CY8CKIT-021: The BLEIOT Component

The PRoC (on the shield) and the baseboard share two pairs of lines that are connected to the Serial Communication Blocks (SCBs) on the chips.  One of the pairs is also connected to the standard I2C Arduino bridge pins and in fact this is how you bootloaded the PRoC in the previous example.  When I […]

AnyCloud WiFi Template + WiFi Helper Library (Part 2): Enable the WiFi Network

Summary Instructions on using the AnyCloud Wireless Connection manager to enable WiFi.  This article is Part 2 of a series that will build a new IoT Expert template project for WiFi. Story In the last article I got things going by starting from the old template, fixing up the Visual Studio Code configuration, adding the […]

Tilt Hydrometer (Part 9) An LCD Display

Summary This article updates the Tilt Hydrometer project to include an LCD display using the Segger emWin library.  This includes a discussion of a “new” library in the suite of IoT Expert awesome sauce.  Specifically the IoT Expert Graphics library. Here is the architecture with the blocks we are editing marked green. Story I knew […]

EW21: Lesson 3: WiFi

Summary In lesson 3 we will add a task to manage the “Cloud”, this is IoT after all.  We will start by adding the connection to the WiFi network using the AnyCloud Wireless Connection Manager within ModusToolbox.  At the end of lesson three you will have the “Cloud Task” colored green – well actually partially […]

EW21: Lesson 4: MQTT

Summary In lesson 4 we will finish the cloud task by adding a connection to the MQTT broker.  Then I will make a very minor update to the CapSense and Joystick tasks to send their data to the Cloud.  At the end of this lesson you will have the Cloud truly colored green.  Here is […]