This page is a consolidated list of requests that I have gotten from readers with specific requests for article topics. You are welcome to make comments on this page and I will add it to my todo list.
ToDo Requests:
- Use the USB Bulk Endpoint in a PSOC5 (or PSoC4)
- Modify the STDOUT work to include STDIN and STDERR – specifically using sscanf
- Copy my template with FreeRTOS
- Port uCOS to PSoC
- Use DMA with I2C and FAT SL
- Make a >2s delay with deep sleep and the WDT in the PSoC4200M
- Create a UART/DMA for Tracealyzer on PSoC 6
- Explain “volatile” in detail
- Fix the PSoC 6 Task Priority
- Make a WICED Ethernet Example