Secret New Chip Driving Motor

Embedded World 2017: The Top Secret New Chip as a Servo Motor Driver

Summary In this article I will take you through the firmware that I will be using to control the Robot Arm Servo Motors.  The Business Unit Manager is being a total pain the neck about letting me tell too much about his new product before the announcement at Embedded World next week.  He is from Indiana, […]

Embedded World 2017: PSoC Analog CoProcessor CapSense GUI

Summary I have been building up pieces of code that are going to allow me to show the PSoC Analog CoProcessor –> WICED WiFi –> Amazon IoT –> WICED WiFi –> Secret New Chip –> Robot Arm.   In the previous two articles (part1, part2) I have shown you how to build most of the WICED firmware. […]

ThingSoC: The TSoC GROVEY I2CHUB : I2C Hub/Switch

Pattern Agents are running a crowd funding effort for ThingSoC TSoC4L … help them here Summary One of the boards that the Pattern Agents guys sent me was a TSOC GROVEY I2CHUB : I2C Hub/Switch.  In this post I will take you through the process that I went through to evaluate the board and build an interface to the ThingSoc TSoC […]

Qinsi-QS5100 Sn63Pb37 Solder Profile

About 2 years ago, I bought a Qinsi QS5100 reflow oven from China via  My decision was based almost completely on the nice youtube video that Ian Lesnet from Dangerous Prototypes posted about his results.  After I got the oven, I successfully built a series of Physics Lab boards with it.  Then one day […]

Electronica 2016 – CY8CKIT-145 User Interface

I finally made it to Munich late yesterday afternoon… then I proceeded to turn my hotel room into an electronics lab as I frantically worked to finish everything for tomorrow.  Earlier this year I wrote a whole series of posts about the PSoC4000S & CY8CKIT-145 after the Embedded World show.  We finally have volume production […]