Pinball: Driving the OLED using the U8G2 Library

In the previous Pinball post, I wrote about getting the OLED going and getting the footprint onto my printed circuit board.  Now I need to make PSoC firmware to drive the display.  I turns out that there are a number of different driver chips out there including at least SSD1306, SH1106, LD7032, SSD1325, and ST7920 that […]

MBED OS & PSoC 6 & SSD1306

Summary As I wrote about in the last article I have been working to get ready for Embedded World 2019 in a week and a bit.  For my demo, I will be handing out remote controls that have a 128×64 monochrome OLED display that is driven by an I2C SSD1306.  This whole board is controlled […]

PSoC 6, FreeRTOS & SSD1306 OLED Display

Summary This week I have been working with my friend Hassane El Khoury on his hobby project which has the SSD1306 in it. [if you want to know more about the project, leave a comment and maybe he will answer the question].  I have been helping him get a number of things going including this display […]

ThingSoC: Four I2C OLED Displays with PSoC4L

Pattern Agents are running a crowd funding effort for ThingSoC TSoC4L … help them here Summary In the previous ThingSoC post I took you through building the firmware to make the PSoC4L drive the ThingSoC I2C hub.  Now what?  When originally looking around I saw a picture with 4x LCDs connected to the I2C hub, which I […]

Pinball: Testing the Eagle PCB

Summary In the previous post I talked about my process for assembling the Pinball PCB.  In this post I will take you through all of the steps that I took while testing the Eagle PCB functionality.  I have not yet written the full Pinball game firmware, so I used a small test program, an Oscilloscope […]