEYPRESS_NOTIFY event. Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_user_keypress_t */
BTM_PAIRING_IO_CAPABILITIES_BR_EDR_REQUEST_EVT, /**< Requesting IO capabilities for BR/EDR pairing. Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_bredr_io_caps_req_t */
BTM_PAIRING_IO_CAPABILITIES_BR_EDR_RESPONSE_EVT,/**< Received IO capabilities response for BR/EDR pairing. Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_bredr_io_caps_rsp_t */
BTM_PAIRING_IO_CAPABILITIES_BLE_REQUEST_EVT,    /**< Requesting IO capabilities for BLE pairing. Slave can check peer io capabilities in event data before updating with local io capabilities. Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_ble_io_caps_req_t */
BTM_PAIRING_COMPLETE_EVT,                       /**< received SIMPLE_PAIRING_COMPLETE event. Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_pairing_cplt_t */
BTM_ENCRYPTION_STATUS_EVT,                      /**< Encryption status change. Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_encryption_status_t */
BTM_SECURITY_REQUEST_EVT,                       /**< Security request (respond using #wiced_bt_ble_security_grant). Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_security_request_t */
BTM_SECURITY_FAILED_EVT,                        /**< Security procedure/authentication failed. Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_security_failed_t */
BTM_SECURITY_ABORTED_EVT,                       /**< Security procedure aborted locally, or unexpected link drop. Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_name_and_class_t */
BTM_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA_COMPLETE_EVT,           /**< Result of reading local OOB data (wiced_bt_dev_read_local_oob_data). Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_local_oob_t */
BTM_REMOTE_OOB_DATA_REQUEST_EVT,                /**< OOB data from remote device (respond using #wiced_bt_dev_remote_oob_data_reply). Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_remote_oob_t */
BTM_PAIRED_DEVICE_LINK_KEYS_UPDATE_EVT,         /**< Updated remote device link keys (store device_link_keys to  NV memory). This is the place to 
verify that the correct link key has been generated. Event data: #wiced_bt_device_link_keys_t */
BTM_PAIRED_DEVICE_LINK_KEYS_REQUEST_EVT,        /**< Request for stored remote device link keys (restore device_link_keys from NV memory). If successful, return WICED_BT_SUCCESS. Event data: #wiced_bt_device_link_keys_t */
BTM_LOCAL_IDENTITY_KEYS_UPDATE_EVT,             /**< Update local identity key (stored local_identity_keys NV memory). Event data: #wiced_bt_local_identity_keys_t */
BTM_LOCAL_IDENTITY_KEYS_REQUEST_EVT,            /**< Request local identity key (get local_identity_keys from NV memory). If successful, return WICED_BT_SUCCESS. Event data: #wiced_bt_local_identity_keys_t */
BTM_BLE_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED_EVT,                 /**< BLE scan state change. Event data: #wiced_bt_ble_scan_type_t */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_STATE_CHANGED_EVT,               /**< BLE advertisement state change. Event data: #wiced_bt_ble_advert_mode_t */
/* BLE Secure Connection events */
BTM_SMP_REMOTE_OOB_DATA_REQUEST_EVT,            /**< SMP remote oob data request. Reply using wiced_bt_smp_oob_data_reply. Event data: wiced_bt_smp_remote_oob_req_t  */
BTM_SMP_SC_REMOTE_OOB_DATA_REQUEST_EVT,         /**< LE secure connection remote oob data request. Reply using wiced_bt_smp_sc_oob_reply. Event data: #wiced_bt_smp_sc_remote_oob_req_t */
BTM_SMP_SC_LOCAL_OOB_DATA_NOTIFICATION_EVT,     /**< LE secure connection local OOB data (wiced_bt_smp_create_local_sc_oob_data). Event data: #wiced_bt_smp_sc_local_oob_t*/
BTM_SCO_CONNECTED_EVT,                          /**< SCO connected event. Event data: #wiced_bt_sco_connected_t */
BTM_SCO_DISCONNECTED_EVT,                       /**< SCO disconnected event. Event data: #wiced_bt_sco_disconnected_t */
BTM_SCO_CONNECTION_REQUEST_EVT,                 /**< SCO connection request event. Event data: #wiced_bt_sco_connection_request_t */
BTM_SCO_CONNECTION_CHANGE_EVT,					/**< SCO connection change event. Event data: #wiced_bt_sco_connection_change_t */
BTM_BLE_CONNECTION_PARAM_UPDATE                 /**< BLE connection parameter update. Event data: #wiced_bt_ble_connection_param_update_t */
typedef uint8_t wiced_bt_management_evt_t;          /**< Bluetooth management events (see #wiced_bt_management_evt_e) */

You notice that the event parameter is of type “wiced_bt_ble_scan_type_t”.  When I right click, I find its definition is this:

enum wiced_bt_ble_scan_type_e
BTM_BLE_SCAN_TYPE_NONE,         /**< Stop scanning */
BTM_BLE_SCAN_TYPE_HIGH_DUTY,    /**< High duty cycle scan */
BTM_BLE_SCAN_TYPE_LOW_DUTY      /**< Low duty cycle scan */

Now I can add a case to the Bluetooth Management callback to handle the case “BTM_BLE_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED_EVT”.  All it does it look at the parameter and print it out.

WICED_BT_TRACE("Scan State Change: ");
if(p_event_data->ble_scan_state_changed == BTM_BLE_SCAN_TYPE_NONE)
else if (p_event_data->ble_scan_state_changed == BTM_BLE_SCAN_TYPE_HIGH_DUTY)
else if(p_event_data->ble_scan_state_changed == BTM_BLE_SCAN_TYPE_LOW_DUTY)

OK now when I run the program and start scanning I get this.  Which makes good sense.

WICED 20719 Test

But if I run the scanning for a while, I get this.  Why does it do this transition to “BTM_BLE_SCAN_TYPE_LOW_DUTY”?

WICED 20719 Test

The answer to that question can be found on line 53 of “wiced_bt_cfg.c”.  That “5” means scan at high duty cycle for 5 seconds, then go to low duty cycle scanning for 5 more seconds then stops scanning.  This is done to save power as scanning is very current consuming.  If you want to keep scanning forever, change those values to 0 (which means stay in that mode forever)

    /* BLE Scan Settings */
.ble_scan_cfg = {
.scan_mode =                        BTM_BLE_SCAN_MODE_PASSIVE,                                  /**< BLE Scan Mode (BTM_BLE_SCAN_MODE_PASSIVE or BTM_BLE_SCAN_MODE_ACTIVE) */
/* Advertisement Scan Configuration */
.high_duty_scan_interval =          WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_SCAN_INTERVAL,               /**< High Duty Scan Interval */
.high_duty_scan_window =            WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_SCAN_WINDOW,                 /**< High Duty Scan Window */
.high_duty_scan_duration =          5,                                                          /**< High Duty Scan Duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
.low_duty_scan_interval =           WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_SCAN_INTERVAL,                /**< Low Duty Scan Interval */
.low_duty_scan_window =             WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_SCAN_WINDOW,                  /**< Low Duty Scan Window */
.low_duty_scan_duration =           5,                                                          /**< Low Duty Scan Duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */

Make the Connection

Now that I have found a device, how do I make a connection?  Simple, call wiced_bt_gatt_connect.  The other thing that you want to do is turn off the scanning by calling wiced_bt_ble_scan with “BTM_BLE_SCAN_TYPE_NONE”.

// This function is called when an advertising packet is received.
void newAdvCallback(wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t *p_scan_result, uint8_t *p_adv_data)
uint8_t length;
uint8_t *serviceUUID = wiced_bt_ble_check_advertising_data(p_adv_data,BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_128SRV_COMPLETE,&length);
if(serviceUUID && memcmp(serviceUUID,matchServiceUUID,16) == 0)
WICED_BT_TRACE("Host = %B Found Service UUID\n ",p_scan_result->remote_bd_addr);

All of the functions that let you exchange data require a connection id.  The 20719 lets you handle multiple BLE (and Bluetooth Classic) connections and each connection will have a different connection id.  At the top of your project the easiest thing to do is create a global variable to keep track of the connection id.  Initialize it  to 0 meaning no connection.

static uint16_t conn_id=0;

You might have noticed that the connection api was “…gatt_le_connect”.   This means that while you are connected, almost all of the interaction will happen with a gatt callback which looks like this.  Add it to the function declarations at the top of your project.

static wiced_bt_gatt_status_t gatt_callback( wiced_bt_gatt_evt_t event, wiced_bt_gatt_event_data_t *p_data);

And in the application_init register your callback.

        wiced_bt_gatt_register( gatt_callback );

Now we need to actually create the callback function.  This function will just be a switch to look at what type of gatt event just happened.  We will start with the only case being the connection event.  If this event is a connection, save the connection id and print out the bd address of the peripheral.  If this is a disconnect, then set the connection id back to 0.

wiced_bt_gatt_status_t gatt_callback( wiced_bt_gatt_evt_t event, wiced_bt_gatt_event_data_t *p_data)
wiced_bt_gatt_status_t result = WICED_BT_SUCCESS;
switch( event )
if ( p_data->connection_status.connected )
wiced_bt_gatt_connection_status_t *p_conn_status = &p_data->connection_status;
conn_id         =  p_conn_status->conn_id;
WICED_BT_TRACE("Connection ID=%d\r\n",conn_id);
conn_id = 0;
WICED_BT_TRACE("Unknown GATT Event %d\n",event);
return result;

The last thing you need to do to get the connection to work is modify wiced_bt_cfg.c and increase the .client_max_links to at least 1.

    /* GATT Configuration */
.gatt_cfg = {
.appearance =                       0x0000,                                                     /**< GATT Appearance */
.client_max_links =                 1,                                                          /**< Client Config: Maximum number of servers that local client can connect to */
.server_max_links =                 0,                                                          /**< Server Config: Maximum number of remote client connections allowed by local server */
.max_attr_len =                     512,                                                        /**< Maximum attribute length; wiced_bt_cfg must have a corresponding buffer pool that can hold this length */
.max_mtu_size =                     515,                                                        /**< Maximum MTU size for GATT connections, should be between 23 and (max_attr_len + 5) */

We setup all of the code to make a connection.  How about the disconnect?  That is also easy.  Il add a new case the user interface ‘d’ to call wiced_bt_gatt_disconnect.

    case 'd':

Now when I program and test you can see that I can make a connection (which barfs out a bunch of messages about pairing not working) and then I can disconnect.

WICED 20719 Test

Write the LED Characteristic

Finally we are ready to write the LED.  You might recall from the original peripheral project that it has a Service with two characteristics, one for an LED and one for a CapSense value.  Here is the customizer screen.

PSoC Creator BLE Customizer

You might recall that all BLE transactions take place in reference to a handle (just a 16 bit number in the Attribute Database).  But what is the handle of the LED characteristic? You can see from the PSoC Creator project in file ble_custom.c that the handle of the LED characteristic is 0x0E.  Note: this is a seriously bad way to find out the handle for a characteristic.  The correct way is to use service discovery which Ill show you in the third article.

const CYBLE_CUSTOMS_T cyBle_customs[0x01u] = {
/* ledcapsense service */
0x000Cu, /* Handle of the ledcapsense service */ 
/* led characteristic */
0x000Eu, /* Handle of the led characteristic */ 
/* Array of Descriptors handles */
0x000Fu, /* Handle of the Characteristic User Description descriptor */ 
/* capsense characteristic */
0x0011u, /* Handle of the capsense characteristic */ 
/* Array of Descriptors handles */
0x0012u, /* Handle of the capsensecccd descriptor */ 
0x0013u, /* Handle of the Characteristic User Description descriptor */ 

In order to write the characteristic I will create a new function that will let me write a 0 or 1.  This function simply

  • Checks to make sure that there is a connection
  • Allocates a block of memory to hold the structure required to send the write
  • Sets up the structure with the handle, offset, length and value
  • Send the write
  • Frees the buffer
// writeLED is a function to send either a 1 or a 0 to the LED Characteristic
// This function will check and see if there is a connection and we know the handle of the LED
// It will then setup a write... and then write
void writeLed(uint8_t val)
if(conn_id == 0)
wiced_bt_gatt_value_t *p_write = ( wiced_bt_gatt_value_t* )wiced_bt_get_buffer( sizeof( wiced_bt_gatt_value_t ));
if ( p_write )
p_write->handle   = 0x0E; // Hardcoded handle
p_write->offset   = 0;
p_write->len      = 1;
p_write->auth_req = GATT_AUTH_REQ_NONE;
p_write->value[0] = val;
wiced_bt_gatt_status_t status = wiced_bt_gatt_send_write ( conn_id, GATT_WRITE, p_write );
WICED_BT_TRACE("wiced_bt_gatt_send_write 0x%X\r\n", status);
wiced_bt_free_buffer( p_write );

I want to use the buffer allocation functions, so at the top of my program Ill include the wiced_memory.h header file.

#include "wiced_memory.h"

To make the writes work I just call the “writeLed” function in the keyboard handler.

    case '0':
case '1':

Now when I test, everything is working.

WICED 20719 Test

And here are the two development kits talking nice to each other (at least it works from 2 inches away 🙂 )

WICED 20719 and PSoC 4 BLE

You can find all of the source code for these projects at 

Lesson 9 – WICED Bluetooth: Classic Serial Port

WICED Bluetooth Using the CYW20719

# Title Comment
0 A Two Hour WICED Bluetooth Class WICED Bluetooth Using the CYW20719 in all its glory
1 Resources Links to all of the Cypress WICED information including videos, application notes etc.
2 Your First Project Making Hello World & the Blinky LED
3 The Super Mux Tool Learning about platforms and the Super Mux Tool
4 Snips Using the example projects to learn Bluetooth
5 Bluetooth Designer Using the tool to customize a project and get going fast
6 The CCCD & Notification Writing back to the Central
7 Advertising  Beacon Building a beacon project to advertise your custom information 
8 Scanner Viewing the world around you
9 Bluetooth Classic SPP Using the Serial Port Profile to Transmit Lots of Data

Source code: 




In all of the previous examples I have been using Bluetooth Low Energy.  One of the great benefits of the Cypress CYW20719 is that it is a Combo Radio.  Combo means that it can use both Bluetooth Low Energy as well as Bluetooth Classic.  I am late to the Bluetooth game but as best I can tell Bluetooth Classic and Bluetooth Low Energy are exactly the same … except everything is different.  When Bluetooth was originally conceived, one of the principal functions was to act as “serial port wire cutter”.  Everywhere you looked there were devices that used a serial port wire, e.g. mice, printers, keyboards etc.

For this lesson we are going to dip back into the snip directory to get a Bluetooth Classic program to start with.  The program implements the Serial Port Profile (SPP).  The SPP is emulates a classic serial port.  It has all of the uart wires that we know and love including rx,tx,cts etc.  What this allows you to do is open up a high speed (much faster than BLE) connection.

To implement this lesson I will perform the following steps

  1. Make a new folder in the wiced_bt_class folder
  2. Copy the files from apps/snip/bt/spp into my new folder
  3. Create a make target and program it
  4. Make a connection using a Bluetooth serial port on my Mac
  5. Look at where the pin is set
  6. Examine the spp setup code
  7. Modify it to print out all the data sent to the SPP

Implement the SPP


Set the folder name to “spp”

Copy and past the files from the folder

And paste them into your new spp folder

Create a make target for your spp project

Program the board with your project

Now tell the computer to open a classic connection by running file->open bluetooth

Select the “spp test”

Now press some keys on the new terminal window… and look at the output window of the “spp test”

Type in the pin code which is 0000.

But, how did I know the pin code?  Look at the source code.

uint8_t pincode[4] = { 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30 };

Now, when you press keys on the “Bluetooth serial terminal” you will see a not very helpful message on the CYW920719Q40EVB-01 terminal window.

I think that it would be better to print out the characters that the person types.  So lets figure out how this works.  In the application init function on line 251 there is a call to wiced_bt_spp_startup

void application_init(void)
wiced_bt_gatt_status_t gatt_status;
wiced_result_t         result;
/* Configure the button available on the platform */
wiced_platform_register_button_callback( WICED_PLATFORM_BUTTON_1, app_interrupt_handler, NULL, WICED_PLATFORM_BUTTON_RISING_EDGE);
// init timer that we will use for the rx data flow control.
wiced_init_timer(&app_tx_timer, app_tx_ack_timeout, 0, WICED_MILLI_SECONDS_TIMER);
// Initialize SPP library

That function takes a pointer to a structure with a bunch of interesting things in it.  Notice that there is a function called “spp_rx_data_callback” that is called every time that data come in from the SPP.

wiced_bt_spp_reg_t spp_reg =
SPP_RFCOMM_SCN,                     /* RFCOMM service channel number for SPP connection */
MAX_TX_BUFFER,                      /* RFCOMM MTU for SPP connection */
spp_connection_up_callback,         /* SPP connection established */
NULL,                               /* SPP connection establishment failed, not used because this app never initiates connection */
NULL,                               /* SPP service not found, not used because this app never initiates connection */
spp_connection_down_callback,       /* SPP connection disconnected */
spp_rx_data_callback,               /* Data packet received */

Now look at the function spp_rx_data_callback.  All it does is print out a message saying how much data and the hex value of the data.

wiced_bool_t spp_rx_data_callback(uint16_t handle, uint8_t* p_data, uint32_t data_len)
int i;
//    wiced_bt_buffer_statistics_t buffer_stats[4];
//    wiced_bt_get_buffer_usage (buffer_stats, sizeof(buffer_stats));
//    WICED_BT_TRACE("0:%d/%d 1:%d/%d 2:%d/%d 3:%d/%d\n", buffer_stats[0].current_allocated_count, buffer_stats[0].max_allocated_count,
//                   buffer_stats[1].current_allocated_count, buffer_stats[1].max_allocated_count,
//                   buffer_stats[2].current_allocated_count, buffer_stats[2].max_allocated_count,
//                   buffer_stats[3].current_allocated_count, buffer_stats[3].max_allocated_count);
//    wiced_result_t wiced_bt_get_buffer_usage (&buffer_stats, sizeof(buffer_stats));
WICED_BT_TRACE("%s handle:%d len:%d %02x-%02x\n", __FUNCTION__, handle, data_len, p_data[0], p_data[data_len - 1]);
wiced_bt_spp_send_session_data(handle, p_data, data_len);
return WICED_TRUE;

So,  How about instead of that message we just print out the data.

    //WICED_BT_TRACE("%s handle:%d len:%d %02x-%02x\n", __FUNCTION__, handle, data_len, p_data[0], p_data[data_len - 1]);
for(int i=0;i<data_len;i++)

Now when I run the project and type I see the characters that I type coming out on the serial port.

Lesson 8 – WICED Bluetooth: The Advertising Scanner

WICED Bluetooth Using the CYW20719

# Title Comment
0 A Two Hour WICED Bluetooth Class WICED Bluetooth Using the CYW20719 in all its glory
1 Resources Links to all of the Cypress WICED information including videos, application notes etc.
2 Your First Project Making Hello World & the Blinky LED
3 The Super Mux Tool Learning about platforms and the Super Mux Tool
4 Snips Using the example projects to learn Bluetooth
5 Bluetooth Designer Using the tool to customize a project and get going fast
6 The CCCD & Notification Writing back to the Central
7 Advertising  Beacon Building a beacon project to advertise your custom information 
8 Scanner Viewing the world around you
9 Bluetooth Classic SPP Using the Serial Port Profile to Transmit Lots of Data

Source code: 




In the last lesson I showed you how to build a BLE Advertising Beacon.  In that lesson I used a program called the “AdvScanner” which ran on a CYW920719Q40EVB-01 and acted like a Bluetooth Sniffer.  In this lesson I’ll show you how to build a simpler version of that program to look for the L7_Advertiser we built in the last lesson.

The important concepts in this lesson are:

  1. BLE Scanning
  2. Parsing Advertising Packets

I am going to build a project that Scans for BLE Advertisers.  Then, I’ll add the ability to print out the advertising packet.  And finally, I will add filtering capability to only look for advertisers who are using the Cypress Manufacturers code.

The steps that we will follow are:

  1. Make a new project with WICED Bluetooth Designer called L8_Scanner
  2. Turn off the GATT Database
  3. Move it into your project folder
  4. Fix the WICED_BT_TRACE to use the PUART
  5. Create a make target and build it
  6. Add a new function that prints out Advertising Packets
  7. Update the l8_scanner_app_init function to remove Advertising
  8. Update the wiced_bt_config to never stop scanning
  9. Program the development kit and see what happens
  10. Update the newAdv function to print out the raw data in the advertising packet
  11. Program again and see all of the chaos
  12. Put a filter for the Advertisers using the Cypress MFG Code
  13. Program

Implement the Project

Create a new project called L8_Scanner using the Bluetooth Designer

Turn off the GATT Database and then press Generate Code

Move the project into the wiced_bt_class folder

Update the WICED_BT_TRACE to send output to the PUART

/* Set the Debug UART as WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_NONE to get rid of prints */
//  wiced_set_debug_uart( WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_NONE );
/* Set Debug UART as WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_PUART to see debug traces on Peripheral UART (PUART) */
wiced_set_debug_uart( WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_PUART );
/* Set the Debug UART as WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_WICED_UART to send debug strings over the WICED debug interface */
//wiced_set_debug_uart( WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_WICED_UART );

Modify the make target & program that was created by the BT Designer

Make a new function that will be called when WICED finds a new advertising packet.

void newAdv(wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t *p_scan_result, uint8_t *p_adv_data)
WICED_BT_TRACE("Found device %B\n",p_scan_result->remote_bd_addr);

Remove the start advertising from l8_scanner_app_init

* This function is executed in the BTM_ENABLED_EVT management callback.
void l8_scanner_app_init(void)
/* Initialize Application */
/* Allow peer to pair */
wiced_bt_set_pairable_mode(WICED_TRUE, 0);
/* Set Advertisement Data */
/* Start Undirected LE Advertisements on device startup.
* The corresponding parameters are contained in 'wiced_bt_cfg.c' */
/* TODO: Make sure that this is the desired behavior. */
//wiced_bt_start_advertisements(BTM_BLE_ADVERT_UNDIRECTED_HIGH, 0, NULL);

Update wiced_bt_config.c to never stop scanning.

        .high_duty_scan_duration =          0,                                                          /**< High Duty Scan Duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */

Program your development kit and see what happens.

Now lets update the program to print the advertising packets.

void newAdv(wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t *p_scan_result, uint8_t *p_adv_data)
uint8_t mfgLen;
uint8_t* mfgData = wiced_bt_ble_check_advertising_data( p_adv_data,0xFF,&mfgLen);
WICED_BT_TRACE("Found device %B ",p_scan_result->remote_bd_addr);
uint8_t index=0;
int fieldLength=p_adv_data[index];
do {
for(int i=0;i<=fieldLength;i++)
WICED_BT_TRACE("%02X ",p_adv_data[index+i]);
index = index + fieldLength + 1;
fieldLength = p_adv_data[index];
} while(fieldLength);

Now program the development kit and see what happens.  Where I am sitting this is not very helpful because there are boatloads of advertisers.

Now let’s make one more change.  Instead of printing all of the packets let’s only look only at the ones that have Manufacturer data, the right length and the Cypress manufacturer id.

    uint8_t mfgLen;
uint8_t* mfgData = wiced_bt_ble_check_advertising_data( p_adv_data,0xFF,&mfgLen);
if(!(mfgData && mfgLen == 3 && mfgData[0] == 0x31 && mfgData[1]  == 0x01 ))

Now I only see my L7_Advertising project

Lesson 7 – WICED Bluetooth: Bluetooth Advertising

WICED Bluetooth Using the CYW20719

# Title Comment
0 A Two Hour WICED Bluetooth Class WICED Bluetooth Using the CYW20719 in all its glory
1 Resources Links to all of the Cypress WICED information including videos, application notes etc.
2 Your First Project Making Hello World & the Blinky LED
3 The Super Mux Tool Learning about platforms and the Super Mux Tool
4 Snips Using the example projects to learn Bluetooth
5 Bluetooth Designer Using the tool to customize a project and get going fast
6 The CCCD & Notification Writing back to the Central
7 Advertising  Beacon Building a beacon project to advertise your custom information 
8 Scanner Viewing the world around you
9 Bluetooth Classic SPP Using the Serial Port Profile to Transmit Lots of Data

Source code: 




Everywhere you go there are bunches of Bluetooth devices that are acting as beacons.  Apple has a standard called iBeacon.  Google has a standard called Eddystone.  Some companies use those standards, and some companies make proprietary beacons.  In this lesson we will build a beacon.

The important concepts in this lesson are:

  1. Advertising packet formats
  2. wiced_bt_cfg.c

The steps I will follow are:

  1. Run BT Designer
  2. Setup the device as “no gatt database”
  3. Move the project into the wiced_bt_class folder
  4. Edit the make target
  5. Fix the WICED_BT_TRACE to go to the PUART
  6. Run it
  7. Edit the wiced_bt_cfg.c to never timeout
  8. Setup no random address changing
  9. Add the manufacturing data uint8_t array and include the Cypress company code
  10. Change the start advertising call to BTM_BLE_ADVERT_NONCONN_HIGH, BLE_ADDR_PUBLIC
  11. Update the length of the advertising packet
  12. Update the set advertising packet to have the manufacturing data
  13. Add a button interrupt function
  14. Register the button interrupt

BLE Concepts

The Advertising Packet is a string of 3-31 bytes that is broadcast at a configurable interval. The packet is broken up into variable length fields. Each field has the form:

  • Length in bytes (not including the Length byte)
  • Type
  • Optional Data

The minimum packet requires the <<Flags>> field which is a set of flags that defines how the device behaves (e.g. is it connectable?). Here is a list of the other field Types that you can add:

/** Advertisement data types */
enum wiced_bt_ble_advert_type_e {
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_FLAG                        = 0x01,                 /**< Advertisement flags */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_16SRV_PARTIAL               = 0x02,                 /**< List of supported services - 16 bit UUIDs (partial) */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_16SRV_COMPLETE              = 0x03,                 /**< List of supported services - 16 bit UUIDs (complete) */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_32SRV_PARTIAL               = 0x04,                 /**< List of supported services - 32 bit UUIDs (partial) */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_32SRV_COMPLETE              = 0x05,                 /**< List of supported services - 32 bit UUIDs (complete) */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_128SRV_PARTIAL              = 0x06,                 /**< List of supported services - 128 bit UUIDs (partial) */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_128SRV_COMPLETE             = 0x07,                 /**< List of supported services - 128 bit UUIDs (complete) */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_NAME_SHORT                  = 0x08,                 /**< Short name */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_NAME_COMPLETE               = 0x09,                 /**< Complete name */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_TX_POWER                    = 0x0A,                 /**< TX Power level  */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_DEV_CLASS                   = 0x0D,                 /**< Device Class */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_HASH_C       = 0x0E,                 /**< Simple Pairing Hash C */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_RAND_C       = 0x0F,                 /**< Simple Pairing Randomizer R */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_SM_TK                       = 0x10,                 /**< Security manager TK value */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_SM_OOB_FLAG                 = 0x11,                 /**< Security manager Out-of-Band data */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_INTERVAL_RANGE              = 0x12,                 /**< Slave connection interval range */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_SOLICITATION_SRV_UUID       = 0x14,                 /**< List of solicitated services - 16 bit UUIDs */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_128SOLICITATION_SRV_UUID    = 0x15,                 /**< List of solicitated services - 128 bit UUIDs */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_SERVICE_DATA                = 0x16,                 /**< Service data - 16 bit UUID */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_PUBLIC_TARGET               = 0x17,                 /**< Public target address */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_RANDOM_TARGET               = 0x18,                 /**< Random target address */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_APPEARANCE                  = 0x19,                 /**< Appearance */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_ADVERT_INTERVAL             = 0x1a,                 /**< Advertising interval */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_LE_BD_ADDR                  = 0x1b,                 /**< LE device bluetooth address */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_LE_ROLE                     = 0x1c,                 /**< LE role */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_256SIMPLE_PAIRING_HASH      = 0x1d,                 /**< Simple Pairing Hash C-256 */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_256SIMPLE_PAIRING_RAND      = 0x1e,                 /**< Simple Pairing Randomizer R-256 */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_32SOLICITATION_SRV_UUID     = 0x1f,                 /**< List of solicitated services - 32 bit UUIDs */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_32SERVICE_DATA              = 0x20,                 /**< Service data - 32 bit UUID */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_128SERVICE_DATA             = 0x21,                 /**< Service data - 128 bit UUID */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_CONN_CONFIRM_VAL            = 0x22,                 /**< LE Secure Connections Confirmation Value */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_CONN_RAND_VAL               = 0x23,                 /**< LE Secure Connections Random Value */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_URI                         = 0x24,                 /**< URI */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_INDOOR_POS                  = 0x25,                 /**< Indoor Positioning */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_TRANS_DISCOVER_DATA         = 0x26,                 /**< Transport Discovery Data */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES          = 0x27,                 /**< LE Supported Features */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_UPDATE_CH_MAP_IND           = 0x28,                 /**< Channel Map Update Indication */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_PB_ADV                      = 0x29,                 /**< PB-ADV */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_MESH_MSG                    = 0x2A,                 /**< Mesh Message */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_MESH_BEACON                 = 0x2B,                 /**< Mesh Beacon */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_3D_INFO_DATA                = 0x3D,                 /**< 3D Information Data */
BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_MANUFACTURER                = 0xFF                  /**< Manufacturer data */

Here is an example of the advertising packet that we are going to generate

Implement the Project

Run BT Designer and create a new project called “L7_Advertising”

Turn off the GATT Database

Move the project into the wiced_bt_class folder

Edit the make target

Setup the the WICED_BT_TRACE to use the PUART

/* Set the Debug UART as WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_NONE to get rid of prints */
//  wiced_set_debug_uart( WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_NONE );
/* Set Debug UART as WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_PUART to see debug traces on Peripheral UART (PUART) */
wiced_set_debug_uart( WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_PUART );
/* Set the Debug UART as WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_WICED_UART to send debug strings over the WICED debug interface */
//wiced_set_debug_uart( WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_WICED_UART );

Run it

Now that we know it is working, Ill edit the wiced_bt_cfg.c to never timeout

        .high_duty_nonconn_duration =       0,                                                         /**< High Duty Non-Connectable Advertising Duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */

Setup no random address changing

    .rpa_refresh_timeout =                  WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_RANDOM_ADDRESS_NEVER_CHANGE,         /**< Interval of random address refreshing - secs */

Now edit the L7_Advertising.c to add the manufacturing data uint8_t array

uint8_t manuf_data[] = {0x31,0x01,0x00};

Switch to non-connectable advertising

    wiced_bt_start_advertisements(BTM_BLE_ADVERT_NONCONN_HIGH, BLE_ADDR_PUBLIC, NULL);

Update the l7_advertising_set_advertisement_data function to have three elements in the advertising packet

    wiced_bt_ble_advert_elem_t adv_elem[3] = { 0 };

Add the Manufacturer information to the advertising packet

    /* Advertisement Element for Manufacturer Data */
adv_elem[num_elem].advert_type = BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_MANUFACTURER;
adv_elem[num_elem].len = sizeof(manuf_data);
adv_elem[num_elem].p_data = manuf_data;

Add a button interrupt function

void buttonISR(void *data, uint8_t port_pin )
manuf_data[2] += 1;
WICED_BT_TRACE("Manufacturer Data = %d\n",manuf_data[2]);

Register the button interrupt

 wiced_hal_gpio_register_pin_for_interrupt( WICED_GPIO_PIN_BUTTON_1, buttonISR, NULL );

Test using the AdvScanner

I have given you a project called the “AdvScanner”.  You can run it by creating a make target.

When I run the L7_Advertising project and press the buttons a few times my terminal will look like this

And when I look at the output of the scanner program you can see the advertising packet for the this project.  Notice that the last three bytes are 31 01 03.  The 03 is the count of button presses.

Lesson 6 – WICED Bluetooth: The Peripheral Comes Alive

WICED Bluetooth Using the CYW20719

# Title Comment
0 A Two Hour WICED Bluetooth Class WICED Bluetooth Using the CYW20719 in all its glory
1 Resources Links to all of the Cypress WICED information including videos, application notes etc.
2 Your First Project Making Hello World & the Blinky LED
3 The Super Mux Tool Learning about platforms and the Super Mux Tool
4 Snips Using the example projects to learn Bluetooth
5 Bluetooth Designer Using the tool to customize a project and get going fast
6 The CCCD & Notification Writing back to the Central
7 Advertising  Beacon Building a beacon project to advertise your custom information 
8 Scanner Viewing the world around you
9 Bluetooth Classic SPP Using the Serial Port Profile to Transmit Lots of Data

Source code: 




In the last lesson we built our first Bluetooth design using BT Designer.  In that lesson I showed you how to

  1. Build a project using BT Designer
  2. Start Advertising
  3. Get connected Central –> Peripheral
  4. Read & Write the data from the Central to the  Peripheral

In this lesson we are going to answer the question how does the Peripheral write data back to the Central by adding a button to our last project.  When the button is pressed it will send the state of the button (0 or 1) back to Central.

The important concepts in this lesson are

  1. BLE Notifications
  2. BLE Client Configuration Characteristic Descriptor
  3. How to manually modify the Gatt DB

I will follow these steps:

  1. Copy the project L5_BluetoothLED into L6_BluetoothLEDButton
  2. Rename all of the files to be L6_BluetoothLEDButton….
  3. Fix the makefile
  4. Create a make target and make sure that it still works
  5. Modify L6_BluetoothLEDButton_db.h to add UUID and Handles for the new Button characteristic
  6. Modify L6_BluetoothLEDButton_db.c to add the Button characteristic to the GATT Database
  7. Add initial value arrays for the Button characteristic, CCCD and User Description
  8. Add the Button values to the GATT lookup table
  9. Add connection id uint16_t connection_id
  10. Modify the connection handler l5_bluetoothled_connect_callback
  11. Create a button callback function
  12. Register the button callback

BLE Concepts

A Bluetooth Peripheral is allowed to send Notifications to a Central that a value in the GATT Database has changed.  However, it is only allowed to do this when the Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor (CCCD) is set.  In other words a Central can register with a Peripheral that it is interested in seeing changes of Characteristics by writing a 0x01 into the CCCD.  The CCCD is just another value in the attribute database.

To setup a Characteristic for Notifications you need to modify the GATT Database by

  1. Adding the notification property to the Characteristic in the GATT Database
  2. Adding the CCCD to the GATT database

In the your program, when a value is changed, you should check to see if the CCCD is set, then send a notification if it is set.

Implement the Project

I am going to build this project on top of the code from L5_BluetoothLED.  So, start this project by copying the project L5_BluetoothLED into L6_BluetoothLEDButton by doing copy/paste

Rename all of the files to be L6_BluetoothLEDButton…. your project should look like this.

Fix the (because the file names have changed)

# This file has been automatically generated by the WICED 20719-B1 Designer.
APP_SRC = L6_BluetoothLEDButton.c
APP_SRC += L6_BluetoothLEDButton_db.c
APP_SRC += wiced_bt_cfg.c
# If defined, HCI traces are sent over transport/WICED HCI interface

Create a make target and make sure that it still works

Modify L6_BluetoothLEDButton_db.h to create a UUID for the new Button characteristic

#define __UUID_L5SERVICE_BUTTON               0x2A, 0xbf, 0x86, 0xa6, 0xc8, 0x6c, 0x4e, 0xa5, 0xaa, 0x56, 0xbd, 0xac, 0x72, 0x80, 0x93, 0xa9

Modify L6_BluetoothLEDButton_db.h to add Handles for the  new Button characteristic

#define HDLC_L5SERVICE_BUTTON                      0x0030
#define HDLC_L5SERVICE_BUTTON_VALUE                0x0031

Modify L6_BluetoothLEDButton_db.c to add the Button characteristic to the GATT Database

               /* Characteristic 'BUTTON' */
/* Descriptor 'Characteristic User Description' */
/* Descriptor CCCD */

Add initial value arrays for the Button characteristic, CCCD and User Description into L6_ButtonLED.c

uint8_t l5_bluetoothled_l5service_button[]                  = {0x01};
uint8_t l5_bluetoothled_l5service_button_user_description[] = "Button Value";
uint8_t l5_bluetoothled_l5service_button_cccd[]      = {0x00,0x00};

Add the Button values to the GATT lookup table

    {HDLC_L5SERVICE_BUTTON_VALUE,              1,                                                      1,                                                      l5_bluetoothled_l5service_button},
{HDLD_L5SERVICE_BUTTON_USER_DESCRIPTION,   sizeof(l5_bluetoothled_l5service_button_user_description)-1, sizeof(l5_bluetoothled_l5service_button_user_description)-1, l5_bluetoothled_l5service_button_user_description},
{HDLD_L5SERVICE_BUTTON_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION, 2,      2,      l5_bluetoothled_l5service_button_cccd},

Add connection id uint16_t connection_id

uint16_t connection_id=0;

Modify the connection handler l5_bluetoothled_connect_callback.  When you get a connection save it.

            connection_id = p_conn_status->conn_id;

and when you get a disconnect put it back to 0

          connection_id = 0;

Here is what the whole handler looks like now

/* GATT Connection Status Callback */
wiced_bt_gatt_status_t l5_bluetoothled_connect_callback( wiced_bt_gatt_connection_status_t *p_conn_status )
wiced_bt_gatt_status_t status = WICED_BT_GATT_ERROR;
if ( NULL != p_conn_status )
if ( p_conn_status->connected )
// Device has connected
WICED_BT_TRACE("Connected : BDA '%B', Connection ID '%d'\n", p_conn_status->bd_addr, p_conn_status->conn_id );
/* TODO: Handle the connection */
connection_id = p_conn_status->conn_id;
// Device has disconnected
WICED_BT_TRACE("Disconnected : BDA '%B', Connection ID '%d', Reason '%d'\n", p_conn_status->bd_addr, p_conn_status->conn_id, p_conn_status->reason );
/* TODO: Handle the disconnection */
connection_id = 0;
/* restart the advertisements */
wiced_bt_start_advertisements(BTM_BLE_ADVERT_UNDIRECTED_HIGH, 0, NULL);
return status;

Create a button callback function

void buttonISR(void *data, uint8_t port_pin )
l5_bluetoothled_l5service_button[0] = wiced_hal_gpio_get_pin_input_status(WICED_PLATFORM_BUTTON_1);
if(l5_bluetoothled_l5service_button_cccd[0] & GATT_CLIENT_CONFIG_NOTIFICATION)
wiced_bt_gatt_send_notification(connection_id, HDLC_L5SERVICE_BUTTON_VALUE, sizeof(l5_bluetoothled_l5service_button), l5_bluetoothled_l5service_button );
WICED_BT_TRACE( "Sent Button %d\n",l5_bluetoothled_l5service_button[0]);

In the function l5_bluetoothled_app_init you need to register the button callback to trigger when the button is pressed

    wiced_hal_gpio_register_pin_for_interrupt( WICED_GPIO_PIN_BUTTON_1, buttonISR, NULL );

Test using CySmart


Click on the “Unknown Service”

Click on the second characteristic.  (we know that is the one because it is Read and Notify)

Now you can press “Read”


After clicking the read button and you can see that the value is 0x01 (because you are not pressing the button).  If you were pressing it you would see 0x00

Now press Notify and you should see the value change each time you press the button


Lesson 5 – WICED Bluetooth: Bluetooth Designer – Turn up the Radio!

WICED Bluetooth Using the CYW20719

# Title Comment
0 A Two Hour WICED Bluetooth Class WICED Bluetooth Using the CYW20719 in all its glory
1 Resources Links to all of the Cypress WICED information including videos, application notes etc.
2 Your First Project Making Hello World & the Blinky LED
3 The Super Mux Tool Learning about platforms and the Super Mux Tool
4 Snips Using the example projects to learn Bluetooth
5 Bluetooth Designer Using the tool to customize a project and get going fast
6 The CCCD & Notification Writing back to the Central
7 Advertising  Beacon Building a beacon project to advertise your custom information 
8 Scanner Viewing the world around you
9 Bluetooth Classic SPP Using the Serial Port Profile to Transmit Lots of Data

Source code: 




In this lesson we are going to build the simplest project that I could think of… turning an LED on/off with Bluetooth Low Energy.

The important BLE concepts are

  1. What is a Central / Peripheral
  2. What is Advertising
  3. What is a GATT Database

The important WICED Bluetooth Concepts are:

  1. How do you run WICED Bluetooth Designer
  2. What is the structure of a WICED Bluetooth Project
  3. What is a Callback
  4. How is the GATT Database Implemented
  5. How to run CySmart

The steps that we will follow are:

  1. Run BT Designer
  2. Create a project called L5_BluetoothLED
  3. Go to the characteristics page
  4. Add a vendor specific service
  5. Name the Service L5Service
  6. Add an optional characteristic that is vendor specific
  7. Name it RED
  8. Make it 1 byte with an initial value of 01
  9. Set it up for host write
  10. Add a user description to the characteristic
  11. Generate the code
  12. Move the folder to the wiced_bt_class folder
  13. Fix the three include problems
  14. Reset the debug UART to PUART
  15. When there is a write, change the value of the WICED_LED_1 GPIO
  16. Test

BLE Concepts

In the world of BLE there are two sides of every connection

  • The Central – typically a cellphone
  • The Peripheral – your WICED device

Centrals listen for Peripherals that are Advertising.  Advertising is a periodic packet of up to 31 bytes of information that a Peripheral will send out to make it presence known.  When a Central hears the Advertising packets of a Peripheral that is “interesting” it can initiate a connection.

Once a connection is made, how do you exchange information?  The answer is that a Peripheral has a database running inside of it.  The database is called a “GATT database”.   A Central can perform “Service Discovery” to find all of the legal stuff in the database.  The GATT database is organized into one or more “Services” that have one or more “Characteristics”.  For instance a Heart Rate Monitor might have a “Heart Rate Service” with two characteristics, one for heart rate and one for battery level.

There are two types of Services.  Ones that are specified by the Bluetooth SIG, like heartrate.  And vendor specific custom services.

Run Bluetooth Designer

The Bluetooth Designer is a GUI tool that we built into Eclipse.  It allows you to configure some of the fundamental Bluetooth feature (like the GATT Database) and then automatically generate the code.  Start Bluetooth Designer by running File->New->WICED Bluetooth Designer.

Since this is Lesson 5 and we are going to write and LED… call the project “L5_BluetoothLED”

Once you start BT Designer, you screen should look like this.  The project is going to be a BLE only project.

The Characteristics button lets you setup the GATT database.

Add a service by selecting vendor specific service and then hitting the “+”

I’ll call the service “L5Service”

Next add a characteristic by selecting “vendor specific characteristic” and pressing “+”

Change the name to “RED”, Make the device role “Host write to or reads from service”.  Make the size 1 byte and set the initial value to 01 (it must be 01 not 1 or 001)

When we are looking at this remotely you would like to be able to see the user description.  So click that tab and give it a description.

Press Generate Code button.  You will end up with a folder in the top level apps directory.  I don’t like this, so lets move it into our class projects folder.  You can do this by dragging the folder to the wiced_bt_class folder.  Now it should look like this:

Unfortunately, there are three little issues that this creates which need to be fixed.  First, you need to fix L5_BluetoothLED.c as this include is wrong.

#include "../wiced_bt_class/L5_BluetoothLED/L5_BluetoothLED_db.h"

And change it to:

#include "L5_BluetoothLED_db.h"

Next edit L5_BluetoothLED_db.h and add the #include “wiced.h”

#include "wiced.h"

Finally edit the L5_BluetoothLED_db.c to fix the same include problem.

#include "../wiced_bt_class/L5_BluetoothLED/L5_BluetoothLED_db.h"

It should be like this.

#include "L5_BluetoothLED_db.h"

Now edit the make target that was created by the BT Designer and change it to:

Remember in the earlier lesson I showed you about the WICED HCI UART and the WICED PUART.  Well by default the WICED_BT_TRACE is setup to go to the HCI UART.  So, lets fix the output of BT_TRACE to go to the PUART by changing the file “L5_BluetoothLED.c”

/* Set the Debug UART as WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_NONE to get rid of prints */
//  wiced_set_debug_uart( WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_NONE );
/* Set Debug UART as WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_PUART to see debug traces on Peripheral UART (PUART) */
wiced_set_debug_uart( WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_PUART );
/* Set the Debug UART as WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_WICED_UART to send debug strings over the WICED debug interface */
//wiced_set_debug_uart( WICED_ROUTE_DEBUG_TO_WICED_UART );

The last thing that we want to do is fix it so that when the Central writes a new value into the RED LED characteristic we should write the GPIO to the new value.  In L5_BluetoothLED.c make this change.

WICED_BT_TRACE("LED = %d\n",l5_bluetoothled_l5service_red[0]);

Now build the project and see what happens.  The first testing step will be to open CySmart.  You can see that a device called “L5_BluetoothLED” is advertising.

When I click it, you can see that there is a GattDB.

When I click on the database, I can see that there is only one service (which makes sense as we setup only one)

Click on the Service and you can see that there is only one characteristic in the service… and its value is 01.

When you click the descriptor button you can see that there is a Characteristic User Description


And finally the value is “Red LED Value”.  That is what we setup.

When you click back … then click on the write it will bring up this window where I can send a new value.

Now the value is 0x00 and the RED LED is on (remember from earlier that it is active low so that makes sense)


And when I look at the terminal I can see two writes (I wrote again before I took this screen shot)

A Tour of the Source Code

The GATT Database is in the file L5_BluetoothLED_db.c

const uint8_t gatt_database[] = // Define GATT database
/* Primary Service 'Generic Attribute' */
/* Primary Service 'Generic Access' */
/* Characteristic 'Device Name' */
/* Characteristic 'Appearance' */
/* Primary Service 'L5Service' */
/* Characteristic 'RED' */
/* Descriptor 'Characteristic User Description' */

Each row in the Database table has a unique “Handle” that is defined in the L5_BluetoothLED_db.h

#define __UUID_L5SERVICE                      0x30, 0x9d, 0x7f, 0x29, 0x73, 0xca, 0x4f, 0xfd, 0xa5, 0x68, 0x17, 0xd8, 0x90, 0x67, 0x7f, 0x35
#define __UUID_L5SERVICE_RED                  0x29, 0xbf, 0x86, 0xa6, 0xc8, 0x6c, 0x4e, 0xa5, 0xaa, 0x56, 0xbd, 0xac, 0x72, 0x80, 0x93, 0xa9
// ***** Primary Service 'Generic Attribute'
#define HDLS_GENERIC_ATTRIBUTE                0x0001
// ***** Primary Service 'Generic Access'
#define HDLS_GENERIC_ACCESS                   0x0014
// ----- Characteristic 'Device Name'
// ----- Characteristic 'Appearance'
// ***** Primary Service 'L5Service'
#define HDLS_L5SERVICE                        0x0028
// ----- Characteristic 'RED'
#define HDLC_L5SERVICE_RED                    0x0029
#define HDLC_L5SERVICE_RED_VALUE              0x002A
// ===== Descriptor 'User Description'

Each characteristic value is held in one of the uint8_t arrays found in “L5_BluetoothLED.c”

* GATT Initial Value Arrays
uint8_t l5_bluetoothled_generic_access_device_name[]     = {'L','5','_','B','l','u','e','t','o','o','t','h','L','E','D'};
uint8_t l5_bluetoothled_generic_access_appearance[]      = {0x00,0x00};
uint8_t l5_bluetoothled_l5service_red[]                  = {0x01};
uint8_t l5_bluetoothled_l5service_red_user_description[] = {'R','E','D',' ','L','e','d',' ','V','a','l','u','e'};
* GATT Lookup Table
/* GATT attribute lookup table                                */
/* (attributes externally referenced by GATT server database) */
gatt_db_lookup_table l5_bluetoothled_gatt_db_ext_attr_tbl[] =
/* { attribute handle,                  maxlen,                                                 curlen,                                                 attribute data } */
{HDLC_GENERIC_ACCESS_DEVICE_NAME_VALUE, 15,                                                     15,                                                     l5_bluetoothled_generic_access_device_name},
{HDLC_GENERIC_ACCESS_APPEARANCE_VALUE,  2,                                                      2,                                                      l5_bluetoothled_generic_access_appearance},
{HDLC_L5SERVICE_RED_VALUE,              1,                                                      1,                                                      l5_bluetoothled_l5service_red},
{HDLD_L5SERVICE_RED_USER_DESCRIPTION,   sizeof(l5_bluetoothled_l5service_red_user_description), sizeof(l5_bluetoothled_l5service_red_user_description), l5_bluetoothled_l5service_red_user_description},