
As you might have noticed, last week I did a bunch of work creating a live streaming video series about PSoC 6.  You can find the recorded video here.  If you have been living under a bridge you might not know that PSoC 6 is the new Cypress PSoC.  It includes a dual ARM Cortex M4/M0+, a Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0 Radio, CapSense plus all of the other stuff that PSoC is known for.  The chip is super cool and has gotten everybody and their brother excited about the future.

PSoC 6 Introduction

# Title Comment
0 A Two Hour PSoC 6 Class An introduction to the PSoC 6 class with links to all of the documents
1 Resources Links to all of the Cypress PSoC 6 information including videos, application notes etc.
2 Your First Project Learn how to build a PSoC 6 project and program your CY8CKIT-062-BLE development kit
3 FreeRTOS and a Debugging UART Build a project using FreeRTOS including a debug console with the UART
4 CapSense Build a project using the Mutual Cap Buttons and Self Cap Slider
5 Bluetooth Low Energy Build a CapSense project using BLE and CySmart

Since I did the webinar several things have happened

  1. Lesson 4: I fixed an error in the stack size for FreeRTOS
  2. Lesson 5: The PSoC Creator BLE PDL has been upgraded to greatly simplify the notifyCapSense function

All of the projects are available at or

You will be seeing a bunch more from me using the CY8CKIT-062-BLE development kits.

PSoC 6 Webinar

Here are some behind the scenes pictures that were taken the day before and the day of the recording session.

In the studio on Wednesday night… why doesnt it work?

Getting Ready for the PSoC 6 Webinar

Yes, Mouser was sponsoring the event… thank you very much!

PSoC 6 and Mouser

Getting things setup the morning of the recording session.

The morning of the PSoC 6 Video Webinar

During the presentation (Im sure whatever I was saying was important)

Talking about PSoC 6

Some video taken from behind the scenes.

The Gospel of PSoC 6

The whole crew.  Thank you very much to Mouser and ON24.

The whole crew for the PSoC 6 Webinar

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