Mouser PSoC 6-WiFi-BT L3: Using the CY8CKIT-028-TFT Shield

Designing low-power, cloud-connected IoT devices with PSoC® 6 MCU’s and WICED® Wi-Fi/Bluetooth


In this lesson we will start making the game.  The first thing that it will need is a display and we will use the CY8CKIT-028-TFT.  In order to talk to the display we will use a library built into WICED called ugui.  That library needs a driver configuration which we will copy of out the code example we provide.  Finally we will start building a thread called the “GameThread” which will actually make up the game.

  1. Download CE222494_PSoC6_WICED_WiFi
  2. Copy the L2CapSense into L3CapSenseTft
  3. Copy cy_tft_display.c/h into the project
  4. Make a file GameThread.h
  5. Make a file GameThread.c
  6. Rename to be & Fix
  7. Update main.c
  8. Test

Download CE222494_PSoC6_WICED_WiFi

If you click on the CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT webpage you will find that there are a bunch of files which are associated with the development kit, including CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit Code

Download that folder, then copy the directory into your WICED Studio Apps/WStudio folder.

Once you do that it should look like this:

Copy L3CapSense into L3CapSenseTft

Now copy/paste the L2CapSense project into a new project called L3CapSenseTft

Copy cy_tft_display.c/h into the project

Open up the CE222494 code example directory and copy the two files cy_tft_display.c andcy_tft_display.c which are drivers for the ugui library and then paste them into your new project L3CapSenseTft.

Make a file GameThread.h

Create a new file called GamThread.h and a definition of the GameThread which will be used by the main.c to get the game thread going.

#pragma once
#include "wiced.h"

void gameThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg);

Make a file GameThread.c

Now create a file called GameThread.c it will have 5 functions.  Here is the whole file to make it simpler to copy and paste, but Ill explain each function one by one

#include "GameThread.h"

#include "cy_tft_display.h"

#define SCREEN_X (320)
#define SCREEN_Y (240)

static UG_GUI   gui;

// ARH Function to put text in the center of a point (UG_PutString does upper left)
static void UG_PutStringCenter(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t fontx, uint32_t fonty,char *string)
    y = y - fonty/2;
    x = x - (strlen(string)/2)*fontx;
        x = x - fontx/2;

// Display the splash screen
static void displaySplashScreen()
    UG_FontSelect( &FONT_22X36 );
    UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/5*3,22,36,"PSoC 6");
    UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/5*4,22,36,"WICED 4343");


// This function displays the start button message
static void displayStartButton()
    UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2 , SCREEN_Y - 30 ,12,22,  "Press B0 To Start");

// Display the Start Screen
static void  displayStartScreen()
    UG_FillScreen( C_BLACK );
    UG_FontSelect( &FONT_22X36 );
    UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/2 -2 - 18 ,22,36,"Ready");
    UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/2 + 2 + 18 ,22,36,"Player 1");

// Main game thread
void gameThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg)

    Cy_TFT_Init();                                             // Init the TFT
    UG_Init( &gui, Cy_TFT_displayDriver, SCREEN_X, SCREEN_Y ); // Connect the driver

    UG_FillScreen( C_BLACK );   // Clear the screen
    UG_SetBackcolor( C_BLACK );
    UG_SetForecolor( C_WHITE );



The main game thread function is: void gameThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg).  This function

  1. Initializes the TFT
  2. Initializes the UGUI library
  3. Clears the screen (by setting it all black)
  4. Sets the colors to draw white on black
  5. Displays the splash screen (which takes 2 seconds)
  6. Displays the start screen
  7. Waits until the end of time
// Main game thread
void gameThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg)

    Cy_TFT_Init();                                             // Init the TFT
    UG_Init( &gui, Cy_TFT_displayDriver, SCREEN_X, SCREEN_Y ); // Connect the driver

    UG_FillScreen( C_BLACK );   // Clear the screen
    UG_SetBackcolor( C_BLACK );
    UG_SetForecolor( C_WHITE );



The function displaySplashScreen simply sets the font, then draws 4 text strings, then waits for a few seconds… then moves on

// Display the splash screen
static void displaySplashScreen()
    UG_FontSelect( &FONT_22X36 );
    UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/5*3,22,36,"PSoC 6");
    UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/5*4,22,36,"WICED 4343");


The displayStartScreen put the “Ready Player 1 on the screen” and then tells the user to press the B0 to start the game.

// This function displays the start button message
static void displayStartButton()
    UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2 , SCREEN_Y - 30 ,12,22,  "Press B0 To Start");

// Display the Start Screen
static void  displayStartScreen()
    UG_FillScreen( C_BLACK );
    UG_FontSelect( &FONT_22X36 );
    UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/2 -2 - 18 ,22,36,"Ready");
    UG_PutStringCenter(SCREEN_X/2,SCREEN_Y/2 + 2 + 18 ,22,36,"Player 1");

The U8G_PutString function uses coordinates x and y to set the upper left of the text.  For formatting purposes it is easier for me to think about the middle of the string.  This function just calculates the upper left (x,y) given the middle center (x,y).  To do this you need to also know the (x,y) size of the font.

static void UG_PutStringCenter(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t fontx, uint32_t fonty,char *string)

// ARH Function to put text in the center of a point (UG_PutString does upper left)
static void UG_PutStringCenter(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t fontx, uint32_t fonty,char *string)
    y = y - fonty/2;
    x = x - (strlen(string)/2)*fontx;
        x = x - fontx/2;

Rename to be & Fix

To make this build we need to modify the makefile to know about the new thread as well as the tft driver.  In addition we need to tell the linker to link with the graphics library.

NAME := App_WStudio_L3CapSenseTft

$(NAME)_SOURCES := 	main.c \
				CapSenseThread.c \
				GameThread.c \

$(NAME)_COMPONENTS := graphics/ugui

Update main.c

In main.c I will:

  1. Include the GameThread.h
  2. Add a variable to hold the gameThreadHandle
  3. Then start the gameThread
#include "wiced.h"
#include "CapSenseThread.h"
#include "GameThread.h"

 *                      Macros

 *                    Constants

 *                   Enumerations

 *                 Type Definitions

 *                    Structures

 *               Static Function Declarations

 *               Variable Definitions

wiced_thread_t blinkThreadHandle;
wiced_thread_t capSenseThreadHandle;
wiced_thread_t gameThreadHandle;

 *               Function Definitions
void pdlBlinkThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg)

void application_start( )
    WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Started Application\n"));
    wiced_rtos_create_thread(&blinkThreadHandle,7,"Blink Thread",pdlBlinkThread,500,0);
    wiced_rtos_create_thread(&capSenseThreadHandle,7,"CapSense Thread",capSenseThread,1024,0);
    wiced_rtos_create_thread(&gameThreadHandle,7,"game Thread",gameThread,4096,0);



Now it is ready to test.  So create a Make Target, then Build and Program.  Hopefully you are now Ready Player 1.


Mouser PSoC 6-WiFi-BT L2 : WICED Studio & CapSense

Designing low-power, cloud-connected IoT devices with PSoC® 6 MCU’s and WICED® Wi-Fi/Bluetooth


In this lesson we will build your first WICED Studio project (the blinking LED)  and make sure that you can program the development kit.  Then we will update the project to include a thread for managing the CapSense block.  This thread will be carried into the other projects.

To implement this lesson I will follow these steps:

  1. Start WICED Studio 6.2
  2. Select 43xxx
  3. Create a folder called L2CapSense
  4. Create main.c and build a blinking LED thread
  5. Create
  6. Create a make target
  7. Build Program and test it
  8. Create CapSenseThread.c
  9. Create CapSenseThread.h
  10. Update main.c
  11. Update the makefile
  12. Build Program and Test

Create the L2CapSense Folder

Create main.c

Right click on the folder and create a new file.  Name it L2CapSense

Insert the blinking LED code into main.c

#include "wiced.h"

 *                      Macros

 *                    Constants

 *                   Enumerations

 *                 Type Definitions

 *                    Structures

 *               Static Function Declarations

 *               Variable Definitions

wiced_thread_t blinkThreadHandle;

 *               Function Definitions
void pdlBlinkThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg)

void application_start( )
    WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Started Application\n"));
    wiced_rtos_create_thread(&blinkThreadHandle,7,"Blink Thread",pdlBlinkThread,500,0);


Create a makefile called

Put the build information into the

NAME := App_WStudio_L2CapSense

$(NAME)_SOURCES := 	main.c

Create a Make Target to run the project

Build and Test the Blinking LED

Create/Edit a File called CapSenseThread.c

#include "wiced.h"

void capSenseThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg)


                WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Button 0 Active\n"));

                WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Button 1 Active\n"));

            uint32_t val = CapSense_GetCentroidPos(CapSense_LINEARSLIDER0_WDGT_ID);
            if(val < 0xFFFF)
                WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Slider = %d\n",(int)val));

        wiced_rtos_delay_milliseconds(25); // Poll every 25ms (actual scan time ~8ms)

Create/Edit a File Called CapSenseThread.h

#pragma once
#include "wiced.h"
void capSenseThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg);

Update main.c

#include "wiced.h"
#include "CapSenseThread.h"

Add a variable to hold the handle for the capSenseThread at the top of main.c

wiced_thread_t capSenseThreadHandle;

Update the main function to start the CapSenseThread

void application_start( )
    WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Started Application\n"));
    wiced_rtos_create_thread(&blinkThreadHandle,7,"Blink Thread",pdlBlinkThread,500,0);
    wiced_rtos_create_thread(&capSenseThreadHandle,7,"CapSense Thread",capSenseThread,1024,0);


Update the

NAME := App_WStudio_L2CapSense

$(NAME)_SOURCES := 	main.c \

Build, Program and Test the CapSenseThread



Mouser PSoC 6-WiFi-BT L1 : Developer Resources

Designing low-power, cloud-connected IoT devices with PSoC® 6 MCU’s and WICED® Wi-Fi/Bluetooth


This is an index of links to all of the PSoC 6 & CYW4343W learning resources.  You can click the links to go the website or see screen captures of the resources.

  1. PSoC 6 Product Page
  2. WiFi + Bluetooth Combo Product Page
  3. PSoC 6 Documentation
  4. PSoC 6 Community
  5. Wireless Combo Community
  6. CY8CKIT-062-BT-WiFi Development Kit Product Page
  7. CY8CKIT-062-BT-WiFi Development Kit Guide
  8. PSoC 6 Datasheet
  9. CYW4343W Datasheet
  10. PSoC 6 Technical Reference Manuals
  11. PSoC 6 Application Notes
  12. WiFi + Bluetooth Combo Application Notes
  13. PSoC 6 Code Examples
  14. Video Tutorials
  15. PSoC 6 Knowledge Base
  16. Peripheral Driver Library Documentation (Doxygen)
  17. WICED Documentation

PSoC 6 Product Page

You can find the PSoC 6 Product landing page for PSoC 6 here

WiFi + Bluetooth Combo Page

PSoC 6 Documentation

On the PSoC 6 Product Landing page there is a documentation tab that has links to all of the current documentation.

PSoC 6 Community

Cypress has an active development community and forum.  It can be found here.

Wireless WiFi + Bluetooth Combo Community

CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT Development Kit Web Page

Every Cypress development kit has a web page that contains all of the information about it, including links to the documentation and store.  The CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT kit page is here.

CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT Development Kit Guide

You can find the development kit guide here.


PSoC 6 Datasheet

The PSoC 6 Datasheet is available on here.


CYW4343W Datasheet

The CYW4343W datasheet can be found here.

PSoC 6 Technical Reference Manual

Each of the PSoC 6 devices has a lengthy discussion of the Technical Resources.  These documents can be found here

PSoC 6 Application Notes

You can get them all on our website… here is a link to the filtered list of PSoC 6 Application Notes.

The best application note is always the “Getting Started”.  In this case it is AN210781 “Getting Started with PSoC 6 MCU with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Connectivity”

WiFi + Bluetooth Combo Application Notes

Here is a link to all of the WiFI Bluetooth Combo Application Notes.

PSoC 6 Code Examples

You can find all of the PSoC 6 code examples on the web.  In addition they are built into PSoC Creator.

Or in PSoC Creator:


Cypress has made a bunch of videos that take you step by step through an introduction to PSoC 6.  You can find them on the Cypress training website.

PSoC 6 Knowledge Base

The Cypress technical support team writes “Knowledge Base” articles when there are repeated issues reported by customers.  You can find them here.

Peripheral Driver Library Documentation (Doxygen)

All of the APIs in the PDL are documented in a Doxygen generated HTML document.  You can get there from

  • Help -> Peripheral Driver Library (this link is live only when you have a PSoC 6 project open)
  • Right click on a component -> Open PDL Documentation

Mouser PSoC 6-WiFi-BT L0 : Designing low-power, cloud-connected IoT devices with PSoC® 6 MCU’s and WICED® Wi-Fi/Bluetooth


Hello everyone.  This is lesson 0 of a series of 9 lessons about creating applications for the Cypress CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BLE development kit.  The marketing guys call the class “Designing low-power, cloud-connected IoT devices with PSoC® 6 MCU’s and WICED® Wi-Fi/Bluetooth” … which although a really long name, is a good description of what we are going to do.

What I will do today is take you lesson by lesson through the class and talk about how it all works and what you need to do.  When I built the class it was absolutely my goal to have every button click and line of code described.  That being said,  it is likely that I made some errors.  So, during the class you will be able to send messages to my team who will answer the questions, or ask me and Ill answer live.  If you missed the class, that’s OK, you will be able to watch it on replay.  In addition if you have a question after the live stream is over, leave a comment here and Ill answer.

I will attempt to go slowly enough for you to follow along, but if I go to fast, don’t worry you should be able to follow along with the instructions on this website.

Todays virtual workshop is going to go like this.  Every lesson will have this table in it and you will be able to click to the right place.

Designing low-power, cloud-connected IoT devices with PSoC® 6 MCU’s and WICED® Wi-Fi/Bluetooth

You will need a few things for this class:

  • CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT
  • WICED Studio 6.2
  • CySmart or LightBlue a BLE
  • GoBle an iOS Remote Control App
  • An Amazon AWS IoT Account
  • A WiFi Access Point connected to the Internet


All of the projects in this series of lesson will be built to be programmed onto a CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT.  You can get the development kit from Mouser.  This development kit has a bunch of cool stuff including

  • PSoC 6 – The lowest power, most secure MCU for the IoT
  • CYW4343W – A WICED WiFi Bluetooth Combo Radio
  • S25FL512SAGMFI011 – A Cypress 512Mb Quad SPI Flash
  • CCG2 – A Cypress Type C Controller to manage Power

The CY8CKIT-028-TFT a full color 320×240 TFT display with an ST7789S display controller.

Here is the whole thing together

WICED Studio 6.2

This class is build around WICED Studio 6.2, the Cypress IDE built on top of Eclipse.  WICED Studio has all of the tools, examples and SDKs to build projects for the Cypress WICED Bluetooth and WiFi products.  We support Windows, Mac and Linux and you can download it from our community website: (which I hope you have done by now)

CySmart or LightBlue a BLE

CySmart is a BLE GATT Browser which you can get from the iOS App store or the Google Play store



GoBle an iOS Remote Control App

GoBle is a Robot Remote Control App which can be downloaded from the iOS App Store.

An Amazon AWS IoT Account

In order to connect Amazon AWS IoT you will need to create an Amazon AWS Account.  It is essentially free to test you simple applications (obviously there are fees if you deploy many devices)


Mouser Video Training Workshop – October 24

On October 24, I will be teaching a Mouser video training workshop … live streaming on the internet.  The workshop will be about PSoC, WICED, WiFi and Bluetooth.  I am going to show PSoC Creator, WICED Studio and Cypress’s new development tool Modus Toolbox.

You can register for the workshop at this link.

I am going to build the whole class around the CY8CKIT-062-BLE-WiFi Development Kit.  You can get the devlopment kit from Mouser.

Here is the introduction: