AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 6)


In part 6 of this series I will update the AnyCloud BLE Advertising Scanner to decode advertising packets into a more human readable textual output


We are now 6 (or maybe 7 depending on how you count) articles into this series and we are still looking at raw bytes.  I have gotten to where I am pretty good at understanding those bytes, but that is now way to roll.  You might remember from the article on the IoT Expert Bluetooth Utility library that there were a some interesting functions defined in the header.  Here it is:

wiced_bool_t btutil_isEddystone(uint8_t *data);
wiced_bool_t btutil_is_iBeacon(uint8_t *data);
wiced_bool_t btutil_isCypress(uint8_t *data);

int btutil_adv_len(uint8_t *packet);
void btutil_adv_printPacketDecode(uint8_t *packet);
void btutil_adv_printPacketBytes(uint8_t *packet);

Lets transform our  project from part 6 to use these functions.  In this article I will

  • Redo the print bytes (to be smarter) functionality and to use the built in function
  • Rework the logic for the “print” command implementation
  • Add a new command “decode” which will run the decode function

There are

Article Topic
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 1) Introduction to AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 2) Creating an AnyCloud Bluetooth project
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 3) Adding Observing functionality to the project
AnyCloud Bluetooth Utilities Library A set of APIs for enhancement of the AnyCloud Library
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 4) Adding a command line to the scanner
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 5) Adding a history database to the scanner
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 6) Decoding advertising packets
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 7) Adding recording commands to the command line
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 8) Adding filtering to the scanner
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 9) Improve the print and add packet age
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 10) Sort the database

All of the code can be found at and

There are git tags in place starting at part 5 so that you can look at just that version of the code.  "git tag" to list the tags.  And "git checkout part6" to look at the part 6 version of the code.

You can also create a new project with this is a template if you have the IoT Expert Manifest Files installed

Replace two code blocks with function calls

Do you remember this block of code?  It print’s out the 6-bytes of the Bluetooth Address.

    for(int i=0;i<BD_ADDR_LEN;i++)

You might have noticed that this function already exists in the BT Utility Library.  Use it.


Then you remember this block of code which iterates through and advertising packet and prints out the raw bytes?

// Print the RAW Data of the ADV Packet
    printf(" Data: ");
    int i=0;
        for(int j=0;j<adb_database[entry].data[i];j++)
            printf("%02X ",adb_database[entry].data[i+1+j]);
        i = i + adb_database[entry].data[i]+1;

Well, it exists in the library as well.  Use it.


Fix the “print” Command

In the previous implementation I had two functions for “print”.  The first one printed one entry and the second one printed the whole table.  I decided that I didnt really like this logic, so I compressed those two functions into one function.  Specifically, it take a number “entry”.  If that number is -1 then it will print the whole table.

static void adb_db_printRawPacket(int entry)
    int start,end;
    if(entry <= -1)
        start = 0;
        end = adb_db_count;
        start = entry;
        end = entry;

        end = adb_db_count; 

    for(int i=start;i<=end;i++)
        printf("%02d MAC: ",i);
        printf(" Data: ");


Add a new “decode” Command

The next thing to do is to add a function to print out decoded packets (or the whole table).  So I wrote this:

static void adb_printDecodePacket(int entry)
    int start,end;
    if(entry == -1)
        start = 0;
        end = adb_db_count;
        start = entry;
        end = entry;

        end = adb_db_count; 

    for(int i=start;i<=end;i++)

        printf("%02d MAC: ",i);

After finishing that block of code, I realized I had implemented almost exactly the same functionality which two different functions.  So, I decided to redo this by doing this.  Notice that it take in a adb_print_method, in other words raw bytes or decoded packet.

typedef enum {
} adb_print_method_t;

static void adb_db_print(adb_print_method_t method,int entry)
    int start,end;
    if(entry < 0)
        start = 0;
        end = adb_db_count;
        start = entry;
        end = entry;

        end = adb_db_count; 

    for(int i=start;i<=end;i++)
        printf("%02d MAC: ",i);
            printf(" Data: ");


I don’t show it here, but after changing this I had to fix up the function calls in several places in the advDatabase.

Add a new command to print decode packets

Now that I have a new method to print packets, I add a command to the database to allow the user to call it:

typedef enum {
} adb_cmd_t;

Then in the queue loop:

                case ADB_ADD:
                    scan_result = (wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t *)msg.data0;
                    data = (uint8_t *)msg.data1;
                case ADB_PRINT_RAW:
                case ADB_PRINT_DECODE:

Then the actual function

void adb_printDecode(int entry)
    adb_cmdMsg_t msg;
    msg.cmd = ADB_PRINT_DECODE;
    msg.data0 = (void *)entry;
    xQueueSend(adb_cmdQueue,&msg,0); // If the queue is full... oh well

Then add it to advDatabase.h

void adb_printDecode(int entry);

Finally to the usercmd.c

static int usrcmd_printDecode(int argc, char **argv)
    if(argc == 1)

    if(argc == 2)
        int val;
    return 0;

Program and Test

When I actually program the scanner you can see that I can print out 1 item.  OR I can decode one item.  Notice that one contains 3 fields

  • flags
  • Tx Power Level
  • Manufacturers data.  Apparently an Apple something or the other

And I can print the whole table

Or decode the whole table.


AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 5)


In this article I will add a new task to the AnyCloud BLE Advertising Scanning application which will save the advertising data into a database.


There is still a boatload of mostly unintelligible advertising data coming ripping onto our screen.  It is FINALLY time to start fixing that.  In this article I will create a new task called the advertising database task which will hold the history of advertising packets that I have seen.  I will update the Bluetooth Manager task to submit the advertising packets to a queue running in the advertising database task.

There are

Article Topic
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 1) Introduction to AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 2) Creating an AnyCloud Bluetooth project
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 3) Adding Observing functionality to the project
AnyCloud Bluetooth Utilities Library A set of APIs for enhancement of the AnyCloud Library
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 4) Adding a command line to the scanner
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 5) Adding a history database to the scanner
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 6) Decoding advertising packets
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 7) Adding recording commands to the command line
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 8) Adding filtering to the scanner
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 9) Improve the print and add packet age
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 10) Sort the database

All of the code can be found at and

There are git tags in place starting at part 5 so that you can look at just that version of the code.  "git tag" to list the tags.  And "git checkout part6" to look at the part 6 version of the code.

You can also create a new project with this is a template if you have the IoT Expert Manifest Files installed

Create an Advertising Data Database Task

We need to create the file advertisingDatabase.h which will hold the task prototype (so that main can get going).

#pragma once

void adb_task(void *arg);

Then create the advertisingDatabase.c to hold the actual database code.  It will start with the definition of messages which can be sent to the task.  For now just “ADB_ADD”.  To make things a little bit simpler these command can have two data elements (which I call data0 and data1).  Then the main part of the task just

  1. Creates the queue to manage the messages
  2. Process the message until the end of time
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "queue.h"

static QueueHandle_t adb_cmdQueue;
typedef enum {
} adb_cmd_t;

typedef struct
    adb_cmd_t cmd;
    void *data0;
    void *data1;
} adb_cmdMsg_t;

void adb_task(void *arg)
    // setup the queue
    adb_cmdMsg_t msg;

    adb_cmdQueue = xQueueCreate(10,sizeof(adb_cmdMsg_t));
        BaseType_t status = xQueueReceive(adb_cmdQueue,&msg,portMAX_DELAY);
        if(status == pdTRUE) 
                case ADB_ADD:


To start the task, you need to add it to main.c.

    xTaskCreate(adb_task,"adv database",configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE*4,0,1,0);

When I build and program this, you can now see the new task.  Good that working.

AnyCloud> Unhandled Bluetooth Management Event: BTM_LOCAL_IDENTITY_KEYS_REQUEST_EVT
Started BT Stack Succesfully

AnyCloud> tasks
Name          State Priority   Stack  Num
usrcmd_ta       X       0       228     5
IDLE            R       0       115     7
Tmr Svc         B       0       223     8
CYBT_HCI_       B       5       950     3
sleep_tas       B       6       221     1
CYBT_BT_T       B       4       1371    2
blinkTask       B       0       98      4
adv datab       B       1       479     6
‘B’ – Blocked
‘R’ – Ready
‘D’ – Deleted (waiting clean up)
‘S’ – Suspended, or Blocked without a timeout
Stack = bytes free at highwater

Update the Advertising Database to Accept Submitted ADV Packets

If you recall our original setup was to take advertising packets in the Bluetooth Manager thread and print out the data.  The first thing that we want to fix up is the ability of the advertising database task to accept advertising packets which are pushed to its command queue.   To prepare for this I create two local variables to hold the data.

void adb_task(void *arg)
    // setup the queue
    adb_cmdMsg_t msg;
    wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t *scan_result;
    uint8_t *data;

Then I update the ADB_ADD command.  My first, and really simple fix, is to grab the printing code from the Bluetooth Manager task.  Obviously this won’t be an improvement from the original program as far as the users goes, but it will verify that the tasks are working properly together.

                case ADB_ADD:
                    // Print the MAC Address
                    scan_result = (wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t *)msg.data0;
                    data = (uint8_t *)msg.data1;

                    printf("MAC: ");
                    for(int i=0;i<BD_ADDR_LEN;i++)
                    // Print the RAW Data of the ADV Packet
                    printf(" Data: ");
                    int i=0;
                        for(int j=0;j<data[i];j++)
                            printf("%02X ",data[i+1+j]);
                        i = i + data[i]+1;

Then I add a command to the advertisingDatabase.h which the Bluetooth Manager task can call to submit advertising packets

void adb_addAdv(wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t *scan_result,void *data);

The actual command in advertisingDatabase.c just takes the advertising information, puts it in a command message, then submits it to the command queue.

void adb_addAdv(wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t *scan_result,void *data)
    adb_cmdMsg_t msg;
    msg.cmd = ADB_ADD;
    msg.data0 = (void *)scan_result;
    msg.data1 = (void *)data;
    xQueueSend(adb_cmdQueue,&msg,0); // If you loose an adv packet it is OK...

Update the Bluetooth Manager to Submit Adv Packets

Now I go and edit the bluetoothManager. c to submit packets rather than print them.  To do this I greatly simplify the callback.  There is one VERY important issue to deal with, which is one of those potential religious war issues.  Memory.

When you get the callback from the stack, it gives you POINTERS to data for the advertising packet that reside inside of buffers inside of the stack.  As soon as this callback returns this memory is purged.  To prevent this data from getting cleaned up by the stack I

  1. Malloc some memory for the wiced_bt_ble_scan_results
  2. Malloc some memory for the advertising data
  3. Make a copy of the data
  4. Submit it to the Advertising Database

I KNOW from the spec that the largest data packet is 31-bytes (actually it is 31-bytes + one more field with length 0).  So I know the maximum length is 32-bytes  This means that in many situations I will be copying GARBAGE into my buffer if the packet is less than 32 bytes long.  I think that this is simpler than calculating the length and then only copying that much data.

void btm_advCallback(wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t *p_scan_result, uint8_t *p_adv_data)
    wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t *scan_result = malloc(sizeof(wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t));
    uint8_t *data = malloc(32);

When I run this updated program I should get the same stream of data coming out on the serial port.  Sure enough the new thread is working.

Create an Advertising Data Database

Now, lets create an actual database.  To simplify things my database is just an array of structures.  One structure per bluetooth device.  The structure will contain a pointer to the information about the device it just saw and the actual raw data.

typedef struct {
    wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t *result;
    uint8_t *data;
} adb_adv_t ;

#define ADB_MAX_SIZE (40)
adb_adv_t adb_database[ADB_MAX_SIZE];
int adb_db_count=0;

Then I will create several helper functions to work with the database

  1. Find devices in the database given a mac address
  2. Print an entry in the database
  3. Add entries to the database

First, find an entry in the database.  This function will search through the database and compare the mac address against the mac address in the database.  When the memcmp ==0 meaning it found a match, it will return that entry.

static int adb_db_find(wiced_bt_device_address_t *add)
    int rval=-1;
    for(int i=0;i<adb_db_count;i++)
            rval = i;
    return rval;

The print function will make sure that you asked for a legal entry (much must be greater than 0… and less than the max).  Then it will print out the mac address and the raw data.  In a future post I will add a smarter print out.

static void adb_db_printEntry(int entry)
    if(!(entry>= 0 && entry <= adb_db_count))
        printf("Illegal entry\n");
    printf("%02d MAC: ",entry);

    for(int i=0;i<BD_ADDR_LEN;i++)

    // Print the RAW Data of the ADV Packet
    printf(" Data: ");
    int i=0;
        for(int j=0;j<adb_database[entry].data[i];j++)
            printf("%02X ",adb_database[entry].data[i+1+j]);
        i = i + adb_database[entry].data[i]+1;

To add an entry to the database, first make sure that it isn’t already in the database.  Then when you are sure that it isn’t the database, you just add the pointers to your table.  You need to make sure and not go beyond the end of the table, and if you did, you will have effectively blown away the last entry in the table.  Oh well.

static void adb_db_add(wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t *scan_result,uint8_t *data)
    int entry = adb_db_find(&scan_result->remote_bd_addr);
    if(entry == -1)
        adb_database[adb_db_count].result = scan_result;
        adb_database[adb_db_count].data = data;
        adb_db_count = adb_db_count + 1;
        if(adb_db_count == ADB_MAX_SIZE)
            printf("ADV Table Max Size\n");
            adb_db_count = adb_db_count - 1;

Add a Command to Print the Database

Now we want to add the ability to print from the command line.  So add a new command message to the list of legal commands.

typedef enum {
} adb_cmd_t;

Then create a new function to print.  If you send in a “-1” it will print the whole table.  Otherwise just print the individual entry.

static void adb_printTable(int entry)
    if(entry == -1)
        for(int i=0;i<adb_db_count;i++)



Now edit usercmd.c to have the new command line.  Notice that I use “sscanf” which obviously has some issues.  Too bad.

static int usrcmd_print(int argc, char **argv)

    if(argc == 1)
        adb_print(-1); // Print whole table

    if(argc == 2)
        int val;

    return 0;

When I program the project it immediately prints out a bunch of devices that are at my house.  Then you can see I run the “print” command which prints the table.  Finally P do a print 0 to just print the first entry.

In the next article I will add smarter diagnostics to the advertising packets.

AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 4)


In this article I update the AnyCloud BLE advertising scanner to use the btutil library that was created in the previous post.  In addition, I add a command queue to the bluetoothManger and enable a new command to turn on and off scanning.


If you have been following along until now, which I imagine that you have if you are reading this,  you will have gotten a vomit of device data blasting out onto your serial console.  This isn’t very helpful.  So now what?  I am going to divide this problem into two parts

  1. Creating a new user command to turn on and off scanning (this article)
  2. Creating a database to manage the data + a set of commands to dump it (next article)

There are

Article Topic
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 1) Introduction to AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 2) Creating an AnyCloud Bluetooth project
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 3) Adding Observing functionality to the project
AnyCloud Bluetooth Utilities Library A set of APIs for enhancement of the AnyCloud Library
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 4) Adding a command line to the scanner
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 5) Adding a history database to the scanner
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 6) Decoding advertising packets
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 7) Adding recording commands to the command line
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 8) Adding filtering to the scanner
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 9) Improve the print and add packet age
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 10) Sort the database

All of the code can be found at and

There are git tags in place starting at part 5 so that you can look at just that version of the code.  "git tag" to list the tags.  And "git checkout part6" to look at the part 6 version of the code.

You can also create a new project with this is a template if you have the IoT Expert Manifest Files installed

Add the IoT Expert “btutil” Library

Before we actually start all of the command queue stuff, lets move to the btutil library that I talked about in the previous post.  To do this, add the library using the library manager.

Then delete bt_platform_cfg_settings.h and bt_platform_cfg_settings.c from your project.  Finally Rebuild and make sure that everything still works.  That is it.


Id like to explain that there is now some danger.  That danger comes from the fact that we have multiple tasks which are all accessing data plus functions that are talking to each other ASYNCHRONOUSLY.  Specifically we have:

  1. The Bluetooth Stack task – running the Bluetooth stack and management callback
  2. The Bluetooth Stack APIs – e.g. wiced_bt_ble_observe
  3. The usrcmd task – which is interacting with the user on the serial port and talking to the other tasks
  4. A timer_svc task – which runs software timers
  5. The advertising data (which I will start saving in the next article)

When faced with this situation what I typically like to do is provide thread safe public functions for each of the tasks.  Then any other task can call these functions and know that things are not going to get corrupted by a race condition.

To make the design thread safe, I typically like to put an RTOS Queue between the tasks.  These queues are a safe place to send and receive data in a “thread safe” way.  There are two basic design patterns that can be used

  1. Define a message structure (that gets pushed into the queue) and make it global (via a dot-h).  Define a queue handle and make it global (via a dot-h).  Then let any task build messages and push them into the queue to be received in the task that owns the queue.
  2. Define the message structure and queue.  Then define functions which are global (via a dot-h) which know how to interact with the queue.

I typically think that the 2nd method is better, so that is what I am going to do here.

  1. In BluetoothManager.h I will provide a function called “btm_cmdScan”
  2. The usrcmd task will call the btm_cmdScan function which will
  3. Create a btm_cmdMsg_t with the “scan” command and data of true/false
  4. Then push it into the Bluetooth Manager Command Queue
  5. Where a timer callback in the Bluetooth Manager Task will take it out of the queue
  6. Figure out that it is a “scan” command
  7. Then will either turn on or off scanning

Add a Queue to the Bluetooth Manager Thread

So we need two things a message to push into a queue (just a structure) and we need a queue to push it into.  First the message which is just a structure with two elements.  The first element is a command and the second element is some data of type void.  The meaning of the void *data will be different based on the command.

typedef struct {
	btm_cmd_t cmd;
	void *data;
} btm_cmdMsg_t;

But how about the command?  The command is just an enumerate list of commands which will now start with just one command.

typedef enum {
} btm_cmd_t;

And know we need to define the queue.

#include "queue.h"
static QueueHandle_t btm_cmdQueue;

Before you can use the queue you need to initialize it.  The best place to initialize this queue is in the management callback right after the stack gets going.  You can see that I tell FreeRTOS that there is a queue which can hold up to 10 commands.  I also tell it that each command is the sizeof the command message.

    switch (event)
        case BTM_ENABLED_EVT:
            printf("Started BT Stack Succesfully\n");
            btm_cmdQueue = xQueueCreate(10,sizeof(btm_cmdMsg_t));

Now we need to create a way for other tasks to create these command messages.  They will do this by calling a function which we will define in the bluetoothManager.h

void btm_cmdScan(bool enable);

This function will live in bluetoothManager.c and it simply

  1. Creates a command
  2. Set the actual command to scan
  3. Sets the void* data to be enable … in other words start or stop scanning.  Remember that a void * can be anything.  See I cast a bool to a void *
  4. Finally push the data into the command queue
void btm_cmdScan(bool enable)
    btm_cmdMsg_t msg;
    msg.cmd = BTM_SCAN; = (void *)enable;
  	xQueueSend(btm_cmdQueue, &msg,0);

Add a Timer to Process the Queue

So now we have a method to push items into the queue.  How do we get them out of the queue?  To do that I will use a Bluetooth Stack timer that will run every 50ms.

First, define the timer in bluetoothManager.c

#include "wiced_timer.h"
static wiced_timer_ext_t btm_mgmtQueueTimer;

Then define a function which the timer will call.  This function will

  1. Try to get a message out of the queue
  2. IF there is a message it will use a big switch to look at the possible messages
  3. If the message is a scan
  4. Then call the wiced function to either start “observing” or stop “observing”
static void btm_processBluetoothAppQueue()
	btm_cmdMsg_t msg;

	 BaseType_t rval;

	 rval = xQueueReceive( btm_cmdQueue,&msg,0);
	 if(rval == pdTRUE)
		 case BTM_SCAN:

The last thing you need to do is start the timer.  The best place to start the timer is in the management callback where you need to

  1. Create the timer
  2. Tell it to start and run every 50ms
    switch (event)
        case BTM_ENABLED_EVT:
            printf("Started BT Stack Succesfully\n");
            btm_cmdQueue = xQueueCreate(10,sizeof(btm_cmdMsg_t));
            wiced_init_timer_ext (&btm_mgmtQueueTimer, btm_processBluetoothAppQueue,0, WICED_TRUE);
            wiced_start_timer_ext (&btm_mgmtQueueTimer, 50);

A Potential Threading Bug

When I did the implementation originally I created what I thought was a threading bug.  Specifically I used the FreeRTOS timer to process the queue.  In other words instead of using a wiced_timer_ext_t I used a TimerHandle_t.  So what?

The wiced_timer_ext_t is run INSIDE of the BluetoothStack task where the TimerHandle_t is run inside of the Timer_SVC task.

So what?  I was afraid that the call to wiced_bt_ble_obsere was NOT thread safe and needed to be called inside of the same task as the stack.

After some digging I found out that the Bluetooth Stack is threadsafe, so I worried for no reason.  Well, actually, you can never worry enough about making these kinds of threading bugs because they are viscously difficult to debug.

Add a Scan Off & On Command

The last thing that you need to do is add an actual command to the usercmd task to call the bluetooth manager function to turn on and off scanning.

First, add a new prototype for your new command in usercmd.c.  Then add it to the list of legal commands.

static int usrcmd_scan(int argc, char **argv);

static const cmd_table_t cmdlist[] = {

.... deleted stuff

    { "scan","scan [on|off]", usrcmd_scan},


Then create the function to process the command line input and call the btm_scan function.

static int usrcmd_scan(int argc, char **argv)

    if(argc != 2)
        return 0;

    if(strcmp(argv[1],"on") == 0)
    else if(strcmp(argv[1],"off") == 0)

    return 0;


Now build it and run it.  You should still get adv packets barfing all over your screen.  But now you can turn on and off the scanning with “scan on” and “scan off”.  In the next article we will create a database to hold the scan packets.

AnyCloud Bluetooth Utilities Library


This article is a discussion of a library of utilities functions that support AnyCloud Bluetooth development.  It includes settings to configure the hardware, functions to decode stack events, functions to decode advertising packets etc.


The Cypress, now Infineon, Modus Toolbox team has been working to bring the WICED Bluetooth devices to be closer and more compatible with the PSoC 6 tools.  One of the important enablement things we have done is turn on the WICED Bluetooth Host stack on the PSoC 6 so that it can effectively talk to the CYW43XXX Bluetooth / WiFi combo chips.

As I have been using all of the new stuff I found myself adding my own custom functionality…. and after a while I realized (finally) that I should put all of those little helper things into a library, specifically an IoT Expert library.  For now this library contains:

  • The Bluetooth Platform Configuration Settings
  • Functions to decode stack events
  • Functions to decode advertising packets

but imagine with time I will add more functions and templates.


As I discussed in the article AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 1), every single AnyCloud BLE Stack project will require a structure of type wiced_bt_cfg_settings_t.  This structure is used to setup the hardware before getting the stack going.  Remember you need to make a call like this to initialize the Bluetooth hardware.


At some point this file will be included automatically for you by the Modus Toolbox team, but for now I have added this to my library.  This file look like this.  Basically a bunch of pin definitions which are set for you automatically by the BSP.  Obviously you can make your own, but this should work on all of the Cypress development kits (I think)

#include "cybt_platform_config.h"
#include "cybsp.h"
#include "wiced_bt_stack.h"

const cybt_platform_config_t bt_platform_cfg_settings =
    .hci_config =
        .hci_transport = CYBT_HCI_UART,

        .hci =
            .hci_uart =
                .uart_tx_pin = CYBSP_BT_UART_TX,
                .uart_rx_pin = CYBSP_BT_UART_RX,
                .uart_rts_pin = CYBSP_BT_UART_RTS,
                .uart_cts_pin = CYBSP_BT_UART_CTS,

                .baud_rate_for_fw_download = 115200,
                .baud_rate_for_feature     = 115200,

                .data_bits = 8,
                .stop_bits = 1,
                .parity = CYHAL_UART_PARITY_NONE,
                .flow_control = WICED_TRUE

    .controller_config =
        .bt_power_pin      = CYBSP_BT_POWER,
        .sleep_mode =
            #if (bt_0_power_0_ENABLED == 1) /* BT Power control is enabled in the LPA */
            #if (CYCFG_BT_LP_ENABLED == 1) /* Low power is enabled in the LPA, use the LPA configuration */
            .sleep_mode_enabled = true,
            .device_wakeup_pin = CYCFG_BT_DEV_WAKE_GPIO,
            .host_wakeup_pin = CYCFG_BT_HOST_WAKE_GPIO,
            .device_wake_polarity = CYCFG_BT_DEV_WAKE_POLARITY,
            .host_wake_polarity = CYCFG_BT_HOST_WAKE_IRQ_EVENT
            #else /* Low power is disabled in the LPA, disable low power */
            .sleep_mode_enabled = false
            #else /* BT Power control is disabled in the LPA – default to BSP low power configuration */
            .sleep_mode_enabled = true,
            .device_wakeup_pin = CYBSP_BT_DEVICE_WAKE,
            .host_wakeup_pin = CYBSP_BT_HOST_WAKE,
            .device_wake_polarity = CYBT_WAKE_ACTIVE_LOW,
            .host_wake_polarity = CYBT_WAKE_ACTIVE_LOW

    .task_mem_pool_size    = 2048


When you startup the Bluetooth Host stack you are responsible for providing a “management callback” which has the function prototype

typedef wiced_result_t (wiced_bt_management_cback_t) (wiced_bt_management_evt_t event, wiced_bt_management_evt_data_t *p_event_data);

The first parameter is an “event” which is  just an enumerated list of possible events by the Bluetooth Host Stack.  Here is the actual list.

enum wiced_bt_management_evt_e {
    /* Bluetooth status events */
    BTM_ENABLED_EVT,                                /**< Bluetooth controller and host stack enabled. Event data: wiced_bt_dev_enabled_t */
    BTM_DISABLED_EVT,                               /**< Bluetooth controller and host stack disabled. Event data: NULL */
    BTM_POWER_MANAGEMENT_STATUS_EVT,                /**< Power management status change. Event data: wiced_bt_power_mgmt_notification_t */
    BTM_RE_START_EVT,                               /**< Bluetooth controller and host stack re-enabled. Event data: tBTM_ENABLED_EVT */
    /* Security events */
    BTM_PIN_REQUEST_EVT,                            /**< PIN request (used only with legacy devices). Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_name_and_class_t */
    BTM_USER_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST_EVT,              /**< received USER_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST event (respond using #wiced_bt_dev_confirm_req_reply). Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_user_cfm_req_t */
    BTM_PASSKEY_NOTIFICATION_EVT,                   /**< received USER_PASSKEY_NOTIFY event. Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_user_key_notif_t */
    BTM_PASSKEY_REQUEST_EVT,                        /**< received USER_PASSKEY_REQUEST event @cond DUAL_MODE (respond using #wiced_bt_dev_pass_key_req_reply). Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_user_key_req_t @endcond
                                                     @note  BR/EDR Only */
    BTM_KEYPRESS_NOTIFICATION_EVT,                  /**< received KEYPRESS_NOTIFY event. Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_user_keypress_t */
    BTM_PAIRING_IO_CAPABILITIES_BR_EDR_REQUEST_EVT, /**< Requesting IO capabilities for BR/EDR pairing. Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_bredr_io_caps_req_t 
                                                        @note  BR/EDR Only */
    BTM_PAIRING_IO_CAPABILITIES_BR_EDR_RESPONSE_EVT,/**< Received IO capabilities response for BR/EDR pairing. Event data: @cond DUAL_MODE #wiced_bt_dev_bredr_io_caps_rsp_t @endcond
                                                        @note  BR/EDR Only*/
    BTM_PAIRING_IO_CAPABILITIES_BLE_REQUEST_EVT,    /**< Requesting IO capabilities for BLE pairing. Slave can check peer io capabilities in event data before updating with local io capabilities. Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_ble_io_caps_req_t */
    BTM_PAIRING_COMPLETE_EVT,                       /**< received SIMPLE_PAIRING_COMPLETE event. Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_pairing_cplt_t */
    BTM_ENCRYPTION_STATUS_EVT,                      /**< Encryption status change. Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_encryption_status_t */
    BTM_SECURITY_REQUEST_EVT,                       /**< Security request (respond using #wiced_bt_ble_security_grant). Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_security_request_t */
    BTM_SECURITY_FAILED_EVT,                        /**< Security procedure/authentication failed. Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_security_failed_t */
    BTM_SECURITY_ABORTED_EVT,                       /**< Security procedure aborted locally, or unexpected link drop. Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_name_and_class_t */

    BTM_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA_COMPLETE_EVT,           /**< Result of reading local OOB data @cond DUAL_MODE (#wiced_bt_dev_read_local_oob_data). Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_local_oob_t @endcond 
                                                        @note  BR/EDR Only */

    BTM_REMOTE_OOB_DATA_REQUEST_EVT,                /**< OOB data from remote device @cond DUAL_MODE (respond using #wiced_bt_dev_remote_oob_data_reply). Event data: #wiced_bt_dev_remote_oob_t @endcond 
                                                        @note  BR/EDR Only */

    BTM_PAIRED_DEVICE_LINK_KEYS_UPDATE_EVT,         /**< Updated remote device link keys (store device_link_keys to  NV memory). This is the place to
verify that the correct link key has been generated. Event data: #wiced_bt_device_link_keys_t */
    BTM_PAIRED_DEVICE_LINK_KEYS_REQUEST_EVT,        /**< Request for stored remote device link keys (restore device_link_keys from NV memory). If successful, return WICED_BT_SUCCESS. Event data: #wiced_bt_device_link_keys_t */

    BTM_LOCAL_IDENTITY_KEYS_UPDATE_EVT,             /**< Update local identity key (stored local_identity_keys NV memory). Event data: #wiced_bt_local_identity_keys_t */
    BTM_LOCAL_IDENTITY_KEYS_REQUEST_EVT,            /**< Request local identity key (get local_identity_keys from NV memory). If successful, return WICED_BT_SUCCESS. Event data: #wiced_bt_local_identity_keys_t */

    BTM_BLE_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED_EVT,                 /**< BLE scan state change. Event data: #wiced_bt_ble_scan_type_t */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_STATE_CHANGED_EVT,               /**< BLE advertisement state change. Event data: #wiced_bt_ble_advert_mode_t */

    /* BLE Secure Connection events */
    BTM_SMP_REMOTE_OOB_DATA_REQUEST_EVT,            /**< SMP remote oob data request. Reply using wiced_bt_smp_oob_data_reply. Event data: #wiced_bt_smp_remote_oob_req_t  */
    BTM_SMP_SC_REMOTE_OOB_DATA_REQUEST_EVT,         /**< LE secure connection remote oob data request. Reply using wiced_bt_smp_sc_oob_reply. Event data: #wiced_bt_smp_sc_remote_oob_req_t 
                                                        @note  BR/EDR Only */
    BTM_SMP_SC_LOCAL_OOB_DATA_NOTIFICATION_EVT,     /**< LE secure connection local OOB data (wiced_bt_smp_create_local_sc_oob_data). Event data: #wiced_bt_smp_sc_local_oob_t */

    BTM_SCO_CONNECTED_EVT,                          /**< SCO connected event. Event data: @cond DUAL_MODE #wiced_bt_sco_connected_t @endcond
                                                        @note  BR/EDR Only */
    BTM_SCO_DISCONNECTED_EVT,                       /**< SCO disconnected event. Event data: @cond #wiced_bt_sco_disconnected_t @endcond
                                                        @note  BR/EDR Only */
    BTM_SCO_CONNECTION_REQUEST_EVT,                 /**< SCO connection request event. Event data: @cond #wiced_bt_sco_connection_request_t @endcond
                                                        @note  BR/EDR Only */
    BTM_SCO_CONNECTION_CHANGE_EVT,                  /**< SCO connection change event. Event data: @cond #wiced_bt_sco_connection_change_t @endcond
                                                        @note  BR/EDR Only */
    BTM_BLE_CONNECTION_PARAM_UPDATE,                /**< BLE connection parameter update. Event data: #wiced_bt_ble_connection_param_update_t */
    BTM_BLE_PHY_UPDATE_EVT,                         /**< BLE Physical link update. Event data: wiced_bt_ble_phy_update_t */
    BTM_LPM_STATE_LOW_POWER,                        /**< BT device wake has been deasserted. Used for Host Stack Use Case. */
    BTM_MULTI_ADVERT_RESP_EVENT,                    /**< Multi adv command status event Used for the status of the command sent */
    BTM_SMP_SC_PEER_INFO_EVT                        /** The Secure Connections support information of the peer device */


While you are trying to figure out what is going on during the development, it is very useful to be able to print out the name of the events (instead of the numbers).  In other words instead of doing

printf("Event = %02X\n",event);

it is way better to do

printf("Event Name=%s\n",btutil_getBTEventName(event));

While I was looking at an example project I found this function which I thought was awesome.

const char *btutil_getBTEventName(wiced_bt_management_evt_t event)
    switch ( (int)event )
#ifdef CYW20819A1

    return NULL;

And then I learned something new when I looked at the “function” CASE_RETURN_STR which used compiler trick to turn an enumerated value into a string.

#define CASE_RETURN_STR(enum_val)          case enum_val: return #enum_val;

This allows you to do this in your management callback (notice line 16 where the string is printed out)

wiced_result_t app_bt_management_callback(wiced_bt_management_evt_t event, wiced_bt_management_evt_data_t *p_event_data)
    wiced_result_t result = WICED_BT_SUCCESS;

    switch (event)
        case BTM_ENABLED_EVT:
            if (WICED_BT_SUCCESS == p_event_data->enabled.status)
                printf("Started BT Stack Succesfully\n");

            printf("Unhandled Bluetooth Management Event: %s\n", btutil_getBTEventName(event));

    return result;

It turns out that there are several other places where the stack gives you an event-ish thing.  So these functions were created as well

#pragma once

const char *btutil_getBTEventName(wiced_bt_management_evt_t event);
const char *btutil_getBLEAdvertModeName(wiced_bt_ble_advert_mode_t mode);
const char *btutil_getBLEGattDisconnReasonName(wiced_bt_gatt_disconn_reason_t reason);
const char *btutil_getBLEGattStatusName(wiced_bt_gatt_status_t status);


In AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 3) I discussed the format of the advertising packet.  So I created functions which will decode the data in the advertising packets.  More on the future article AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 4 or maybe 5 or maybe 6).  Here are the functions:

#pragma once

wiced_bool_t btutil_isEddystone(uint8_t *data);
wiced_bool_t btutil_is_iBeacon(uint8_t *data);
wiced_bool_t btutil_isCypress(uint8_t *data);

int btutil_adv_len(uint8_t *packet);
void btutil_adv_printPacketDecode(uint8_t *packet);
void btutil_adv_printPacketBytes(uint8_t *packet);


And because I like to have just one include to get access to all of the function I created “btutil.h” which just includes all of the headers in one place.

#pragma once

#include "btutil_adv_decode.h"
#include "btutil_stack.h"
#include "btutil_general.h"
#include "bt_platform_cfg_settings.h"

Add to the IoT Expert Manifest

In order to set it up for my library to live in the library manager I updated the IoT Expert Manifest file to have a link to the GitHub repository

    <name>Bluetooth Utilities</name>
    <desc>A library of Bluetooth Debugging Utilties for Cypress PSoC6 Anycloud</desc>
    <category>IoT Expert</category>
      <version flow_version="1.0,2.0">

And now the library manager has the IoT Expert Bluetooth Utilities.



AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 3)


In this article I discuss BLE “Observing” and add that functionality to my PSoC 6 – CYW43xxx AnyCloud BLE Adverting Scanner project.


In part1 of this series I discussed the pieces parts required to get the AnyCloud Bluetooth Stack operating using the AnyCloud SDK running on a PSoC 6 with a CY43xxx combo.  Then in part 2 I built a project with those parts and started up the Bluetooth Host stack.  The project didn’t really do anything, actually nothing, so it wasn’t very interesting, but it was going.  In this article I will discuss BLE advertising scanning, how to configure it in the AnyCloud project and finally how to add it to the project.

There are

Article Topic
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 1) Introduction to AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 2) Creating an AnyCloud Bluetooth project
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 3) Adding Observing functionality to the project
AnyCloud Bluetooth Utilities Library A set of APIs for enhancement of the AnyCloud Library
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 4) Adding a command line to the scanner
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 5) Adding a history database to the scanner
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 6) Decoding advertising packets
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 7) Adding recording commands to the command line
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 8) Adding filtering to the scanner
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 9) Improve the print and add packet age
AnyCloud Bluetooth Advertising Scanner (Part 10) Sort the database

All of the code can be found at and

There are git tags in place starting at part 5 so that you can look at just that version of the code.  "git tag" to list the tags.  And "git checkout part6" to look at the part 6 version of the code.

You can also create a new project with this is a template if you have the IoT Expert Manifest Files installed

Explain BLE Advertising – Scanner/Observer

You might recall that there are four roles that a BLE device can perform

  • Peripheral – low power devices that broadcast advertisements, then accept a single connection
  • Central – devices like cell phones that connect to peripherals.  They may run multiple connections at a time.
  • Broadcaster – a nonconnectable peripheral that sends out advertisements
  • Observer – A central-like device that listens for broadcasters (or advertising peripherals)

And you might remember that advertisements are short, up to 31-byte, packets of data that give information which can be used for one or more of:

  • advertising the availability to connect
  • advertising services
  • advertising the name
  • advertising vendor specific information
  • advertising beacon data (like temperature or …)
  • advertising location

And, if you forgot, BLE operates on 40 channels.  But to save power in peripherals, all of the advertising happens on channel 37, 38 and 39.  Specifically a peripheral or broadcaster will send out the advertising data on channel 37, then 38 then 39, then wait… then do it again.  But why one channel at a time?  Because BLE radio’s can be tuned to transmit and receive on only one channel at a time (a power saving and complexity reducing feature)

Inside of the Central/Observer it will listen on channel 37 for a “window” amount of time.  Then it will do nothing for an interval-window amount of time.  Then it will do that same thing on channel 28 then 39.  But why only one channel at a time?  Same reason as above, it saves power and simplifies the design.  Why not have the window and the interval be the same?  Once again, it saves power.

Here is a picture:

But, what happens if you are not listening when the advertiser advertises?  You missed it.  Tough shit.  It turns out that setting the scan window and interval will greatly impact the probability that you hear advertisements.  And, you are more likely to hear advertisements because they are sent on three channels.  But it seems like it will never work.  Will it? … yes, of course, or they wouldn’t have done it that way 🙂

BLE Advertising – The Advertiser Peripheral or Broadcaster

So what exactly is inside of an advertising packet?  Volume 6 part B Section 2.3 of the bluetooth core spec describes the advertising protocol data unit (PDU)

But what is inside of the header?

This leaves us with what is inside of the “payload”.  The answer is that the ADV_IND Payload Data Unit (PDU) contains an address of 6-bytes plus up to 31 bytes of data.

The AdvA field shall contain the advertiser’s public or random device address as indicated by TxAdd.

The actual AdvData field is further broken up into “AD Structures” like this:

And what is the “AD Type”, well it is a one byte of one of the following:

And then where do you find the assigned numbers for the field types?  In the “Assigned Numbers and GAP“.  Here is a clip from the spec.

And conveniently enough we enumerated them for you inside of the SDK header file wiced_bt_ble.h

/** Advertisement data types */
enum wiced_bt_ble_advert_type_e {
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_FLAG                        = 0x01,                 /**< Advertisement flags */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_16SRV_PARTIAL               = 0x02,                 /**< List of supported services - 16 bit UUIDs (partial) */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_16SRV_COMPLETE              = 0x03,                 /**< List of supported services - 16 bit UUIDs (complete) */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_32SRV_PARTIAL               = 0x04,                 /**< List of supported services - 32 bit UUIDs (partial) */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_32SRV_COMPLETE              = 0x05,                 /**< List of supported services - 32 bit UUIDs (complete) */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_128SRV_PARTIAL              = 0x06,                 /**< List of supported services - 128 bit UUIDs (partial) */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_128SRV_COMPLETE             = 0x07,                 /**< List of supported services - 128 bit UUIDs (complete) */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_NAME_SHORT                  = 0x08,                 /**< Short name */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_NAME_COMPLETE               = 0x09,                 /**< Complete name */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_TX_POWER                    = 0x0A,                 /**< TX Power level  */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_DEV_CLASS                   = 0x0D,                 /**< Device Class */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_HASH_C       = 0x0E,                 /**< Simple Pairing Hash C */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_RAND_C       = 0x0F,                 /**< Simple Pairing Randomizer R */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_SM_TK                       = 0x10,                 /**< Security manager TK value */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_SM_OOB_FLAG                 = 0x11,                 /**< Security manager Out-of-Band data */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_INTERVAL_RANGE              = 0x12,                 /**< Slave connection interval range */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_SOLICITATION_SRV_UUID       = 0x14,                 /**< List of solicitated services - 16 bit UUIDs */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_128SOLICITATION_SRV_UUID    = 0x15,                 /**< List of solicitated services - 128 bit UUIDs */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_SERVICE_DATA                = 0x16,                 /**< Service data - 16 bit UUID */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_PUBLIC_TARGET               = 0x17,                 /**< Public target address */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_RANDOM_TARGET               = 0x18,                 /**< Random target address */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_APPEARANCE                  = 0x19,                 /**< Appearance */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_ADVERT_INTERVAL             = 0x1a,                 /**< Advertising interval */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_LE_BD_ADDR                  = 0x1b,                 /**< LE device bluetooth address */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_LE_ROLE                     = 0x1c,                 /**< LE role */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_256SIMPLE_PAIRING_HASH      = 0x1d,                 /**< Simple Pairing Hash C-256 */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_256SIMPLE_PAIRING_RAND      = 0x1e,                 /**< Simple Pairing Randomizer R-256 */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_32SOLICITATION_SRV_UUID     = 0x1f,                 /**< List of solicitated services - 32 bit UUIDs */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_32SERVICE_DATA              = 0x20,                 /**< Service data - 32 bit UUID */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_128SERVICE_DATA             = 0x21,                 /**< Service data - 128 bit UUID */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_CONN_CONFIRM_VAL            = 0x22,                 /**< LE Secure Connections Confirmation Value */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_CONN_RAND_VAL               = 0x23,                 /**< LE Secure Connections Random Value */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_URI                         = 0x24,                 /**< URI */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_INDOOR_POS                  = 0x25,                 /**< Indoor Positioning */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_TRANS_DISCOVER_DATA         = 0x26,                 /**< Transport Discovery Data */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES          = 0x27,                 /**< LE Supported Features */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_UPDATE_CH_MAP_IND           = 0x28,                 /**< Channel Map Update Indication */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_PB_ADV                      = 0x29,                 /**< PB-ADV */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_MESH_MSG                    = 0x2A,                 /**< Mesh Message */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_MESH_BEACON                 = 0x2B,                 /**< Mesh Beacon */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_PSRI                        = 0x2E,                 /**< Generic Audio Provate Set Random Identifier */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_3D_INFO_DATA                = 0x3D,                 /**< 3D Information Data */
    BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_MANUFACTURER                = 0xFF                  /**< Manufacturer data */

How does scanning work in the AnyCloud Bluetooth Stack?

To turn on observing/scanning you need to call the function:

wiced_bt_dev_status_t wiced_bt_ble_observe (wiced_bool_t start, uint8_t duration, wiced_bt_ble_scan_result_cback_t *p_scan_result_cback);

Which will cause the host stack to tell the controller to start scanning for advertising packets.  It will set the scan window and scan interval the low duty scan settings from the bluetooth configuration structure… which we setup with the Bluetooth configurator.

 .low_duty_scan_interval          = CY_BT_LOW_DUTY_SCAN_INTERVAL,                              /**< Low duty scan interval */
        .low_duty_scan_window            = CY_BT_LOW_DUTY_SCAN_WINDOW,                                /**< Low duty scan window */
        .low_duty_scan_duration          = CY_BT_LOW_DUTY_SCAN_DURATION,                              /**< Low duty scan duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */

When the controller hears an advertising packet, it will send the HCI advertising report to the Bluetooth host stack, which with then call you back.  Specifically it will call you back by calling the p_scan_result_cback” function.

You provide the callback function which has the prototype:

typedef void (wiced_bt_ble_scan_result_cback_t) (wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t *p_scan_result, uint8_t *p_adv_data);

which contains two parameters, p_scan_result which is a structure that has the mac address and some thing data plus the p_adv_data which has the raw bytes of the advertising packet.

Add Observing to our Project

OK.  Lets add this to our project by creating a callback function like this:

Lines 5-9: Just prints out the raw bytes of the MAC address of the remote device, the one advertising

To print out the raw advertising data you need to remember that it is formatted as

  1. A length (of all of the data of the field)
  2. A type
  3. The rest of the data

When you find a field of length of 0 you know that you have reached the end of the data

On Lines 13-20: I print out one field at a time and the raw data

void obv_callback(wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t *p_scan_result, uint8_t *p_adv_data)
    // Print the MAC Address
    printf("MAC: ");
    for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
    // Print the RAW Data of the ADV Packet
    printf(" Data: ");
    int i=0;
        for(int j=0;j<p_adv_data[i];j++)
            printf("%02X ",p_adv_data[i+1+j]);
        i = i + p_adv_data[i]+1;

Then update the management callback to start the scanner after the stack is successfully started

    switch (event)
        case BTM_ENABLED_EVT:

            if (WICED_BT_SUCCESS == p_event_data->enabled.status)
                printf("Started BT Stack Succesfully\n");


Program and Test

Now when I run the program data comes blasting out of the screen because there are a boatload of ble devices in my house

AnyCloud> Unhandled Bluetooth Management Event: 0x16
Started BT Stack Succesfully
MAC: 76:99:58:E8:8B:1F:Data: 01 1A 0A 0C FF 4C 00 10 06 13 1A 54 F7 5A 7A 
MAC: 9E:7B:EF:0B:74:20:Data: 01 06 16 F7 FD 01 0C C2 81 CE 0C 74 58 77 19 C8 E3 84 A3 42 50 98 00 00 00 00 03 
MAC: 6F:11:7C:FF:02:13:Data: 01 1A 0A 05 FF 4C 00 10 06 03 1E BA 24 58 3D 
MAC: 3F:64:BE:4E:29:0C:Data: 01 04 FF 00 4C 02 15 26 86 F3 9C BA DA 46 58 85 4A A6 2E 7E 5E 8B 8D 00 01 00 00 C9 
MAC: 47:4B:F1:53:2C:84:Data: 01 06 FF 4C 00 10 05 08 18 79 1E C2 
MAC: C8:69:CD:18:BC:E6:Data: 01 1A 0A 0C FF 4C 00 10 05 0C 14 17 BF E9 
MAC: 27:F6:6F:1E:7A:78:Data: 01 1A FF 4C 00 09 06 03 12 C0 A8 20 0D 
MAC: 6F:AE:84:F6:6A:9F:Data: 01 06 FF 4C 00 10 05 08 18 79 1E C2 
MAC: 3F:64:BE:4E:29:0C:Data: 01 04 FF 00 4C 02 15 26 86 F3 9C BA DA 46 58 85 4A A6 2E 7E 5E 8B 8D 00 01 00 00 C9 
MAC: 41:EE:B4:9C:5C:5F:Data: 01 1A 0A 07 FF 4C 00 10 06 33 1A 49 59 46 B4 
MAC: 9E:7B:EF:0B:74:20:Data: 01 06 16 F7 FD 01 0C C2 81 CE 0C 74 58 77 19 C8 E3 84 A3 42 50 98 00 00 00 00 03 
MAC: C8:EB:ED:C8:AC:1C:Data: 01 0A 03 66 66 19 D0 07 FF EE 03 1C AC C8 ED EB C8 
MAC: 76:99:58:E8:8B:1F:Data: 01 1A 0A 0C FF 4C 00 10 06 13 1A 54 F7 5A 7A

In the next article Ill add some more smarts to manage the data to be easier to look at.

For your information here is all of the file bluetoothManager.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "cybsp.h"

#include "FreeRTOS.h"

#include "bluetoothManager.h"
#include "wiced_bt_stack.h"
#include "wiced_bt_dev.h"
#include "wiced_bt_trace.h"

void obv_callback(wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t *p_scan_result, uint8_t *p_adv_data)
    // Print the MAC Address
    printf("MAC: ");
    for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
    // Print the RAW Data of the ADV Packet
    printf(" Data: ");
    int i=0;
        for(int j=0;j<p_adv_data[i];j++)
            printf("%02X ",p_adv_data[i+1+j]);
        i = i + p_adv_data[i]+1;

* Function Name: app_bt_management_callback()
* Summary:
*   This is a Bluetooth stack event handler function to receive management events from
*   the BLE stack and process as per the application.
* Parameters:
*   wiced_bt_management_evt_t event             : BLE event code of one byte length
*   wiced_bt_management_evt_data_t *p_event_data: Pointer to BLE management event structures
* Return:
*  wiced_result_t: Error code from WICED_RESULT_LIST or BT_RESULT_LIST
wiced_result_t app_bt_management_callback(wiced_bt_management_evt_t event, wiced_bt_management_evt_data_t *p_event_data)
    wiced_result_t result = WICED_BT_SUCCESS;

    switch (event)
        case BTM_ENABLED_EVT:

            if (WICED_BT_SUCCESS == p_event_data->enabled.status)
                printf("Started BT Stack Succesfully\n");

            	printf("Error enabling BTM_ENABLED_EVENT\n");


            printf("Unhandled Bluetooth Management Event: 0x%x\n", event);

    return result;